Joy profile picture


some1 send the floating icebergs 2 australia!!! they NEED the water :)

About Me

I'm Back In The Best City!!! Sydney

i was on good morning america. did ya c me?!!



Click and Drag the Girl through the Bubbles

Carpe Diem

Love learning - have a Music Degree in Singing, studied Phys Ed, Japanese... recently dabbled in Dynmc Web Design and finishing Real Estate courses...
Click here to view a bigger version of my map!
You can also make your own, it's free!
Enjoy traveling to places I can't speak the language - trying to nut it out -
~eg waitressing 32 tables in a restaurant where about 20% would speak in English
~having Arabic addresses written on pieces of paper numbered 1,2 etc for taxi drivers to go sightseeing in the middle east (along with local price recommendations..)
~staying in a refugee camp, using charades to figure out what's going on - mafia, drugs, prostitution, lonely displaced people-Eek!
I'm just back from crazy busy buzzy NY... CHECK OUT THIS AWESOME SITE IF YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL
Was lucky enough
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to sing solo infront of 250 million audience once
Was lucky enough not to get arrested after drinking 1125mls of vodka, dancing naked on a city roof and finally being Police rescued off by crane (i can explain!)
nb. i don't drink v often
1st woman @ my Uni to win capping wk skulling competition - entered cos no other woman would (and to see if singers really can open throat:)
Played a lot of age group rep Netball (like Basketball without the bouncing) and random physical stuff now
enJoy being a bit Entrepreneurial
traded random stuff, opened 'backpackers in my flat, lived/worked in backpackers, interned sydney op house, homeless shelter, painter, bars, banks, libraries, gyms, shearing gang-farm work, gaming room, busking (singing on the street...), after-school care, 'surogacy' etc etc etc
Prob Real Est work post-holiday
At 28 I decided to reproduce and now am in a constant state of 'blessaught' - blessed and distraught in unison! But I love every day no matter what:).
So, I am Theoretical and Practical and a little impractical too I suppose
Daydream: To be a featured artist on myspace
Greatest Desire: to be perfectly happy :)
"Love and Light everybody" xo.

here's my email address for when myspace grows out of control and its bits explode everywhere: [email protected]

My Interests

Singing traveling sport
Myspace Graphics
Hieronymus Bosch 1510AD painting is amazing!!!"Garden of Earthly Delights"

just messing...
2coolphoto / Layouts ,
My Allergies:
bimbos - NATURAL blondes and titties are welcome - !
my own being chicks who can't sing but make a living at it! - u have a great p.r person!! cats
hay fever
obstreperous know-it-alls/charletons!

I'd like to meet:



All! Heavy Metal may be the exception
Love Arias By Verdi, Puccini, Mozart, Bizet, Saint Saens
LOVE SINGING esp. English stuff: Purcell, Handel, Gershwin...Crooners numbers are growing on me, Folk, Hymns, on the fly harmonizing w. DJs is fun too.


Classics, World, Kiwiana - Peter Jackson's early crazy comedies and of course, his Epic trilogy!


"I don't watch much":) /


Bios, History, Non-fiction in general


JC - love and compassion aren't normal human traits - he said show it to a stranger or enemy even - amazing, crazy ideas eh:) even an agnostic or aethiest with compassion has been affected by his teachings - even me sometimes!

My Blog

BOYS I'VE KNOWN-why some NZ chicks bcome lesbians

1 Scroper : sportsman, maori 'leader', nazi slogan chanter, prime minister science advisor. i jumped him first and so it's continued for nearly 17years 2 Jason:the nice guys finish last guy "my dad ha...
Posted by Joy on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 07:44:00 PST

FREE SHAPPELLE CORBY!! I WANT TO BUSK AROUND A FEW COUNTRIES THEN BUY HER A PRESENT =8650 20 years in a Bali prison for 4kgs of cannibas...isn't clear if she packed it or not... What a waste of a beautiful young wo...
Posted by Joy on Tue, 18 Jul 2006 04:49:00 PST

i write stuff - write me one too

Unique Each 1 of us totally unique So what is the common identity some seek? To find a mould To calm the mind's load For what reason Our uniqueness to be sold?   You are you Not he nor she Nor y...
Posted by Joy on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 12:39:00 PST

infatuation of our species

 HUMAN BEINGS ARE INFATUATED WITH MEASURING EVERYTHING THAT EXISTSbeauty intelligence temperature colour morals speed distance ............................................................ ...........
Posted by Joy on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 05:13:00 PST

Je suis Joy

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Joy Birthday: 17 July Birthplace: NZ Current Location: NZ Eye Color: brown and green rings Hair Color: brown - blue black Height: 5 7 Right Handed...
Posted by Joy on Wed, 31 May 2006 04:25:00 PST