~someone who cares~ profile picture

~someone who cares~

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This is my space... i'm not going to use this place to try and tell you who i am (allthough i do a little), because, like you, i am an accumulation of thoughts, emmotions, matter, energy and ~spirit~ too complex to ever bring across in any way that you could understand... so instead, im am using this space to grant whome ever has the patience to read through this, knowledge and insight into the many mysteries of life, self, mind body and spirit... read on.

but first watch this video.. PLEASE, its important.
Who do you want to be?

~ ~ ~

Philosophical Concepts
Does Truth Exist?
by The Wizard of OM
Ranked 3rd on Helium.com

Socrates said, "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." Considering the level of scientific advancement at the time, I don't think he could have fully fathomed the vast extent of truth to his statement.
Foremost it's important to state that aside from fundamental governing mathematic equations, everything man has considered fact at any point in time has had an expiration date. Before Copernicus and Galileo, we were certain of a geocentric view of cosmology. Before Faraday, electricity and magnetism where separate forces. Before Einstein, energy and matter where thought of as two different things. Throughout the ages, every so often our entire concept of reality undergoes vast shifts due to elegantly simple yet monumentally profound discoveries. It seems logical to assume everything we now believe to be so, will be considered ridiculously primitive in 50-100 years (or less).
Einstein said, "Reality is merely an illusion; albeit a persistent one." If we consider the implications of representative realism, the best we can hope for is "truths" that are relative to human perceptive ability (including math). Basically, it boils down to the fact that "reality" as we know it is limited to what our three dimensional brains can process through sensory perception. There's ultra-sonic vibrations we can't hear, ultra-violet light we can't see. It would be arrogant to assume between technology and our brains we've detected all that "is". With quantum mechanics and M-theory, we've all but proved the existence of extra dimensions. The quantum view gets even stranger when we consider properties of matter change simply by being observed. We can never know the original nature of matter if it changes when examined.
On a more basic level, truth and reality are confined and confused by linguistic limitations. Our reality is capped by what a series of innately meaningless vibrations (words) can describe. The levels of truth to all abstract, intangible elements of existence are up for question. The best example can be made of the ego. Just because we have a collection of fancy grunts to define the entity we call "you" or "me", doesn't mean any of it is so. In actuality the perception of ego creates the fallacious illusion of separateness. E=MC² already proved EVERYTHING IS of ONE substance; energy. Additionally, it proved energy can't be created or destroyed. Therefore, the average conception of death is off as well. Even math isn't completely innocent of creating figments of reality (such as zero and negatives). Nothingness doesn't exist. Nothing of one thing is all of something else. Example: no solid or liquid matter is all gaseous.
There may or may not be an absolute truth to the universe. Regardless, the answer to that question is ultimately unknowable by humans. Anyone that thinks they can/do know is severely hampering their ability to decipher any facet of what I like to call the Big Cosmic Riddle. The great paradox of knowledge is this... Every conclusion both eliminates possibilities and generates at least two more questions. Therefore, every time we "know" something we narrow our view and create more things that we don't know. Personally, I would much rather play in the infinite possibilities of the Great Mystery, and stick to knowing the only thing that I can be absolutely certain of; I know nothing. Don't take my word on it by any means. You're reading the work of one who knows nothing.
'http://www.helium.com/tm/570048/socrates-wisdom-knowing-not hing
to learn more about this author,
click link below
The Wizard of OM
~ ~ ~
The Wellness Paradigm
The wellness paradigm holds that there is no separation between mind, body, spirit, and emotions. All aspects of the human condition are so tightly connected that it is impossible to distinguish one from the other. An ancient theory that is supported by many experts in several disciplines suggests that each aspect of the human condition is comprised of energy, with the most dense energy being the most obvious and tangible: the physical body. Here are definitions for each aspect of the wellness paradigm:
* Emotional well-being is best defined as the ability to feel and express the entire range of human emotions from anger to love, and to control them, not be controlled by them.
* Physical well-being is defined as the optimal condition of each of the body's physiological systems. These include pulmonary, cardiovascular, nervous, immune, reproductive, urinary, endocrine, musculoskeletal, and digestive.
* Mental well-being is understood as the ability to gather, process, recall and communicate information. Like a computer, the mind can gather and store mass quantities of information.
* Spiritual well-being is defined as the maturation of higher consciousness as developed through the dynamic integration of three facets: relationships (internal, how you relate to yourself and a higher power, however you conceive this to be; and external, how you relate and interact with all people in your life), a personal value system, and a meaningful purpose in life.
think posative! Reality is a creation of your mind...
1. Share Your Love. Truly pursue this purpose in life with passion, and all the others will follow naturally! Love everyone, and start with those closest to you.
2. Give to Others. You can make a difference in the world! Choose to serve and give in small ways right now. One purpose of life is to serve others.
3. Increase in Light. Your spirit and body can actually hold light. Learn to flow with light, bringing it into your life and letting it flow out to others. Increase your light bearing capacity by following the truth you know. The Light is Real Website contains resources.
4. Learn Wisdom. Pursue wisdom not as your final purpose, but for the love of Wisdom and also to better serve others with increased talents.
Read the best books and learn all you can. Truth is eternal, and you can take it with you!
5. Accept Yourself. Love who you are. Your birth, body, parents, strengths, weaknesses and nationality all have a purpose. Accept your purpose and your talents. Feel your emotions and allow them to flow.
6. Enjoy the Mystery. Wonder at the beauty and richness of life, without trying to figure it all out. See the world in childlike simplicity and joy.
7. Create Your Reality. In this sphere, you choose with your thoughts what to create. Be bold in life, and decide what you really want. Move toward all your dreams with a powerful vision! You can learn to consciously create your life. Choose now to maximize your creative mind by signing up for the newsletter or by viewing this short video on Creating Your Reality.
8. Follow the Spirit. Trust your inner voice that leads you and prompts you into the higher paths. Learning to follow this Holy Spirit is one of the purposes of life. As you listen to the spirit, you will achieve greater inspiration for all your daily activities.
9. Revel in the Present. Find joy, focus, and engagement in every present activity. Your point of personal power is the present moment. You can only act in the present. As you live in the now, you conquer the illusion of time and begin to live in Holographic Time.
10. Experience Joy. The ultimate purpose of this life is joy and happiness. We maximize our joy by pursuing it indirectly. Simply pursue the first nine purposes of life and the tenth (Joy) will flow magnetically to you!
Yogi speaks... watch, listen... think.
Your consciousness is not stored in your brain—
instead, your brain is a receiver that picks up the "signal"
of your consciousness from the Field.
And through the Field, encoded in its infinite energetic frequencies,
you are fundamentally connected to all other life.
If you have picked up the feelings of a loved one from far away,
known what your pet is thinking,
worked in synchronicity with a team,
or had a strong premonition of the future—
then you have already glimpsed the power of this quantum connection."
Should be enough to get you started.
Practice this approach and you will find the world
responds to you in a whole new way.
We are energy and we are connected.
Through that connection, we can impact all in our sphere.
As energy, we create thoughts.
Those thoughts become things.
We can either let that overrun us
or learn how to operate the system more effectively."
The Music of the Spheres
© 1998 Martin Lass
You have probably heard of the idea of the Music of the Spheres. The idea has been around for thousands of years. In Western culture, it is perhaps mainly associated with the great mathematician, musician and mystic, Pythagoras, who was said to have been able to hear the Music of the Spheres. This celestial music is commonly thought to be the ‘music’ of the movements of the planets of our solar system. Recently, an enterprising musician and mathematician calculated the movements of the planets, assigning different notes to each and produced a piece of music that was supposed to be the Music of the Spheres. The idea of the Music of the Spheres goes much further and much deeper than this, though. Let’s explore the broader picture...
All is Vibration
Physics defines everything in existence as either matter or energy, matter being the tangible part that we can see, hear, touch, smell and taste, energy being the intangible part that ‘moves’ matter. The Eastern parallels to energy and matter are, respectively, Spirit and the material world, Spirit being the hidden ‘mover’ behind the material illusion of the world. The distinction we make between energy and matter (or Spirit and the material world) is useful in describing our perception of reality, but it is a distinction that is gradually dissolving into a more unified picture.
It was Einstein who put it so clearly and eloquently in his famous equation, e=mc2. Simply put, he said that matter can be changed into energy and energy can be changed into matter, so, in essence, they are the same thing in a different form. From Einstein to the present day, physicists talk in terms of ‘waves’ and ‘particles’, waves being the energy component of every manifestation and particles being the matter component. The two are seen to be inseparable parts of the same thing. Particles (the matter component) are seen to be the result of the interaction of different wave fronts... if there are no waves then there can be no particles.
Physics has tried to build larger and larger microscopes in order to finally see the smallest particle of matter... to see the building blocks of the universe. What they are finding is that each time they think they have found the smallest particle - first molecules, then atoms, then electrons and nuclei, then protons and neutrons, then quarks, etc. - the next advance in particle detection shows that it, too, is divisible. The current thinking is that there are no particles at all... just waves interacting with each other that we perceive as particles. One of the latest theories is “string theory”, which proposes that all matter is made up of vibrating ‘strings’ of energy.
In any case, what Einstein began to say decades ago and has become apparent to modern physics is that all matter is nothing more or less than vibrating fields of electro-magnetic energy, vibrating at innumerable different frequencies. If we take the entire spectrum of electromagnetic energy, including the visible light spectrum, and broadly call it, as physicists do, “light”, then all Creation is nothing more or less than light in various stages of duality or polarisation. These different stages of polarisation are, as we have said, an infinite number of different frequencies of vibration. Everything in existence is vibrating. Everything in existence has its specific vibratory frequency.
So, in the ordinary way, what is music? It is different vibrations of sound - waves travelling through the air, perceivable by our ears - organised in such a way as to convey meaning of some sort. Music is vibrations. If we expand our definition, we could say that all vibrations organised in a meaningful way, whether perceivable to the physical ear or not, are music. If all of Creation consists of vibration, then everything must be music, too, by this definition.
If this is so, then atoms make a kind of music, each having their own frequency or note. When they interact with each other, they produce secondary vibrations or harmonies. When grouped together to make molecules, they have a larger tone or note, specific to that molecule. When many molecules are grouped together in a meaningful way, they form a yet larger note with its own specific frequency. There are notes within notes and melodies within melodies in the atomic dance of matter. If we could hear this, what would it sound like?
You are Music
Each of us, too, is made up of energy and matter. Thus we are, according to our previous definitions, vibrations of light. At every level, from the quantum to the atomic to the molecular to the visible, there are hierarchies of vibrations... melodies and harmonies. As a whole, each of us also has our own overall frequency, which is the sum total of all the sub-frequencies. Each of us has a specific note. Each of us is a symphony of meaningful vibrations that resolves into a single note.
As we interact with the outside world and with other people, we make harmonies and counter-melodies as a result of these interactions. What would these harmonies and counter-melodies sound like if we could hear them? What would the music sound like when we are angry? What would it sound like when we are in love? When we are asleep? When we fight? When we talk to others?
As we weave and wander through our lives, we are weaving melodies in the cosmic symphony. Within that symphony, each one of us has a unique Song. That Song is given to us by the greater Music of the Cosmos around us. We Sing our Song whether we are aware of it or not, whether we wish to or not. We cannot help Singing our Song. We do have the possibility, though, of becoming more and more conscious of that Song and of Singing it more and more consciously as a Song of Love and Gratitude for Life.
The Cosmic Song of Creation
So what is the greater Music of the Cosmos? If we expand our picture yet again, we will find that each planet in the solar system and the Sun itself, all have specific vibrations... specific frequencies... specific notes. Science now knows this. For example, a recent “Scientific American” article (March ’97, “SOHO reveals the Secrets of the Sun” ) describes the nature of massive sound waves that criss-cross and interpenetrate the Sun. This is in addition to the vibrations of the electromagnetic fields of the Sun and planets. Each planet has its own note, which is a combination of all the sub-frequencies or notes within it... for example, the sub-frequencies of each living creature on it and each material manifestation. Each planet, according to its specific movement, orbit, speed, angle of orbit and shape of orbit, traces out its own specific melody. The planets and the Sun, all being in motion, each with its own melody, interact with each other in a vibratory sense, creating harmonies and countermelodies... the Music of the Spheres in the traditional sense.
The symphony of the planets and Sun is the Music that gives each of us our unique Song. The Song of the planets and the Sun at our birth is imprinted within us. This is what astrology seeks to convey. Our Song is a microscopic and holographic rendering of the greater Song of the solar system. If we could hear the Song that is within our Hearts, we would be hearing the Music of the Spheres.
Taking this picture to even greater expanses, each star has its own specific frequency or note. Each star is spinning on its own axis as well as revolving in a orbit around the centre of the galaxy. This movement is each star’s specific melody. Each star interacts with all other stars in the galaxy forming harmonies and countermelodies on an increasingly vast scale of both space and time, forming the galactic symphony.
All of this and more, on even smaller and on even vaster scales, is the totality of the Music of the Spheres... the Cosmic Symphony.
Ascending Melodies
In music, it is no accident that we generally start with a ‘tonic’ or base note... a kind of harmonic unity. We then move into diversity of melody and harmony, going through various transpositions, transformations and musical journeys. Eventually we find our way back to the ‘tonic’, a sense of completion being apparent. The main theme, when returned to at the end of the piece of music, not only feels like ‘home’, but we know it better and more deeply than the first time the theme appeared. This is an exact metaphor for our lives and for our series of lifetimes. We come from Oneness - the ‘tonic’ - and we journey through the melodies and harmonies of Creation - our lifetimes - going through various transformations and transpositions until we eventually find our way back Home. We eventually return to the ‘tonic’... we return Home to greater Oneness and know ourselves better and more deeply than we did before. It is a journey of the awakening of consciousness... our Song gradually becomes more conscious, more intentional, more grateful and more filled with Love.
This process of returning to the ‘tonic’ - to Oneness - is a series of ascending melodies, ascending back to the Source. These ascending melodies are also the paths of Healing. We are bringing together the fragmented parts of ourselves - forgotten notes, wounded melodies, isolated chords and dissonant countermelodies - into greater harmony and greater Oneness. We are learning to Dance to a different beat... to the greater beat of the Cosmic Dance of Creation which lies beyond our limited view of ourselves and our lives.
Hearing the Music
Our lives are a process of awakening to the Music. The Music is always there... we just fail to hear it. Ultimately, we are the Music. It is within our Hearts to hear, if we have the ‘ears’ to hear it. How can we do this?
If we consider the vibrations of atoms, we will see that they are extremely fast... too fast for us to hear with physical ears. Likewise, the vibrations of the planets - their orbits, etc. - are too slow for us to hear physically. The range of our physical ears, apart from depending upon air as a medium, covers a very limited band of frequencies in between. So it is a question of time-scales. Too fast or too slow and we cannot hear.
So what can we do? How are we to ‘hear’ beyond the narrow range of our physical ears? How are we to expand our horizons to be able to hear the Music of the Spheres on a broader scale? How can we expand our awareness of space and time to include more and more in our consciousness?
If we were able to slow down time to such a point, we could perhaps hear the Music of atoms and molecules. Conversely, if we were able to speed up time, we could perhaps hear the Music of the planets and the stars. We would need a special kind of Time Machine. Believe it or not, we have just such a Time Machine... it is called our Heart. As we Heal the past and come into a state of Unconditional Love, time as we know it ceases to exist. In Unconditional Love, all that was far becomes near, all that was past becomes Now, all that is in the Future becomes Present. Unconditional Love allows us to approach the speed of light in our consciousness. Einstein said that for a particle travelling at the speed of light, all time stops and the particle occupies every point in the Universe simultaneously. The particle experiences the eternal Now. In this state of consciousness, we can hear the Music of the Spheres... this is the state referred to by mystics of all cultures and all ages alternately as ‘nirvana’, ‘samadhi’, ‘enlightenment’, ‘satori’, ‘rapture’, ‘ecstasy’, etc.
You may be thinking that this state is unattainable by us in our present stage of evolution. This is not so... we all have moments of these states that come and go in fleeting seconds, sometimes leaving a trace in our conscious memory, sometimes not. So what practical steps could we take in order to come relatively into this state, if only for a moment at a time according to our level of conscious evolution?
In my experience, one of the most effective ways is the Healing of the past. What does this mean? Healing the past is a gradual process of learning to Love Unconditionally every event, thing, person and aspect of your life. That is why you are here. It is a simultaneous process of becoming Grateful for these same things, of seeing how each has Served you, helped you, benefited you and guided you in your life. It is a gradual process of seeing the perfection of your life and of the lives of those around you, of knowing in your Heart that all is as it was meant to be, that all things Serve your evolution, growth and Healing... that all things are ultimately acts of Love from the guiding hand of the Universe.
This is a process that never truly ends... we can only logarithmically approach our goal of Oneness. On this journey, though, as we learn to Love Unconditionally more and more, as we become more and more Grateful for our lives, our consciousness expands and the Music of the Spheres slowly becomes apparent to us. First, it is a small and almost imperceptible stirring in the Heart. Gradually, it becomes stronger and louder. For each thing that we learn to Love, we will gradually begin to hear its melody within our breast. We will look at people and, in Love, will be able to ‘hear’ their Song. We will look out at the world and, in Love, hear the melodies and harmonies around us.
The more we Love, the more we will experience a kind of Inner Silence... an Inner Peace. This Inner Silence - this Stillness within - is the cauldron of unborn potential. It is the eternal Now, the pregnant Moment, the formless Void, waiting for the breath of Love to Sing out its Song of Creation. It is the face of God within your Heart. When faced with this mirror, how could you do otherwise but Sing your Song? You are the Song. You are the Singer. You are the Singing... the Singing of Love, the Music of the Spheres. It is you.
Love and Light...
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The Power Of
Three Little Words

Some of the most significant messages people deliver to one another
often come in just three words. When spoken or conveyed, those
statements have the power to forge new friendships, deepen old ones
and restore relationships that have cooled. The following three word
phrases can enrich every relationship:
I'LL BE THERE - Being there for another person is the greatest gift
we can give. When we are truly present for other people, important
things happen to them and to us. We are renewed in love and
friendship. We are restored emotionally and spiritually. 'Being
there' is at the very, very core of civility.
I MISS YOU - Perhaps more marriages could be salvaged and
strengthened if couples simply and sincerely said to each other, "I
miss you." This powerful affirmation tells partners they are wanted,
needed, desired and loved.
I RESPECT YOU - Respect is another way of showing love. Respect
conveys the feeling that another person is a true equal. It is a
powerful way to affirm the importance of a relationship.
MAYBE YOU'RE RIGHT - This phrase is highly effective in diffusing an
argument and restoring frayed emotions. The flip side of "maybe
you're right" is the humility of admitting "maybe I'm wrong."
PLEASE FORGIVE ME - Many broken relationships could be restored and
healed if people would admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
All of us are vulnerable to faults, foibles and failures. A man
should never be ashamed to own up to he has been in the wrong, which
is by saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was
I THANK YOU - Gratitude is an exquisite form of courtesy. People who
enjoy the companionship of good, close friends are those who don't
take daily courtesies for granted. They are quick to thank their
friends for their many expressions of kindness. On the other hand,
people whose circle of friends is severely constricted often do not
have the attitude of gratitude.
COUNT ON ME - "A friend is one who walks in when others walk
out." "Loyalty is an essential ingredient for true friendship; it is
the emotional glue that bonds people. Those who are rich in their
relationships tend to be steady and true friends. When troubles
come, a good friend is there, indicating "you can count on me."
LET ME HELP - The best of friends see a need and try to fill it.
When they spot a hurt they do what they can to heal it. Without
being asked, they pitch in and help.
I UNDERSTAND YOU - People become closer and enjoy each other more if
they feel the other person accepts and understands them. Letting
others know in so many little ways that you understand him or her is
one of the most powerful tools for healing your relationship.
GO FOR IT - Some of your friends may be non-conformists, have unique
projects and unusual hobbies. Support them in pursuing their
interests. Rather than urging your loved ones to conform, encourage
their uniqueness - everyone has dreams that no one else has.
I suppose the 3 little words that you were expecting to see have to
be reserved for those who are special; that is
~A little about me~
~(Each person is surfing the wave of their own reality, which is an image of the formless absolute. Each wave would look similar to an outside observer, but can never be identical, which is why comparisons are odious.
We can look around our wave and see the images of other surfers, but these are not the surfers, they are actually just images spawned by our own wave. We are the travellers of the universe, on a local boulevard, consoled by our ego and comforted by images of other surfers.
There are 7 billion different minds/universes/waves on earth, none identical (even clones) and none absolutely real, but all final.
The absolute real is unapproachable, but the final truth is inherent in the rightness of our journey.)~
I found my soulmate...
u will never know what its like untill u experience it for yourself...
You scored as Among Neo and the other Revolutionaries., You are part of the crusade for the liberation of consciousness. You were either divinely appointed prior to incarnation, or recruited by co-vibrating with this purpose through selfless consecration and divine yearning. Keep spreading your luminous energy. Progressively, more and more people are awakening daily. The light at the end of the tunnel is drawing near, and your efforts will be handsomely rewarded when the plan comes to fruition. (Note: The percentage of each category is equal to it’s level of truth.)
Among Neo and the other Revolutionaries.


Free of the Matrix


Utterly Oblivious and Stuck in The Matrix


Nearly Aware and Ready to Escape the Matrix

Are You Stuck in the Meta-Matrix (culturally metaphorical)?
created with QuizFarm.com
yea the bit belowe i have to change, it was written ages ago, bare with me...
well i dont really know how to explain me... id say i take being unique as my central point, iv never really met ne one like me, then, i suppose theres loads of people out there thinking exactly the same thing, evryones like "im like the black sheep" thinkin there different when, well i suppose we are in certain ways, but 'the same' at the same time...
**like dropletts of water making the ocean.**
id say i was Funny, but not overtly, iv got quite a sick humor, u may think im takin the piss out of you at some point... i probably am };p (i'm nice really... honest.) im deffinatly a joker in the group, but iv got a serious side.
im light hearted, out going, down to earth, very empathic, very loyal, formidable yet gentle, dont let this give you the wrong impression though, iv got a wild streak right through me im full of passion and energy alot of the time, a very fiery personality. my friends testify to my strong formidable presence
known to get very deep and passionate quickly when in a relationship, but i wouldnt say that's a bad thing, given the right girl that is...
im a very sociable person, i can get along with literaly anyone on there level, i love the beauty in the world, i like to watch the sunrise and set and i can sit and gaze at the stars for hours on end, they really strike a cord in my soul, as does the sea, i love to watch the sea, and listen to the rain fall on roof tops out side my window on cold nights while im wrapped up in a warm blanket. -i suppose evryone does this though. (i balance that sida me out with equal amounts of hardcore ravin to DnB, in some random warehouse party with my mates till the mid day sun the followin day pretty much evry weekend... };P
I well into elves, pixies and creatures of the night and dragons, Phoenixes and general fantasy creatures and mystical adventures...
I go off on the most amazing journys when i dream and i daydream alot, well more 'think', philosiphise, im a watcher, i love to take in the world around me... im in to the more eastern philosophies of life and Tao is a strong beliefe of mine, 'enlightenment' is something i hope to attain in this life, and i feel ill get as close to it as i can. spiritual growth is important to me, and martial arts, for some reason is an irresistable attraction to me, somhow i feel a deep connection with the east, almost like i was a part of it in my past life and some deep area of my soul knows this...
some people i know tell me i have a feminine side, i think its important for blokes to at least be a little intouch with there feminine side, it help atain a balance to your self, and develops emmotional understanding, and empathy.- but that dont mean im not street wise, i grew up in a rugh area, n its tuff bein such an 'individual' you gotta learn quick, but this doesnt mean im a chav or any thing, (im an individual to the core...) it means i can take care of myself...
non the less im a completely genuine guy, sharp as a diamonds edge, iv got a very level, tuned in, very quick, sharp mind, i try to be as honest as i can without hurting anyone.
its difficult being me, im not saying its not, being anyone else, life 'is' hard, and i only know it from my perspective. its just i see so many nice men being completely like... 'controlled' and psychologically dulled down into complete airheads and used and exploited in so many ways and it cuts me deep... but i dont let myself get caught up in the whole subliminal fuckup...
ermm i love philosophy, psychology and physics out of all the 'sciences' (although i dont think philosophy is a science) im deffinatly a fun loving person,and i try to socialise with the more open minded side of society, im in to reading, arty films, having deeply reflective conversations with my closest friends, mental, intalectual and emotional development, ravin my ass off :P alsorts really.
im seriously into my acting and have great ambition in that field, i hope to become a famous actor one day, not for any selfish gain though, i have a great pain inside me about the way this whole world is so fucked up and so many rich stupid bastards run the world and are 'completely' screwing evrything over, i dont like that atall and want to get big so loads of people listen to me and then i'll hopefully change, at least something, for the better...
i know its only a dream, but i dont care, iv got alot of things to say about the world, and i know if i try hard enugh... people will start to listen...


there is no 'meaning' of life...
life is to be experianced, to be felt, to explore.
we are not physical beings seeking spritual coherance, we are spiritual beings having a physical experiance,
we love, we hate, we lagh we cry, to feel is to live, we're born we die.
life 'is' to feel, without that we are no more than ticking clocks.
the true 'meaning' (well 'reason') of life is simply a life with a meaning...
and that meaning is for 'you' to decide,
and it is unique to evry person....
there is no 'meaning' outside of your own ideals and dreams....
so dream big dreams, listen to your heart and walk that long and scary path... aim for the stars, wherever those stars may reside, reach out to them with a strong mind and pure heart,
and in the end...
you will live this war into the answer...

"Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny" - Mahatma Gandhi"The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care. And let it spring from love, born out of concern for all beings." - Buddha

question Authority...

"In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people's palaces...Soon we shall begin through the press to propose competitions in art, in sport of all kinds: these interests will finally distract their minds from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more unaccustomed to reflect and form any opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we, because we alone shall be offering them new directions of thought...of course through such persons as will not be suspected of solidarity with us."-Illuminati, Protocol 13


a prison doesnt have to consist of four walls, or even be physical... money is the blood of capitalism... begin to think for yourself.

This video is SHOCKING!!! u just have to watch it for yourself...

My Interests

Listen to that above ^^ for a soothing guided meditation soundtrack on "the soul"... enjoy. x

What worth is material comfort?
when its cost is your freedom.

What is Enlightenment?

Enlightenment is a process of peeling back the layers of your mind/ego to reveal the true and divine infinite Self that you are. It is the "Grand Opening" of your being so that you may totally experience the Universe in all its beauty and dimensions. It is abiding in the spiritual center of your being throughout this turbulent cyclone of life, while finding a deep stillness is perpetually there beneath the surface. Enlightenment is the constant realization of true spiritual knowledge and inner peace is at your very center and core of your innermost being. By continuously resting in the quiet peaceful still center in the heart of your being, you will eventually have a spiritual awakening. Abide in this center and you will find yourself manifesting a rich life, full of meaning, clarity, depth and bliss.

Spiritual Enlightenment is a continuous realization that you are an eternal being who will never die. It comes from a deeper knowing that YOU are beyond body and behind the mind. It is celebrating every moment of the day with the feeling of being intimately connected to the entire Universe, as if it is a living, breathing, conscious intelligence that loves you unconditionally. It is surrendering to this truth everywhere you are.

The following 10 steps will take you closer to having an experience of spiritual enlightenment. You will begin to feel more spiritually awake and alive the more you apply one or more of these steps below. Go easy on yourself. You may have been trying to experience these for a long time, possibly for lifetimes... enjoy!

1. Releasing the illusion that you're separate from an Infinite Source of love, energy and consciousness. Feeling separate and disconnected from our Universe is how we create failure after failure in life. This habitual illusion that we are NOT connected to the divine stems from the mind's attachment (and avoidance) of our EGO. Once we untangle ourselves form these deep internal beliefs, we remember that we were always ONE, connected to our Source. All experiences of suffering are created by the mind's lack of awareness in seeing your own divinity. Once we stop forgetting our eternal abundant nature, we are stepping forward into life as divine unlimited nature.

2. Quieting the incessant chattering and repetitive mind. The Ego is the thought program. Like a computer, it is un-aware. It just spits out information and computes ideas that are about the past and future. The mind/ego is a limited construct of ideas and beliefs about who we think we are. The more we can silence the chattering mind, the less we are trapped in this Ego. You could say that E. G. O. really is an acronym for Excluding God's Omnipresence. Only through the constant release of the Ego can we live in the true spiritually enlightened reality. We become aligned with the bigger Truth that are infinite Spiritual beings AND do also exist this physical third dimensional world.

3. Embracing and Releasing all your Fears. As you may have heard, F.E.A.R. really stands for False Evidence Appearing Real. To discover what you are afraid of open yourself up to another intimately in conversation. Let them see into you. Sooner or later YOU will be able to see into YOURSELF again and understand truly what you are running from. Once you know what you are running away from, run towards it and embrace it. It will dissolve and be released from your life at the perfect time.

4. Embracing and Releasing all mental, emotional and physical attachments or aversions to everyone and everything in your life. As humans we tend to get attached to people, and what they say, do or think about us. This occurs because we have this automatic habit of trying to avoid what is painful and stay with what is full of pleasure. The problem arises when we become attached to having to HAVE what is pleasurable all the time, or desperately need to get rid of something painful. Pain and suffering is just the Universe telling you to, "LET GO!" The purpose of pain is not to create more suffering upon you, it is to create CHANGE! This change is necessary for us to drop our ego-trip and return to our spiritual source again. Allowing yourself to genuinely enjoy your life is communicating to the Universe that YOU are connecting to this Infinite Source inside!

We experience pain because of one thing...Ignorance. Think of the word "ignore", add a little dance to it and you get ignorance. When we ignore the Truth of our infinite being, our Ignorance transmits into suffering. To transcend this ignorance and find spiritual enlightenment again, a deep awareness is needed. With this profound state of consciousness we can LET GO of anything that would create a belief saying we are not connected to this Source. Nothing more is needed to transcend this illusion and re-discover the truth of who you are.

5. Freedom from others' stories of separation. When you were 7 years old, what were you told you were not enough of? What was your "standard" story of failure or separation? Usually whatever we heard our parents and siblings having problems with, we attached ourselves to it and The Separation began. Since our parents never weren't fully Enlightened Beings who constantly lived in wonder and amazement of the bills they had to pay, we got the idea we were limited. If they contacted this Infinite Source, then they teach you. Yet they had to send you off to an "education system" which worked about 15% of your brain's potentiality and capacity, thus churning you through the grinder. Society never taught us how to be still inside, quiet our mind and emotions, meditate, focus on who we are or how to achieve inner bliss. They believed it was "illegal" to teach a connection with your Infinite Source in school. Society is hypnotized with a "thinking program" that success and truth is all about status, money and career. The reality is "Success" is defined by how fulfilled you are as a human being. That's something you cannot get from the right job, income, marriage, proper diplomas and P.H.D’s.etc...

6. Stop believing that "Thinking" is a means to success. "Think-aholics" have become the societal norm. It has become abnormal in society to sit and be silent alone. Most people run from meditation because they cannot quiet their mind and feel they lose control of it. The ironic thing is that ALL of the suffering, chaos and illness in life is caused by a lack of control and awareness of the mind. Practicing "being" and sitting still, we naturally realize the Infinite Self inside. Instead of tuning into our silence more we are taught to think more and know more to achieve what we want. We are not taught the secrets of the Universe are discovered by simply being in the here now. This is by far the greatest success we can ever achieve. It is being at ONE with the infinite, all-powerful and omniscient Universal-God force. Is this enough for you to re-define your definition of success?

7. Stop hiding from your true power in your comfort zone. Thoughts are safe, while experiences are real and unsafe. We find it easier not to take the risk of getting hurt by diving into the ocean of experiences in life. We stay safe, comfy (and basically dead) inside our little comfortable fishbowls of "habitually doing" things and thinking things that once gave a sense of confidence and security. Life is a natural chaos that has a cosmic structure. It is like an uncontrollable rollercoaster ride because we don't know the exact future ALL the time and know how to respond to each experience that occurs outside our little fishbowl. Instead, we think about an experience without even having one. Through T.V. movies, books we hide from our powerful omniscient Infinite spirit and pretend to be completely trapped in a mental spin-cycle of thoughts about "Reality". Don't understand yet? Rent the wild movie The Matrix.

8. Letting go of the need to be right. Being right can be the hardest EGO trip to get off of. To get off of it, basically means that you need to be WRONG about your entire life. If everyone tells you from birth to death that Life is a struggle, that it's hard, painful and unfair, and you believe them, then how can you ever relax, let go, trust and surrender to Existence. We think we must fight to get what we want. If life is serious, we're probably going to gain love, success and freedom by stepping on or over others. The world is a community of beings. It is a playground, a play and comical stage where we can choose any role we desire.

9. Replace playing "The Victim" role with inspired actions. Through lack of awareness (ignorance) of our ever-present connection with the Infinite Source, we all have been participating in an inner victimization programming. This stems from a lack of inner peace, power and playfulness, which can later create a dis-ease (a severe lack of ease) in the body. The Victim role we get caught in gets good strokes from others who feel sorry for our pain and send us love. Thus we stay hooked and asleep to our ever-present Infinite Source inside. When we don't respond with awareness, we just react unconsciously from past habits of being victimized and thus create more experiences of being a victim. Many human beings on the planet are really " human programings". The same thoughts day after day after day. This creates a seriously deep rut in life, which the only way out is through being responsible for your thoughts and choosing more empowering and freeing ones.

10. Choosing to remain conscious and alive in the mystery. Our society abhors people who step out of line. The people around us often criticize us the moment we try to break out of the societal "norm" of unconscious living. The unconscious way is more accepted, it's even advertised by the T.V., movies, news media, radio, newspapers, etc... which all agree on one thing. That everything you need to end your suffering is outside of you, not inside you! That's how they sell you stuff! Many of us are caught in this ridiculous Rat Race to reach a certain monetary status and level of luxury we think will rid of our suffering. This never works. The cheese we rats are after just gets bigger, and bigger and bigger. Many refuse to understand the basis, that suffering comes from this constant desire! When we are desire-less, we remember again how infinitely connected we are to the Infinite Source which is inside us all.

Choosing to be conscious, means waking up from the Rat Race. It takes much effort to go against all our friends and families beliefs to awaken. The great part however is that the Universe won't let us sleep forever. She loves us much too much to let us forget our true nature. If you don't choose to wake up while you're alive (in your body), she'll let you know when your physical journey on Earth is over. Then you will definitely know how she could love you more than ways than you could imagine.


In each moment of life we have the choice to respond to others (or our mind) from a completely new, alive, and freeing space that is born in the NOW, or we can react from an older unconscious conditioned pattern that stems from a past story. The choice is always yours in each second if you respond from a fresh place of freedom or from past conditioning. The type of story we are talking about is not that enjoyable fantasy fairy tale story we all enjoy listening to around the campfire, it is the other one that we drag around like an old ball and chain attached to our hearts. It's the one we all know so personally, that is fixated on how another wronged us, or how we are struggling with money, or unable to find the love of our life, or create the career we really want. We often unconsciously believe that by repeating the story over and over, it will help us to feel better about our lives. Yet, what really happens is that by repeating what we don't want to manifest in our lives, we simply become more wrapped up in the ego's illusions of being trapped, helpless, and powerless. The good news is that you always have the power to transcend your story if you can become conscious enough to see who it is that is creating it.

The tricky part in transcending your story is that our ego loves the drama of an emotionally juicy story. It's like chocolate ice cream to a child. Our life's traumas and deep issues are soooo personal, wild, crazy, and feel so real, that they often make us feel unique and that we are even someone "special". The truth is that we all have the same issues at the core. They are basically being unloved, unwanted, and unworthy because we are too busy entertaining our victim story instead of being truly curious about recognizing our divine infinite nature. These personal issues can make up a major part of who we think we are, so to let go of them, in many ways, can feel like letting go of our entire identity. If we dropped the story we'd have to do the scariest thing of all....we'd have to totally reinvent ourselves! Maybe we could be truly loved, free, powerful and without limitations. Is this a challenge you'd be willing to take on? Letting go of your story may feel like dying or it may feel like you are being reborn. The experience you have again is all within your interpretation and perception.

How to transcend your story? Just watch it. Don't participate it in! Notice if you are focusing on what you want or don't want. Notice if you are being present to the NOW, or reprogramming yourself with more illusions from your past. If you find that you are really stuck putting energy into how you aren't enough of this or that, and essentially playing the "victim game" again, then follow these 3 powerful steps below.

1. Stop telling the story. When you hear yourself telling somebody your famous "story", just stop yourself even if it is in mid-sentence. As soon as you stop repeating your story, you stop giving it energy and the story soon withers away. Imagine a big red stop sign in front of you and simply stop the story! Don't even let yourself listen to your story. Each time you see your mind going off into the realm of your favorite story, stop the wild horses of the mind and pull it back to the present. Stories cannot exist in the present for they are just your ego's viewpoint about some past event.

2. See through the illusions of this story. Imagine right now in your minds' eye that you are taking 5 large steps away from your story. Take a few deep breaths in and become the observer. Look at your story like you were watching a movie or TV show. Recognize that it is just that; some drama being played over an over on your ego's video screen. Now that you are separate from the story, it is easier to see the Truth of it and be free from it. The truth is that something happened in your life that your ego did not like, and that may not have been Ok by any stretch of the imagination. However, when you hold onto the fact that this happened and you start berating others and yourself for this event, you create more negativity in your life. Do you want to be free instead and manifest more of the amazing stuff that life has to offer? I am sure that the answer to this question is a resounding "YES". Freedom comes from putting distance between you and the story, and seeing that the story is truly an illusion of the past that the ego is stubbornly holding on to.

3. Replace your Story with Gratitude. Now refocus your mind on what is working in your life. What can you be grateful for right now? There are literally thousands and thousands of things that you can be grateful for no matter who you are. You can be grateful that the sun rose this morning to heat our planet, that you have clean drinking water, that you are breathing in this moment, etc... Just look around at your life and notice how it is full of so much beauty and so much abundance. The more time you spend in gratitude, the faster your ego stories will die and become only distant memories. When you are in a place of gratitude, you automatically send out positive energetic vibrations which in turn magnetize to you the kind of positive uplifting things you want to manifest. Once you leave your story behind, you can see the Truth of your existence, and experience total freedom from your ego's suffering and limiting beliefs.

It's good to know that all of your stories were created by some life event (big or small) that actually happened. Then, the mind/ego assigned a specific positive or negative meaning to these events. We invite you to notice this week which stories you tend to repeat to people. Are they positive or negative stories? Who would you be without these stories? Keeping a negative story alive may even attract in more negative events which will in turn create more stories. The good news is that you can easily break free of the story and create deep feelings of peace and freedom. The reality is that you are not your ego, nor your body, nor your STORY. You are an infinite being who is freedom and love itself. You are and always will be so much vaster than any story your ego has made up. You will continue to exist long after this story has been forgotten by you and the world. Your being is naturally expansive and completely free. You have just been covering up your true infinite nature with stories.

In each moment of your day, you have the power to choose to embrace that which leads to freedom or go back into being trapped in some egoic story. So go ahead right now and make a conscious choice to be liberated once and for all from your stories! You can do it!

May you always know that you ARE free!

~Energy, Consciousness & Choice~

The fundamental tone of our experience here on Earth is that we are consciousness, spirit, hanging out in a human body. We are having the human experience. Deep in density, in our human bodies, it is important to remember and accept that just as our higher consciousness is held within our energy fields and our body's cells, our human nature is also present and contained within us. Nobody, not anybody, is exempt from their human nature. Human life is not black and white. At the extremes it is very dark and very light - and there's a grey area in the middle. Our paths are not set in stone. We are incarnated on the planet of choice, of free will. We are initiates in one of the greatest mystery schools in our cosmos. Yet we are but one cell in its celestial body.

Most of our physical body is composed of water. And every one of the fifty trillion cells in our own human body is bounded by a liquid crystal semi-conductor cell wall. (Dr Bruce Lipton, The Biology of Belief). The ability of water to hold and reflect consciousness, and the abilility of our crystal body to amplify and transmute consciousness , means that each one of us is an enormously powerful transmitter of consciousness. The choices we make to be loving and joyful, to engage in practices which enable us to experience and transmit bliss, or to be blocked and holders of density, are beaming through the universe on every reality.

Every wave form moving through your chakras holds and transmits your consciousness. Your chakras are huge doorways into the energetic realities where your multi-dimensional aspects hang their stuff out. They also hold all your unprocessed stuff from this lifetime and other incarnations. There's an aspect of consciousness hanging out within each physical cell in your body, and it holds memory. Your cellular memory alone holds your incarnations as an open book. Your consciousness through all dimensions expresses itself energetically through the information locked into your electromagnetic frequencies. When they are unlocked it is like watching a film, or working with archetypal consciousness, vision filled with symbols and scenes from different realities, accessing what has been before and after you. Your consciousness is present and connected in every reality.

So what is your consciousness? It's information. Every electromagnetic frequency flowing through your system and transmitted by your cells and energetic anatomy is filled with consciousness as information. It's information about your knowledge, wisdom, holistic health, and your experiences as consciousness in each of your simultaneous dimensional realities. That is past, present, and future, in a wide band of light densities.

You are a multi-dimensional being. That is your true nature, and journeys through your chakras, into your psyche, discover this. They also discover that you are surrounded by different densities of light. They each support the evolution of consciousness to a certain frequency and within a specific wave band. And, as you engage with the energetic realities you have uncovered, you discover that all of the energies in each density deserve our respect and compassion. You're talking science fiction sometimes when exploring the cosmic chakras. It is as if we, in our human body, stand in the middle ground, with the potential to transmit huge quantities of love and light into the unified field.

Your source has this incredible transmitting equipment available to your consciousness, your knowledge, your wisdom, your experiences, your information. It's up to you to get the equipment working as it needs to.

And mostly it ain't working as it needs to because of energy blocks. Simply put each energy block is composed of a mass of single frequencies which has moved towards an existing resonant frequency. Kinda like the dust and dirt on an air conditioning system. Every electro-magnetic frequency you emit and transmit contains information about your consciousness. Thus an energy block is full of information. Energy blocks are reached through, and stored in, your chakras. Every choice you make about how you respond to your experience of the reality, is a result of your mental and emotional bodies' integration, balance, clarity, and transmission through your energy field. The reality is determined and created by collective and individual thoughts and feelings. Using the information choices magnetised and transmitting through your electromagnetic energy frequencies and wave forms, your reality is plucked through and from unlimited, unmanifest, potential.

Every single soul has the opportunity to learn, to change, and to evolve or fall in consciousness. Every single consciousness inhabiting a human body, has these opportunities, these choices. For many of us our greatest initiations, our greatest opportunities for growth, occur when we inhabit the darker spectrum of our human potential. As I used to hear one teacher say, The greater the sinner, the greater the saint. But it can go the other way as well. The saint makes a choice which propels them into heavy density, creating Karma. Everything is possible.When we make a decision or intention that we are going to carry a certain consciousness, live a certain way, we then embark on a moment by moment journey of choices. It's not that we make the intention and everything is sorted. It's like we make the intention and that profound shift switches on everything that is now ready and available to get sorted.

Each moment and each decision contain the possibility of choosing to abandon our high intentions, our firm resolve, dissolve our inspiration, and to do what we think is easy or necessary, as dictated by our unresolved fears and neediness. And each moment contains the opposite of that - the possibility of impeccability, integrity, honour, and love. It happens at every level of humanity. And the contradictions are never higher or more intense than in those who seem to reach the pinnacles of example, but who have failed to acknowledge and integrate some part of their shadow.

These people use illusion energy. They delude both themselves and other people. Every moment of every day we are making choices about the level of consciousness and integrity, impeccability, we manifest and flood into our world. We are working with our eternal soul. It's not what we say that counts, it's what we do. We learn to forgive and love, to cherish the great souls who are all about us, as we learn to cherish, forgive, and love ourselves. It's part of being human and having the human experience. It's based on density and we are here to lighten and raise the frequency, to help with the ascension of our planet Earth and all life.

We are far greater than we begin to appreciate. We have incarnated through the realities with the same groups of souls. This is not just the time of the Shift of The Ages. It is the time for settling and sorting and clearing ancient grudges from the times of Lemuria and Atlantis, from the stars and the wars in heaven that helped to get us here. It forms part of what we are here to heal. It is a time to aim high. It is also a time when some who have sat at the top of the tree are found sinking to their knees in mud. When the energy burps or trips or jumps, slips, slides, shifts, drops, momentarily stops flowing, jumps out and grabs you, or even just dawdles momentarily and gives you a wee poke, listen to it. Learn from it. This is a time for sensing and feeling the information in the energy and the actions. The energy tells the truth. There is a message there for you. Your higher consciousness just announced it.

I have found that when I have allowed my mind to override the information from the energy I have later been able to identify the moment when the energy spoke to me. If I had listened and allowed myself to be guided by what the energy revealed, I could have saved myself a lot of energy and processing. I call them moments of deep unconsciousness. We all get them. But the consequences are considerable. We get a big helping of information which enables us to discern something important but our minds and egos don't want to know. Their agenda becomes more important and we choose to ignore something we really need to listen to.

Whatever we resist will persist. It's a big rule. If you have sent out the intention that your life will serve Spirit, whenever you cannot surrender to divine will and order, sooner or later, in order to get you working again, the universe is going to pick you up and slam you down like a potter bashing the air out of clay. And the more you have, consciously or unconsciously, ignored the issue that powers your shadow, the harder the slams and smacks needed to disintegrate the bits and pieces, the air bubbles, the gritty bits you avoided working with, that will weaken and compromise the integrity of the clay as it is processed in the transformational high temperatures and fire of the kiln. As we penetrate further and further into the great upheaving transformational process known as The Shift of The Ages, or ascension, the energies continue to manifest some real heavy dense stuff. It all has to be cleared.

love that you cant have is the love that is the most intense, hurts the most, cuts the deepest and feels the strongest. you might be cute, but you're not worth my heart. love is war, so fight that war and win, but dont play with a paper heart, you might tear mine.just because they walk out of your life and act like they dont care, it doesnt mean they dont want you to come after them with a reason why they should care. i try to think of what could have been but then i stop and wonder why im not who you want me to be. love isnt something you find, or fall into. love isnt finding the perfect person, its appreciating the imperfect things about them. if you never give love a chance it will never give you one.

When you're in love you never really know whether your elation comes from the qualities of the one you love, or if it attributes them to her; whether the light which surrounds her like a halo comes from you, from her, or from the meeting of your sparks?

Thanks and Blessings
Angels On Earth Healing Ministries

~ How to meditate ~
by Amy Scholten, MPH

Meditation involves focusing your mind continuously on one thought, word (mantra), object, or mental image for a period of time. It can also involve focusing on your breathing or on sensations in your body. The goal of meditation is to quiet your mind.

~ Benefits of meditation
Meditation leads to changes in the body known as the “relaxation response.” These changes accompany deep relaxation and may include:

Reduced heart rate and blood pressure
Reduced respiratory rate and oxygen consumption
Reduced blood flow to skeletal muscles
Reduced muscle tension
Increased immunity (resistance to or recovery from illness)
Increased energy, awareness, and mental focus

~ Studies suggest that meditation may also:

Relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
Reduce the intensity of hot flashes in menopausal women
Reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension
Treat and prevent heart disease, strokes, migraine headaches, diabetes, and arthritis
Reduce anxiety, obsessive thinking, depression, hostility, and pain

~ Guidelines
The following guidelines are recommended for meditation:

Try to do it every day, preferably at the same time (morning is best).
It is best to do it before eating, when the stomach is empty.
Find a quiet and semi-dark place to use only for meditation.
Set aside at least 20 minutes (you may have to work up to this).

~ Basic technique
There are many different types of meditation and no “right” technique for everybody. You need to find out what works best for you. Most types of meditation include the following basic elements:

~ Position
Before engaging your mind, follow these guidelines to make your body comfortable.

Sit in a comfortable position on the floor or in a chair.
If you choose a chair, keep your knees comfortably apart and rest your hands in your lap.
If you sit on the floor, choose one of these poses:
Tailor fashion (cross-legged) with a cushion under your buttocks
Japanese fashion (on your knees, with your big toes touching and your buttocks resting on the soles of your feet) with a cushion between your feet and buttocks
The yoga full lotus position (not recommended for beginners)
Keep your spine straight and vertical, but not rigid.
Briefly rock from side to side and from front to back until you feel comfortable and balanced on your hips.

~ Focus
In order to direct your thoughts, do the following:

Close your eyes (unless the focus of your attention is an object).
Focus your attention on one of the following:
A silent thought, word, or prayer
A mental image
The sensation of each breath as you inhale and exhale
An object such as a candle flame, flower, painting, or bare wall

~ Attitude
It is important to maintain a gentle and nonjudgmental attitude while you meditate. This will help you to relax. Do not be concerned about your goals, or whether or not you are meditating “correctly.” Keep the following points in mind:

As a beginner, it is natural for your attention to wander frequently.
When your attention wanders, gently redirect it back. Do not try to force your attention. Meditation should not be stressful!

~ Breathing
Proper breathing can enhance your experience.

Breathe through your nose, if possible.
Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
Focus your attention on your tummy and diaphragm rather than your nostrils and chest.
Place your hand on your tummy and feel the sensations as you inhale and exhale.
Your tummy should rise when you inhale and fall when you exhale.
Be attentive to your breathing, but stay relaxed and breathe naturally.

~ Progress
Meditation will become easier with regular practice. Experiment to find out what technique works best for you. Consider taking a meditation class. Many different techniques are taught. Some have a spiritual focus and others are more focused on stress reduction.

Spiritual Enlightenment

Spiritual enlightenment is the basic goal of any spiritual practice that you undertake. Spiritual enlightenment marks the culminating point of your practices: when one attains spiritual enlightenment, one feels the unity of soul with everything and all the mental and physical engagements are left aside. Spiritual enlightenment is the possession of highly evolved souls, and great spiritual masters of the whole world propagate the fundamentals that they experience through spiritual enlightenment.

As it seems, spiritual enlightenment is often categorized into levels for practical purposes. Highest stage of spiritual enlightenment marks the attainment of God, but still there are certain levels through which the individual needs to evolve. It is like rising from the levels of animality to which we often tend to degrade ourselves. From the levels of animality, we rise to the level of humanity, which constitutes our true nature. And further from humanity to divinity, where we merge back in the source from where we have come. Let us, for our practical purpose, put them in stages and analyze the state of being in each stage:

The first stage of spiritual enlightenment

At the very first level of spiritual enlightenment, the individual starts experiencing the reality as it is. It means that your mind ceases to interfere with what you are experiencing. Quite often, we are engaged in continuous talk, gossip, analyzing the environment around us, planning about future, and so on. However, when spiritual enlightenment dawns on your being, you take everything as it is.

The second stage of spiritual enlightenment

At the second stage of spiritual enlightenment, you feel yourself in almost everything around you. You feel that you have some connection to every object and every individual in the world. It is like losing your own individuality. Spiritual enlightenment has its culmination at merging the soul in Supreme Soul, and this is where you start experiencing it. You feel that you are not individual anymore and not separate from anything. You feel that you are in everything and everything is just a part of the Supreme Soul from where you also have emerged.

The third stage of spiritual enlightenment At the third stage of spiritual enlightenment, you no longer feel connected to everything but realize you are everything. Because spiritual enlightenment gives you the experience of oneness with God, you feel that you are not separate from anything. You are not merely the body, sense, mind, and faculty of intellect: you are what everything else is. This stage of spiritual enlightenment imparts the direct experience of oneness.


Spiritual enlightenment is the fruit that sets you free, as you lose all wants and wishes to receive the fruits of your actions. You feel the bliss of completeness through spiritual enlightenment. At first it gives you the feeling that you need "Light". At the next stage, you feel that you are merging in "Light". At the culminating stage, you feel that you are no more separated from "Light"—you and "Light" are one.

spread the light...love and blessings always


everything you see in this video is real... it truly is amazing how beautifull the universe is

take a look...

the significance of humans in the universe is equivelent to thinking a molecule on a grain of sand on a beach has some significance to the beach...
watch this to see how truly small we really are.

it takes your breath away huh...
imagine all the possabilities out there

I'd like to meet:

I can't give solutions to all of life's problems, doubts, or fears.

But I can listen to you, and together we will search for answers.

I can't change your past with all it's heartache and pain,

Nor the future with it's untold stories.

But I can be there now when you need me to care.

I can't keep your feet from stumbling.

I can only offer my hand that you may grasp it and not fall.

Your joys, triumphs, successes, and happiness are not mine;

Yet I can share in your laughter.

Your decisions in life are not mine to make, nor to judge;

I can only support you, encourage you, and help you when you ask.

I can't prevent you from falling away from friendship,

From your values, from me.

I can only pray for you, talk to you and wait for you.

I can't give you boundaries which I have determined for you,

But I can give you the room to change,

Room to grow, room to be yourself.

I can't keep your heart from breaking and hurting,

But I can cry with you and help you pick up the pieces

And put them back in place.

I can't tell you who you are.

I can only love you and be your friend

....too the girls, i wouldnt bother thanx... if ur a girl n reading this with an 'idea' in mind... move along... hahaha

iv already met one AMAZINGLY special person although i didint think she existed, you see im deeply romantic at heart, but i surpress it as boys intouch with there emotion seem to get victimised because of it.
anyway, she is inteligent, (thats important hehe), into the more colourfull side of life, shes got a gorgeous persanality but still got that fire, she really, like REALLY pretty, but not big headed about it, which is AMAZING! because i mean, what gorgeous girl do you know thats not totaly big headed?? she's really intense sometimes and im blown away by some of the sheit she comes out with haha which is defintaly VERY cool, she thinks really deeply too and as i was born in the week of depth and have hardly, if ever com across anyone that matches my depth and insight, well ok, thats a little ego tystical but alot of people dont get the stuff i come out with cuz we think on different levels, so its really nice to have met someone that really knows her sheit ^_^

most importantly she has this... spark in her eye, like a fire, iv always had this image, just the eyes though, and i feel this rush inside, i see the eyes of my soulmate,

And i truly see them in her

~ Etriel Everae, nin velithe nanta, Ai Armiel Telere Maenen Hir, Es'Caerta~



Music is music is music.... i love it, i put tunes i like on here all the time, a like good music, music that touches your soul, that play's your emmotion like an intrument... i couldnt write down evry tune i like, and i cant pinpoint evrytime a song spoke to me... but one thing i do know is their out there.... and i feel it.


hmm... movies...
i love the classics, like.clockwork orange
Lolita (the original)
erasor head
as you can tell,Stanly cubrick and Alfred hitchcock are my two favorite directors.
im really into the old b movie type hammer horrors, purely for the comedy value... :D
films like
brain dead,
dawn of the dead,
bad taste,
devils rejects,
evil dead 1, 2, and 3,
and purely for the hard core gore and harsh psychology...
Hostel... that film is WRONG! hahaha!
i'm also really into well tricky psychological thrillers, like:
the matrix (1),
vanilla sky,
eternal sunshin of the spotless mind,
fight club
and momento,
im also really into really arty films,
although the only one i can think of at the moment is:
Sin City... thats my favorite film as of yet... :D
my favorite all time films are:
The dark crystal,
And Willow...
they'r my all time favorite films from my child hood...
so thats about it for movies really....


Honest people use no rhetoric;
Rhetoric is not honesty.
Enlightened people are not cultured;
Culture is not enlightenment.
Content people are not wealthy;
Wealth is not contentment.

So the sage does not serve himself;
The more he does for others, the more he is satisfied;
The more he gives, the more he receives.
Nature flourishes at the expense of no one;
So the sage benefits all men and contends with none.
Tao Te Ching


Read books my frineds... take advantage of the gift of writen langauge, to see through the eyes and mind of another. read books that teach you... we are hear to seek truth, here are but some of the books you should read...
The only thing you know for sure is: 'here and now I am'. Remove, the 'here and now' the 'I am' remains, unassailable. The word exists in memory, memory comes into consciousness; consciousness exists in awareness and awareness is the reflection of the light on the waters of existence.
-an exert from
"taking as a bow, the great weapon of the mind,
one should put upon it an 'arrow' sharpened by meditation,
stretching it with the very essence of the want of attainment of wisdom,
and penetrate 'that' which is incomprehensible in thought,
my friend"-an exert from
"For sentient beings, poor and destitute, May I become a treasure ever plentiful, And lie before them closely in their reach, A varied source of all that they might need."
- an exert from

My Blog

The Secret Teachings of all Ages...

just check it out.http://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/sta/
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 01:50:00 PST

Vid Short on the repercussions of the US invading Iran

~ Steven~ RonPaul2008.com~Down George Bush's Road To Insanity! http://www.youtube.com/v/8XQan1qo8T4...
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 05:35:00 PST

Life of The boundless

~ namaste ~ °¤" Ü1îghtw¤rker§Ü "¤° LIFE OF THE BOUNDLESSexcerpts from Applied Metaphysics for Beginnersby Christian D LarsonTHE IDEAL MADE REALWhen the mind is placed in conscious contact with the lim...
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 05:23:00 PST

the universe is a hologram... really interesting read, from a scientific perspective.

The Universe as a HologramDoes Objective Reality Exist, or is the Universe a Phantasm?In 1982 a remarkable event took place. At the University of Paris a research team led by physicist Alain Aspect...
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 01:35:00 PST

ARISE AND AWAKEN!!! ~ All u ever need to know about 9/11 and gouverment bollocks

~STOP CONSTITUTION ABUSE~..bucket.com/albums/j59/nick22480/inside%20job/protest /aleximortal.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket">..20job/protest/1560333639_l.jpg" borde...
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Tue, 21 Aug 2007 05:44:00 PST

~ZEITGEIST~ full movie... EVERYONE must watch this film!

Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 06:35:00 PST

Check out this video: 303truth.com - MUST SEE - UFO Conference 2005

Check out this video: 303truth.com - MUST SEE - UFO Conference 2005 Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 04:00:00 PST

listen to your intuition - "the science of intuition"

First Impressions Are Intuitiveby Owen WatersWhenever you step firmly into heart-centered consciousness,your awareness immediately becomes more connected to your innersource of intuition. Through intu...
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 02:52:00 PST

understanding quantum consciousness ~ from India riverflow

Our worldview is largely a function of our location. The range of what we can experience and imagine is bounded by the culture that spawned us, and the place that we hold within it. Transcending local...
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 12:37:00 PST

quiz thing.

My name:Summarize me in three words:Where did we meet:Take a stab at my middle name:How long have you known me:When is the last time that we saw each other:Do I drink:Do I smoke:Am I happy:Am I a good...
Posted by ~someone who cares~ on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 11:50:00 PST