!,./KeavyMetal!,./ profile picture


i was told get a life...so i took one. yours is next!

About Me

Imma die hard Cardinals fan. Ten time world champions. Here's the last out of the 2006 World Championship.
Purchase "Amnie Nation-No Freedom to Die" full length debute album on STLKG Records for only six dollars through pay pal.click buy now.if other payment methods are desired please contact me with details.
The first buddy in my top 8 is the record label I own so go and check out the music i've made! STLKG Records!
I'm straight.I'm not sexualy active at the moment.I don't use drugs.I do drink.I've never had a std.I'm single.And i don't mind any of it.I'm a very open person.a bit crazy.being that i'm an open person i change my mind more then regular people?I struggled with severe depression for years but now i love my life and ussually am flying pretty high.for people who are depressed i say get hobbies, have pride in everything you do, some people shouldn't use drugs (some people need too) and be a strong enough person too do things the way you think is right.you're your own worse enemy.but, i'm not your physcotherapist so piss off!haha.
"he just kept pushing on, even though he was barely alive" now the world is mine.
i sit around and make music.and make myspace pages.(my life is awesome).i've around twenty of them.for all my different bands.i play an epiphone by gibson 6 string electric, an esteban series 6 string accoustic, an ibanez bass, a roland keyboard, and osp seven piece drums.i also have a marshall half stack amp. i bought it all myself after cooking about a hundred gazillion meals in my life.from steakhouse too steakhouse too steakhouse and then back again.well actually the gibson was bought for me by my ex girl friend. but anyways...
i've never met anyone that likes a broader range of music then me. if you're judgemental of peoples music taste you wont like mine. i like black metal, grindcore, emo rock, punk rock, classical, rap, hip hop, radio rock, reggae, even some country. and pretty much anything in between.there are some exceptions.
i'm a very bad speller.i don't care.as you can see.
when i was young i played sports everyday with my friends.i got a little bit older i got drunk and high everyday with my friends.now i sit at home and do as i said.it's fine by me.and of course it's fine by you also;)
the only thing that offends me is people getting offended...my toys!...
here's some of my bands...
you deffinitly wanna check out these rad magazines for a dollar!
issue 1-16 is still available for only 1$ each
Defiance of Gothic Nirvana X
Nocturnal Productions P.O. Box 771142 St. Louis, Mo 63177 United States Of America
i sometimes post crazy bulletons...i will say wat i want.i want to humor myself.you might bann me.you might even press charges! but.... i love you.
love is the mega drug.we are all addicts in some form.
dead kennedys!
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another rancid..who's better? all around...
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the frankenhookers own the planet and the pubes own the universe.

I'm 23 year old cook from high ridge. I worked at fenton ponderosa for a tottal of three and a half years with time in between me working their while i worked at outback and then applebee's and a few one month jobs after that. Just about the whole time i've been a cook sept a waited tables at pondo not many times and was a waitor at a retirement home. I took like two years off work after apple bee's. It was a great time and would recomend that people take a long break and enjoy free time while you are young. No hurry to slave life away. i just filed for unemployment since ponderosa shut down on 6/6/6. i just baught a bass guitar big ass guitar amp and lasik eye surgery. now i'm just waiting till november when i can drive again to get a car. I'm thinking about getting my ged and going back to school to become a mortician but only time will tell, it allways seems like every job that i cud study for, there's a low limit on positions for that job.
When i get home from work i'm on the computer and also watching cnn ussually or some crime stories shit. Lately i've been listening to just black metal and a little bit of indie rock. Band practice has switched from death metal to black metal and it tottaly kills. I've not been doing anything musically lately other then band practice because i can't record anything at the moment. So all my solo projects and studio projects are delayed. I go to some concerts and hang out sometimes and drink, Not everyday like i used to though. It's cool to stay home now and imma start lifting weights again asap. I lost twenty something pounds in a month back at pondorossa.
Baseball is my favorite sport and hockey next. I've not watched hardly any hockey games and all of a sudden i see the blues in last place. fuck that. But when i was on my extended vacation i watched damn near every friggin game. Prolly wont now since i'm back to work, that's if i stay on night shift. but now i'm back unemployed and just files for unemployment so hell yeah.
Other then that i can't waite to get a car because there's alot of shit i need to get done. Maybe i'll find a chick i wanna hang out with also, but i'm having my doubts. Gotta get my gun and head out to the shooting range and also get all my music supplies and print some shit up...alone or not. I'm single and not hunting because i'm not worried about it and i prefer to be single right now. untill some chick comes around that i really like cause i don't even care or try to get laid.
I go through my stages sometimes i'm talkative and sometimes silent and sometimes i can't shut up. I've lost a few or more jobs over it and it could possably be a problem but i see to it that it's not. when i get home i'm pretty quite and reserved and i hate talking on the phone unless there's a purpose. The computer is most of my free time surfing, talking to buddies, doing my websites, downloading, etc. The computer is one of the best things to happen to me. Sports when i was younger then music and computer saved my life, if i'm bored and nothing to do i get severe depression. haven't had it in years but it was bad.
I like weapons and am starting to collect but have alot of other shit to buy. I like to keep my house safe and also weapons are cool decorations. My house is very comfertable and we are getting rid of the last of our carpet in place of tile....too many tvs to count, hot tub, fire place, finishing basement everything looks nice, sept for my dissaster of a room which has my clothes on the floor since my closet is stuffed with my big ass guitar amp. I live with my parents and sister and we got a little mut dog named mckenzie. she bites sometimes so don't touch her. My favorite food is nachos and pasta. favorite drink is whiskey with dr. pepper. other then that cherry limeaids. Dunno if i'll have kids because they're too expensive and i want to spend all my money on me. There's alot of cool shit to do with kids in and around st. louis but i would only wants kids part time and they're deffinitly a full time job. Besides i'm not sure i'll even get married or even move out of my parents house, ever. right now i would rather stay here even if rent was free because i was offered. When i'm ready to move out i wanna stay in this area for many reasons.
Musically i've done so many styles and find it amuzing to do as many styles as possable. I think my greatest talent is in my keyboard/piano. I've never taked lessons and i don't practice much at all but love to sit down and play classical music for an hour or more at a time. Guitar i've had to work at more and can do some bad ass shit on guitar with the right gear but i still have so far to go on it. As far as vocals i think i suck mostly...my death metal vocals are poor, black metal vocals are average at best and singing is laughable at times. It's hard to believe that voice training is vital but it is because i've progressed a bit just don't practice enough i guess. I like to sing though. Drums i don't get to play ever but i can play some drums. I'm way too wild and unsteady on them because i don't have drums and don't play them at band practice either. Drum programing has come a far ways for me but i burnt myself out on it through all my drum machine projects. Writting lyrics is a good way to express and filter and i go through my spurts, i think my lyrics are good they just don't allways sound great.
All my other hobbies crashed and burned, my skateboard broke and i suck horribly, i through my bike into the woods along time ago, don't play nintendo no more. As far as friends go i still have some friends left but i stay home alot now as opposed to never being home. no shame in that.....enough for now read my blogs they're more interesting.
below is the kings of metal....manowar
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below are the kings of rock.....Creedence Clearwater Revival!
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My Interests

making music, listening to music, sports, computer
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she wants revenge-tear you apart
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Harkonin covering darkthrone
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I'd like to meet:

this hottie or any one uglier

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stop christian supremacy, right wing republicans, and cencorship!
bash the eagle forum, tipper gore, richard held, phyllis schlafly, donald wildmon, james and susan baker, religious right, parents music resource center, missouri project rock, gene dickson, shirly marvin, and focus on the family.
don't be a muppet.these people are deranged, over dramatic, and way too powerfull of people.consider the list a hit list.those people are very outrageous in their ideas and more importantly their actions.
on the same note
it seems the afa (american family association) is so darn concerned with fighting homosexuality, making sure christianity isn't mocked, and making sure terrible words like the "s" word (shit) doesn't get heard on tv...that they're using our tax dollars to fund such an orginazation. well here's the link to the press release go fancy a look and find me one thing that's worth while for their belly aching:| after all it's freedom of religion and speach why can't we mock christ on the television etc. maybe we don't believe. you can also subscribe to the press release list too see all future outlandish attempts at cencoring the world of it's forbiden fruits
now here's the link send hate mailhttp://media.afa.net/newdesign/default.asp


I own my own record label STLKG Records ....theres a link for all my music projects that i have, and one other band that is signed to the record label. Hopefully there is something for every one for my music varies a great deal. as far as the music i listen to...mainly black metal and sometimes thrash, punk, and other random genres. check out some of my music through STLKG Records myspace located in my top 1.

below is the most blasphemous band in the world...typhus
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Below is our video for "Pants Shitting Hippie" by M6er's


the crow, beavis n butthead, southpark, tommy boy, faces of death, 8 mile, american history x,..........i dont like movies very much, my attention span dosent allow me to focus for that long


Game Code 4 your page


sports, news, comedy, ...shows that tell true stories, basically NOT sitcoms, not soaps, and not talk shows


ahahaha, FUCK NO......theres not a chance of me reading a book, my attention span wudnt get me into the second page.i'm lucky to read my buddies zine articles and interviews. ..This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5


my parents.....of course....couldn't ask for better parents BECAUSE they've given me every shot at succeeding in life and have said they'll love me no matter what....haha...

i was a baby once...

My Blog

this week in baseball....

hey the ducks just beat the senators t be nhl stanley cup champions and the spurs are about to beat the cavs to be nba champs and that's all great congrats, but imma BASEBALL guy so here's some thoug...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 09:24:00 PST

my garden....plus taliban bread....

damb.it's pumpkin bread made by the taliban.hella good.tomatoes are starting to sprout and one zucchini.lots of male flowers are blooming and only one female.females grow the zucchini.i gotta cross po...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 02:12:00 PST

stolen from an african land....

G8 leaders strike deal on Africa pledge: diplomatReuters - 36 minutes ago HEILIGENDAMM, Germany (Reuters) - World leaders meeting in Germany turned their attention to Africa on Friday, agreeing a $60 ...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 02:11:00 PST

Pull the plug on N.A.S.A.

listen, we all may have to pay taxes here in america and rightfully so with all of the federal aide programs...but one thing we don't have to do is sit and quietly while the government decides what to...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Tue, 29 May 2007 12:24:00 PST

Pull the plug on N.A.S.A.

listen, we all may have to pay taxes here in america and rightfully so with all of the federal aide programs...but one thing we don't have to do is sit and quietly while the government decides what to...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Tue, 29 May 2007 12:24:00 PST

i'm life

for any one that reads this after me for anyone that lives this test and is controlled by this destiny and is haunted in your foot steps day by day. the unknowing. the tempted. the punished. the mo...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Sat, 26 May 2007 01:54:00 PST

are rule breakers meant to be punished?

are rule breakers meant to be punished?? Ok, so you know the old saying that rules are made to be broken. Well this saying fits in perfectly in the following situation. I will try to with hold from ...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Sun, 20 May 2007 08:17:00 PST

me and what army?

here we are in a country where the public conception is that the american budget is never ending and that we would never fall short of having enough willing men to fight and protect. well the truth i...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Fri, 18 May 2007 09:16:00 PST

trillions vs millions...

http://www.costofwar.comyou can check that site out it's pretty neat. feel free to research your self but i've saw from a number of sources that the number is closing in on a half trillion dollars and...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Thu, 17 May 2007 02:33:00 PST

leveling with war supporters

i need not say that there's a problem in the middle east that's more than obvious. however, it's just a matter of opinion whether you think we focus on our nation or help theirs. the threat of being a...
Posted by !,./KeavyMetal!,./ on Fri, 04 May 2007 09:53:00 PST