Shane profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Create Your OwnOkay wierd new facts about me.... I used to have a recurring dream I won the lotto and I would hurry up and wake up all excited that I could go buy all this shit; only to find out I was still broke and then I would just go back to bed depressed & broke, I hate Vaccums,I love to sleep in other peoples beds, I can't stand fans I think they are a huge turn off, When I was a kid I was the only kid that could manage to fall of a tricycle, I sit in the shower, I hate snobs, I hate superficial people, I love women(all of them), I can't stand OCD people, I think the movies for a date is the dumbest damn thing you can do, You sleep in my dogs spot he isn't in your spot, I think slinky & the light bright are the best toys ever, I'm a big kid at heart, I wear my heart on my sleeve, I can't lie (I really suck at it), If someone annoys me I can't be around them because you can see right through me, I love to have my back stepped on literally, I love my friends dearly and if I drink I have been know to tell that, I like to flirt in huge amounts,I love Corona, I cant stand pot, I would rather be out than at home, I once had a bad time at Bennihanna because they only sat me w/ the person I came with, I love Texas but I hate Dallas, the texas hill country clears my mind, I hate know it alls, I have been know to do random nice things for people I don't even know, I don't make plans, I like to listen to peoples conversations in public, I hate people who slam doors, I love the summer, I get depressed a lil in the winter, I don't beleive in secrets (but i'll keep yours), I don't care much for chicken, I was attacked at the zoo by a fossa, I take people for face value, I think all people have good hearts okay well most, I identify with other peoples problems, .........dunno what else you wanna know?????????????????????????? Lemme see....What do you really wanna know without me wasting your time. I'm all about having fun..I live life to the fullest. Life is way too short to sweat the small stuff. Everything is just little dots on the map of life Yeah I'm a little crazy (but its only bad when you dont know it) I'm a HUGE flirt! I live in far north Dallas. I'm really easy going and I love to do anything and everything. I'm super humorous there is humor in every facet of life(if you cant see that you don't get it so just kill yourself....Seriously!). I totally love meeting people especially beautiful women. If I'm sitting at home I hate it; my goal in life it to meet everyone & anyone. I can make friends in any situation and have never met a stranger

My Interests

Fishing, hunting, spooning, camping, texas country music, partying, work, the lake, traveling especially the hill country, tubing, trap shooting, pool, music, my dog Cody, water skiing, getting people to try new things, meeting interesting people, enjoying life, 4 wheeling, learning new things, penguins,

I'd like to meet:

People that get it! Oh and you too. Basically I would love to meet everybody that is worth my time (especially ones of the female sortI got my layout at | Free Myspace Layouts


I love all kinds of music but my true passion is TEXAS COUNTRY


I'm a news junkie, I'm not at home enough to watch TV