Passion, Filmaking, hard work, good friends, video games, good stories and most of them mixed with drinking!
People who don't desperately hold on to their lives. who are willing to take risk and humiliation if thats what it takes. cause it always does. People with morals but no submission to rules by way of ignorance. vigilantes, lovers, friends, and foes. lets dance fuckers!'FIGHT.......ITS ALL WE HAVE TO DO!
I like what i like..... Besides the obvious good stuff, my special interest include good girl rockers/lead singers and scores to film and and other media!
Leon: the Professional, Taxi Driver, One flew Over The Cuckko's Nest, The Shining,Indiana Jones, Resovoir dogs, La Femme Nikita, The Great Dictator, Labrynth, T1 T2, Alien series; Preadtor, Kreuger, clockwork orange, The Longest day, Citezen Kane, all of Monty Python's,............if you've read this care a little more than i do....its all opinion
television????i haven't watch ed much lately...if so, always informative like discovery or hisory.....i love twilight zone and adult swim if i can ever catch them
started many, finished none.... I'll wait till i'm in jail!
all the heroes i know are dead