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Our new album, Homing Patterns, was released on May 7, 2008 @ Holocene (Portland). We are proud to have a song from our latest release included on the 2008 PDX Pop Now! Compilation .
Thank you to everyone who helped made our April tour to the Bay Area a success. We'll be back soon.
"In recent years, Portland has become a breeding ground for a number of exciting jazz combos, all of which aim to take the genre out of the cocktail lounge and into the indie rock club. One such group is an invigorating quartet known as Blue Cranes. Although it sticks to the typical lineup of a jazz quartet (sax, keys, bass and drums), the group avoids expository solos and renditions of traditional songs, instead sticking together throughout like a rock band and, on this album, even covering a song by the late Elliott Smith.
"Blue Cranes haven’t completely eschewed the notions of what jazz music is, writing straightforward works ... as well as proving they can ride a Latin groove with best of them... Yet what makes Blue Cranes so enticing is how closely they align themselves with other jazz artists like Ornette Coleman and Charles Mingus, who stretched the boundaries of what jazz can be."
In 2003, high school friends and bandmates Reed Wallsmith and Ji Tanzer reconnected after several years apart, and began performing together as a free music duo. In 2004 they combined with Keith Brush to form Blue Cranes, performing music from a 4-track project that Reed had made. A year later, in search of a chording instrument, they connected with Rebecca Sanborn, who was performing her own music in a duo with Ji. As a quartet they recorded their first full length album, Lift Music! Flown Music!. In 2006, at a show in Portland, Sly Pig approached the band about writing a piece for the group. When the musical chemistry became immediately evident, Blue Cranes became a quintet. This group, along with guest Ila Cantor (nyc), recorded the second full length Blue Cranes album, Homing Patterns, which was released in May 2008.
"Returning to Portland" live at PDX Pop Now! Festival, August 2007:
Our first album, Lift Music! Flown Music! was released in January 2007.
To order a copy, please visit our website or click above.