My wife, music, reading, writing, playing sports (basketball, tennis, golf), watching sports, cards, going to concerts, movies, Starbucks runs and chats, theological discussions, and just hanging out with good company
Beau Bristow, Josh Wilson, Rachel Carrozziere...wait a minute...dreams can come true!
Anything but country really...Pillar, Coldplay, Derek Webb, Alter Bridge, Story of the Year, Yellowcard, Dead Poetic, Cool Hand Luke, Damien Rice, Thousand Foot Krutch, Mute Math, Linkin Park, Pax 217, P.O.D., Further Seems Forever, Downhere, Pearl Jam, Audioslave, Sanctus Real, Skillet, Switchfoot, Jimmy Eat World...what can I say, I'm a rock guy.
I usually gravitate to historical type movies...Passion of the Christ, Luther (probably my favorite movie right now), Gladiator, Braveheart, Troy, We Were Soldiers, Blackhawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, Hoosiers, Rudy, Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy (all time favorite list), The Terminal, Bobby Jones: Stroke of Genius, Spiderman 1 & 2, X-Men 1 & 2, Tombstone, The Mask of Zorro, The Family Guy, The Beautiful Mind, Forrest Gump, Patch Adams, The Count of Monte Cristo...anything that makes me think, I am all about it.
This one is easy...Sportscenter, sports, movies on TV, MTV, VH1, and Jag (stop hatin' on Jag).
Now we're talkin'...the Bible of course, anything by A.W. Tozer (specifically The Knowledge of the Holy - heavy stuff), Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller, Knowing God by J.I. Packer, any theological work like Calvin's Institutes or Systematic Theology works, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings so far (I'm just now working through it but loving it) by J.R.R. Tolkien, Homiletics by Karl Barth, stuff by John Piper or Jonathan Edwards, Martin Luther and other reformers works, the writings of C.S. Lewis...I like a challenge when I read (Down with the Fluff!).
My wife, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Ulrich Zwingli, John Wesley, the apostle Paul, those persecuted and martyred for their faith, and Dr. Ray Van Neste (professor at Union University)...