For sure, I have many interests to speak of like my stand up comedy night in Blackpool that's really taking off, but if we can just touch upon the few I can not mention, like my love for eating hot dog shit our of a cereal bowl and pissing out of hot air balloons on to Banks in London Village with Julian my personal trainer I’d feel a lot happier for sure
For sure! I have actually never met anyone in my life, I was born into a hollow candle shaped in the form of a Bluetit and had to nor my way through, this is a tradition in my village of Italy for sure, so I don’t actually understand what this "who'd I like much meet" its? I have employees like Julian my personal trainer but I don’t condone "mingling with the hired help"
For sure! I recently went to a "pop concert" in my home village of Italy where I was very important person guest of honour and was treated to a Continental cheese platter, I love new music, naturally, so introducing German singer Nena who reached number one in West Germany in 1983 on stage was so inspirational it rekindled my love for the Harp and before you could say "99 Luftballons" there I was knees up jamming away with da bitch. Brilliant.
i only watch films i have not been in
Julian, my personal trainer, actually you know when I say "personal trainer" I mean home help, actually when I say "home help" I mean special friend, actually when I say "special friend" I mean Government appointed physiologist and restrainer, does not permit me to watch anything that does not contain the delicate art of Origami. Apparently it will unfold the complex rigidness of my child self (Francesca) by understanding where my adult self (Sophia) fucked up.
Advanced Transact-SQL for SQL Server 2000 (Paperback) by Kenneth Henderson...A Time of Gifts: On Foot to Constantinople - From the Hook of Holland to the Middle Danube (Paperback)by Patrick Leigh Fermor
We could be heroes...Just for one day like...oh i dont know..whoever discovered lipstick for sure