wala man koy mga interest oi...
kadali lang ha!!!kinsa may gusto nako ma meet oi... ahhh! kabalo na ko... i'd like to meet people that are not PLASTIC (ie. plastic bag, plastic spoon & fork, & etch..) bwahahaha
mu·sic = The art of arranging sounds in time so as to produce a continuous, unified, and evocative composition, as through melody, harmony, rhythm, and timbre.
mov·ie = A sequence of photographs projected onto a screen with sufficient rapidity as to create the illusion of motion and continuity.
tel·e·vi·sion = The transmission of visual images of moving and stationary objects, generally with accompanying sound, as electromagnetic waves and the reconversion of received waves into visual images.
book = A set of written, printed, or blank pages fastened along one side and encased between protective covers.
he·ro = In mythology and legend, a man, often of divine ancestry, who is endowed with great courage and strength, celebrated for his bold exploits, and favored by the gods.