Matt The Cat profile picture

Matt The Cat

Rock n' Roll, Rhythm & Soul!

About Me

Check out On the radio, I'm known as Matt The Cat, but in my personal life, I'm called everything from Matty to Koko. Don't ask. I dig independent thinkers who march to their own drum. We have enough monophonic morons watching TV right now. Mediocre just doesn't cut it anymore. Am I interesting? Well, I think so. I have a huge, great music collection that consists mostly of vinyl LPs and 45s, so I'm always listening to something. Recently, I started trying to restore old victrolas from the 1920s and old radios from the '20s to the '40s. I want to learn another skill just in case this DJing thing doesn't work out. MyGen Profile Generator }table table table td { filter:alpha(opacity=80); -moz-opacity:0.80; opacity:0.80; -khtml-opacity:0.80; } table table table table td {filter:none;}.mygen { Miscellaneous Properties } img { filter:none;} a:link img { filter:none;} a:hover img { filter:Alpha(Opacity=100, FinishOpacity=0, Style=2, StartX=20, StartY=40, FinishX=0, FinishY=0);} tr {background:transparent;} body table div font a, body table div div {visbility:hidden;} body table table div font a, body table table div div {visibility:visible;} MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Record Collecting, Red Sox Baseball, indie films, music history, history history.

I'd like to meet:

Record Collector FREAKS! Music FREAKS! Freak FREAKS!


Tom Waits, Ryan Adams, Death Cab For Cutie, Dylan, Stones, Elvis (Presley & Costello), Faces, Zombies, Van Morrison, soul, Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, Solomon Burke, Wilson Pickett, Don Covay, Jackie Wilson, Clyde McPhatter, The Dominoes, Buddy Holly, Warren Smith, Carl Perkins, Sonny Burges, Fats Domino, Dion DiMucci, The Checkers, Doo Wop, Rockabilly, rhythm & blues, 1940 & 50s Blues Shouters (Wynonie "Mr. Blues" Harris, Roy Brown, Big Joe Turner), Coltrane, Davis, Monk, Mingus, U2, alt. country, Old 97s, Wilco, Uncle Tupelo, Whiskeytown, Son Volt.


Godfather I & II, Donnie Darko, Carlito's Way, Taxi Driver, Ben Hur, Swingers, Old School, Goodfellas, Raging Bull, High Fidelity, Almost Famous, Sunset Blvd, Long Hot Summer, The Big Sleep.


TV Nation, American Dreams (both cancelled way too early). I don't really like TV.


The Catcher & The Rye


Ray Charles, Wynonie "Mr. Blues" Harris, Johnny Cash, Peter Wolf, Peter Guralnick.

My Blog

Remembering Ahmet Ertegun

We remember Atlantic Records co-founder Ahmet Ertegun... The Atlantic Records Story Part One Atlantic Records was the most important R&B record label of all time. This week on Harlem, you'll...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 10:53:00 PST

Nappy Brown & Earl Palmer - R.I.P.

Nappy Brown 1929 - 2008 Napoleon Culp, better known to the world as Nappy Brown passed away over the weekend, just a few week's shy of his 79th birthday. Nappy was born on October 12, 1929 in Charlot...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 09:05:00 PST

Savoy Records Story w/ Billy Vera!

This week Billy Vera co-hosts as Harlem features... The Savoy Records StorySavoy Records is primarily known as a jazz label (with such artists as Charlie Parker, Charles Mingus and Lester Young on it...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 02:21:00 PST

Nappy Brown On Harlem!

Nappy Brown Matt The Cat interviews one of rhythm and blues' living legends, Nappy Brown. He was there for the rock n' roll revolution and did his part with his mid-1950s hits for Herman Lubinsky's ...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:51:00 PST

Nashville R&B

Nashville Rhythm & Blues Nashville has always been known as the home of country music, but this week HARLEM turns Music City into a rhythm & blues mecca. After all, Nashville was the home of o...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 12:57:00 PST

Dale Hawkins

DALE HAWKINS The great Dale Hawkins joins Matt The Cat for an incredible Night Prowl Show on Tuesday, September 9th at 8pm ET. Dale will share stories about the wild days of early rock n' roll and ...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Wed, 03 Sep 2008 10:22:00 PST

Spend Labor Day with Jesse Belvin!

The Smooth!The Soulful!The Man Behind The HITS "Goodnight My Love" and "Guess Who"!The Great!Jesse BelvinHe's one of the greatest songwriters of all time, but you'd never know since he sold most of hi...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 09:49:00 PST

King Records Story, Pt. 2

The KING RECORDS Story Part 2 Matt The Cat finishes his review of The King Records R&B Story with part 2 of 2 on this week's Harlem. We'll dig deep in the vaults and shine the spotlight on the gre...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:20:00 PST

King Records Pt. 1

The KING RECORDS STORY Part 1 Syd Nathan launched KING RECORDS in 1944 as a country & western label in his native Cincinnati. He controlled every aspect of the business from recording, record pre...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 12:27:00 PST

R&B Elvis

ELVIS IN HARLEMIt took a white hep cat singing rhythm and blues to launch rock n' roll into the mainstream, but Elvis didn't come out of nowhere. His R&B influences run deep. Matt The Cat brings...
Posted by Matt The Cat on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 11:19:00 PST