Mrs. White profile picture

Mrs. White

Number 1 in tha hood, G.

About Me

Hi,my name is Elle, and I pwn Steveregularly.
Alrighty, kids. Here itgoes:
I've made some changes in mylife, hoping to better it. It's kind oflike this: if you waste my life withyour excessive drama, I'll cut youoff. I don't have time for you, oryour issues. If you want only sex,look somewhere else; I have afiancée, thank you. As a matter offact, I often just refer to him as myhusband, and I'm the wife, as itwere. Our marriage is set for 05May, 2007, barring no conflictsshould arise. If you'd like to bekept up to date, please feel free toaddthe MySpace site we've created todocument our wedding. Steve andI live happily in Houston, in ourlarge apartment, inside the theloop, in the medical center, withour great roommate, Patrick...who, coincidently, is an almostexact copy of Steve inmannerisms and interests. Ourhouse is almost ALWAYS a mess.We welcome company, but don'texpect celebrity treatment... or aplace to sit. No, it's not THAT bad,usually. More about us, though.We call ourselves the creepyrodent couple. We have 2 guineapigs (a long haired named Spike,and a short hair named Shank--he's got a torn ear), 1 blue hooded rat(Melissa Rivers), and 1 black hooded rat (Elizabeth Taylor). Ok, enoughabout Steve & I and ourpets...
Moving on...I don't have time forpeople who don't care to makemeaningful connections. Don'tthink I'm horribly boring and haveno friends; I've just become a bitmore picky when it comes topeople I spend my day-to-day lifewith.
A little more about me, though...I'm kinda freakishly tall for a chica(a tad under 6'...about .25in under,that is), and I like tall folks. I can'treally stand women, unless they'rein a different part of the country.I'm a conservative Republican; Iwas a member of the charterYoung Republicans Club in highschool; I campaigned for GeorgeW.; I attended the inauguration.Political discussions tend to makeme dislike people, because I findthat most people are uneducatedfor such discussion. If you havedifferent view points, that's fine. Iwon't impose mine on you, andwould hope you'd not imposeyours on me. I have what mostwould call a major flaw in that Ihave... wait, let me make thisclear... very little racialtolerance. Don't get mewrong; I have friends of all races.It's when you turn into a cliche,stereotyped person that I havezero-tolerance.
My fiancée thinks I'm going to hellbecause I'm racist. I don't see itthat way at all; I hate everyoneequally!
Here's something really close tomy heart: Support our troops. Youknow, it's like this... even if youdon't love/like our President, youhave no right to hate the men andwomen who fight to keep thisnation free of terrorism and free ingeneral. Whether you support thewar in Iraq or not, you have noright to hope they die or getinjured. Our troops, as loyalmembers of their services, areonly doing what they've been toldto do. Men and woman, ourbrothers, sisters, mothers,fathers, friends, andacquaintances put their life on theline every day to allow youthat freedom to send ill wishestheir way.
Remember this:
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13
AOLIM: seanc0dyd0tc0m
Email: [email protected]
Oh, and while you're here, whydon't you add my oh-so-darlingfiancée? Click here to do it!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


What's On Notice?
People who take 400 pictures of themselves in similar poses
Fat people who take nude pictures
Global Warming
People with bleached white-blonde hair
Sweater vests
Screaming children
Ann Coulter
The Toronto Raptors and their Mascot
Britney Spears
Chuck Palahniuk
Whoever decided Pluto wasn't a planet
The US Postal Service
Michael Moore
Martha Stewart
Rachael Ray
Sarah Silverman
Conversation hearts
Bobby Trendy...look, your 15 minutes are over. Die!
Geico's ridiculously low car insurance rates in Texas

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The Steven Give me lovins!
Hi, my name is Elle, and I'm a 22 year old University of Houston graduate. I graudated this spring, with a BA in English and a minor in psychology. I'm married to a wonderful man named Steven, and we were married on 5 May, 2007, in front of lots of our wonderful friends and family!

Steve & I live in a townhouse, with our roommate, Patrick, here in Bellaire, Houston, and we're very eager to get out. Living so close to downtown has quickly lost its charm. We're hoping to move to the south side of town when our lease is up, around the end of May.

To sum it up quickly, I pretty much have no life at all right now. I'm working on starting a career and lookind for a new apartment. But, assuming I have a free moment, you can probably find me behind one of my toys, wasting my time doing things like writing excessively long introductory paragraphs. I love my pwnderful Dell XPS, my bitchin' Fujitsu LifeBook, and I couldn't live without my SideKick.

My husband works nights, for Home Depot, so I have a lot of alone time at night. To pass the time, I watch tons of cartoons, mostly Futurama & Family Guy, and I play theSims2 an unhealthy amount. In my defense, though, I don't play nearly

as much as Steven & Patrick play the life draining waste that is WoW. At this point in my life, I find it more exciting to live vicariously through simulated humans than to spend time trying to make friends with people for real. I also enjoy taking silly self-pictures

of myself. I'm sure you'll get to enjoy plenty of those if you truly know me.
If you've gotten this far, and you still want to add me, you need my last name or email address. If you don't know my last name, here's my email:
[email protected]


→the Breakfast Club
→Harold & Kumar Go to WhiteCastle
→the Phantom of the Opera
→Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
→American Beauty


OK, I have a HIGHLY scheduled television programming regimine... SO GET A PENCIL AND PAPER!
→8am-1pm: LifeTime for the Golden Girls, and "Long-since-been-solved Mysteries"
→1pm-8pm: Nickelodeon for Cartoons, then, same channel but slight name change...
→8pm-8am: Nick at Night coz I LOVE the Cosby Show and Roseanne and stuff!


→Animal Farm
→Lovely Bones
→Brave New World
→Farenheit 451


I love:
→my mommy
→my daddy
→my president

My Blog

Only SIX more months to go!

Alrighty, guys, I can barely believe it myself. There're only 6 months, as of yesterday (Sunday, 5-Nov-2006), to go 'til our wedding.I'm tellin' ya', it seems like yesterday that this all started!.. I...
Posted by Mrs. White on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 08:43:00 PST

Doing my part in the race against idiots.

Repost this, anyone who can. It could make a world of difference if enough of us do. Regardless, here is the repost: ___________________________________________ Last night, I learned that Chris Bowers...
Posted by Mrs. White on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 07:31:00 PST

Just say no to Rick Perry...(and Carol Keeton Strayhorn, and Chris Bell)

Allow me to first say, I in NO way, shape, or form endorse Carol Keeton Strayhorn.This video is great and oh so true. Rick Perry is a theif and a complete idiot. As Texans, we need to vote him out of...
Posted by Mrs. White on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:40:00 PST

"Inconvenient Truths" for Liberals

Credit goes to John Hawkins for this. His information is at the bottom of this entry.  All of this is spot on, save for his rant about evolution.  Evolution definitely exists, I believe that...
Posted by Mrs. White on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 10:13:00 PST

Here's to you, Mr. Thomas Ira Gray, Jr.

Thomas I. Gray, Jr. SANTA FE - Mr. Thomas Ira Gray, Jr., passed from this life Friday morning, September 29, 2006.Born December 4, 1918 in Blytheville, Arkansas, Mr. Gray had been a resident of Santa ...
Posted by Mrs. White on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 04:38:00 PST

Katrina Evacuees Slay Houstonian.

"HOUSTON -- Three people have been charged in connection with a man's shooting death at a southwest Houston car wash, officials told KPRC Local 2.Officials said Joseph Wilson, 18, has been charged wit...
Posted by Mrs. White on Wed, 16 Aug 2006 12:31:00 PST

Surgery Incision Photos and then Engagement Ring Photos!

Ok, so this is my incision close up. It's right under my boobs, and it looks like an UNsmiley face:This is a picture with my hands, so you can kind of gauge the size of it against something:Now, as so...
Posted by Mrs. White on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 10:31:00 PST

ABC 13: "Local apartment owners are angry over the mess they says Katrina evacuees left behind"

"We want to be clear from the start -- this story does not reflect every Katrina evacuee who came to Houston. Most are good, respectful, law-abiding citizens. But apartment owners say many others have...
Posted by Mrs. White on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 08:49:00 PST

Predictive Text.

This is completely random and otherwise useless, but it's something that I was thinking about today. I thought I'd share it with you, so you can have a laughskie at what I think about from time to tim...
Posted by Mrs. White on Sun, 30 Jul 2006 04:26:00 PST

An Examination of Stupidity on MySpace: MySpace is NOT Life Changing; Get Over It!

What you are about to read has come from some bulletins today. I find it highly amusing that people think that MySpace is life-changing/threatening. It's cute. Wait, no, I meant sad... very sad. So, i...
Posted by Mrs. White on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 05:48:00 PST