Originally, from Buffalo, NY. Now, living in the other "Queen City" Charlotte, NC. Im a real laid back dude. Click Here To Get My Custom I still handle my business. When it needs to be handled. DA G.O.AT. ENTERPRISES is my entrepenueral vision. I have many interest, residential real estate, club entertainment, website design, and graphics/. Give me a call at the number below if, u are looking to get a website created for your business, flyers for events and any other graphics work. If you have some of the same interests. Hit me up and we can throw around some ideas and see what sticks. If your a female and interested in hollering at me. Please, be at least somewhat attractive. Im not superficial, so I need more than good looks.style="position:absolute;..;left:0px;top:0px;width:150
px;height:26px;"I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!