I'm Back In The Best City!!! Sydney
i was on good morning america. did ya c me?!!
Click and Drag the Girl through the Bubbles
Carpe Diem
Love learning - have a Music Degree in Singing, studied Phys Ed, Japanese... recently dabbled in Dynmc Web Design and finishing Real Estate courses...
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Enjoy traveling to places I can't speak the language - trying to nut it out -
~eg waitressing 32 tables in a restaurant where about 20% would speak in English
~having Arabic addresses written on pieces of paper numbered 1,2 etc for taxi drivers to go sightseeing in the middle east (along with local price recommendations..)
~staying in a refugee camp, using charades to figure out what's going on - mafia, drugs, prostitution, lonely displaced people-Eek!
I'm just back from crazy busy buzzy NY... CHECK OUT THIS AWESOME SITE IF YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL
Was lucky enough
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to sing solo infront of 250 million audience once
Was lucky enough not to get arrested after drinking 1125mls of vodka, dancing naked on a city roof and finally being Police rescued off by crane (i can explain!)
nb. i don't drink v often
1st woman @ my Uni to win capping wk skulling competition - entered cos no other woman would (and to see if singers really can open throat:)
Played a lot of age group rep Netball (like Basketball without the bouncing) and Softball...do random physical stuff now
enJoy being a bit Entrepreneurial
traded random stuff, opened 'backpackers in my flat, lived/worked in backpackers, interned sydney op house, homeless shelter, painter, bars, banks, libraries, gyms, shearing gang-farm work, gaming room, busking (singing on the street...), after-school care, 'surogacy' etc etc etc
Prob Real Est work post-holiday
At 28 I decided to reproduce and now am in a constant state of 'blessaught' - blessed and distraught in unison! But I love every day no matter what:).
So, I am Theoretical and Practical and a little impractical too I suppose
Daydream: To be a featured artist on myspace
Greatest Desire: to be perfectly happy :)
"Love and Light everybody" xo.