Tras la separacion de Juniper Moon a finales de 2004, Ivan (bateria y fundador del grupo) y Eva (teclista en los ultimos conciertos de la banda) comenzaron su andadura bajo el nombre de Linda Guilala.
Realizaron sus primeras grabaciones inspirados por la cultura pop de las utimas cuatro decadas, con influencias que abarcan desde los grupos de chicas de los 60, el electro pop de los 80 o muchas bandas del llamado C-86, siempre bajo el espiritu del DIY.
Algunas de sus primeras canciones llegaron a sonar en el programa "Flor de Pasion" (RNE, Radio3), dirigido por el prestigioso locutor Juan de Pablos.
Tomando como partida estos primeros temas, el grupo realiza su primera maqueta totalmente auto-producida, en la que contaron con la ayuda al bajo del argentino Ignacio Espumado.
Como fruto de esa demo, el duo comenzo a sonar en numerosos programas de radio dedicados a la escena independiente, como "Disco Grande", "Plastico Elastico" o "La Merienda" entre otros; este ultimo dirigido por Agustin Fuentes, director del Festival Contempopranea, donde fueron elegidos grupo de la semana.
Tambien fuera de nuestras fronteras sus temas fueron radiados en paises tan dispares como Mexico, Italia, Alemania o Suecia..., llegando a estar entre los artistas de la semana de Radio Nowhere (UK) e incluso llegando a formar parte de lo mejor de 2006 de esta misma emisora.
Participan tambien en numerosos recopilatorios en Mexico, USA, Singapur, Italia, Peru...
El 6 de enero de 2007 el grupo debuta en Madrid junto a Corazon y Dj Polar, en una fiesta Elefant. A los pocos dias, llega la noticia de que su maqueta ha sido escogida como 2ª mejor maqueta del a..o 2006 en el programa de Radio 3 "Disco Grande", dirigido y presentado por Julio Ruiz.
En la primavera empezaran a grabar las canciones de lo que sera su album de debut.
After the split of Juniper Moon at the end of 2004, Ivan (former drummer and founder of the band) and Eva (the keyboard player who performed with the band in their last few shows) started their new adventure under the name of Linda Guilala.
To do their first home recordings they found inspiration in pop culture from the last four decades, with influences ranging from the girl bands from the 60s to 80s electro-pop or many of the bands from the so called C-86, always under the DIY spirit.
Some of their first songs were aired on "Flor de Pasion" (RNE, Radio3), a nationwide radio show directed by influential DJ Juan de Pablos. Based on those first tracks, the band does its first self-produced demo, for which they had the help of Argentinian bass player Ignacio Espumado.
Once the demo was ready, they started being played on many radio shows dedicated to independent music, such as "Disco Grande", "Plastico Elastico" or "La Merienda"; the latter being directed by Agustin Fuentes, director of the Contempopranea festival, who chose them as band of the week in his show.
Also outside Spain they have been played in radio shows from such distant countries as Mexico, Italy, Germany or Sweden, among others, climbing to the position of artists-of-the-week on Radio Nowhere (UK) and even being part of the best of 2006 polls on this same radio station.
Thanks to this first recording they are also featured in many compilations in Mexico, USA, Singapore, Italy or Peru.
On January 6th 2007, a few days after they finished their second demo, and after many mentions on a big number of blogs and e-zines, the band made their live debut in Madrid at an Elefant Records party in the venue Galileo Galilei, along with labelmates Corazon and DJ Polar. A few days after this came the good news that their demo had been chosen as the second best demo from 2006 by the RNE-Radio 3 show "Disco Grande", directed by DJ Julio Ruiz.
In the forthcoming spring they will start recording the songs of what will become their debut album.