It’s now two years since SUBZERO, recorded 6 themes presented in a Demo-CD with a homonymous title. It’s a band from Villarcayo (a little village in Northern Burgos, a County of Castile) which was formed by ex-members of other bands, such us Toxic Squeak, Dear Twit and Teen Fuckers. All through this time, there haven’t been few the concerts it has performed, some of them as support band like Texas Terri (USA), The Real McKenzies (Canada) or The Casualties (USA), leaving a dumbfounded atmosphere. They have even had time to win several prizes in a great number of contests. In one of them, (II Bilbovision Pop-Rock Contest) they won and received the recording of a video clip as a prize (“Just a Gameâ€), a tacit yaw to the film “SAWâ€. This video was edited by Asier Mentxaka. Now, Subzero are presenting their first Long Play, “FROM THE ICED INSPIRATIONâ€, produced, edited and managed by the band itself, a nice digipack with 9 music tracks and another multimedia one including the previously mentioned video clip “Just a Gameâ€. Recorded and mixed by the own band and Jaime Recio in “Checkpoint Studios†(Salas de Bureba, Burgos). On this occasion, they decided to masterize it in Madrid, specifically in “Oasis Studios†by Kosta Vazquez (Boikot) and Toni Moreno.The result pass on us the warmth gushing from this band in its little hole, in those perishing cold lands from Northern Burgos, that’s why its freezing title. You only have to push play, turn the volume up and start to feel it….
Contact us if interested in recruiting the band or even distributing the Long Play: Mobile: +(34) 645.930.760 (RUS)
[email protected]
Han pasado dos años desde que SUBZERO, la banda de Villarcayo formada por ex-miembros de Toxic Squeak, Dear Twit y Teen Fuckers, grabaran 6 temas que presentaron en un cd-maketa con tÃtulo homónimo. Durante este tiempo no han sido pocos los conciertos que han ofrecido, algunos de ellos teloneando a bandas como Texas Terri (USA), The Real McKenzies (Canada) o The Casualties (USA), dejando muy buen sabor de boca.Tambien han tenido tiempo de ganar varios premios en diversos concursos. En uno de los ellos, ( II Concuso Pop Rock de Bilbovison ) resultan ganadores y reciben como premio la grabacion de un video clip, "JUST A GAME", un guiño a la pelÃcula de The Saw, dirigido por Asier Mentxaka.Ahora nos presentan su primer disco "FROM THE ICED INSPIRATION", un bonito digipack con 9 canciones y una pista multimedia con el video clip antes mencionado, "Just a Game". Grabado y mezclado por la misma banda y Jaime Recio en los Estudios Checkpoint de Salas de Bureba (Burgos), esta vez deciden masterizarlo en Madrid, concretamente en los Estudios Oasis por Kosta Vazquez (Boikot) y Toni Moreno. El resultado nos trasmite el calor que desprende esta banda desde su pequeño agujero dentro de esas frias tierras del norte de Burgos, de ahà su helador tÃtulo.Solo tienes que dar al play, subir el volumen de tu aparato y empezar a sentirlo...Contacto/contact:
[email protected]: 645 930 760
Hell: 667 097 200
Kike: 610 82 20 14
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