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I must have lore

About Me

I am BryonyThis is my band - Young Lovers if you don't know me, add Young Lovers - not me!

My Interests

i like : Meat (i am a bit of a carnivore), tea, storms, sharing hot chocolate with someone nice(eg.charlotte patterson), avocado, zanna's ruler (weaponsof maths construction) my cat Burritos, egg fried rice, mayonnaiseANDketchup on chips(at the same time), spinach,witty textage baking nice things my gig buddy weddings with maddy best buddies. i LOVE LOVE lover them

Things i don't like : CHICKENS and turkeys (you try living with them for 17 years), when my trousers soak up all the rain off the street, organised religion, i can think for myself thankstorturing a woodlouse in biology sleeping in a tent/camping in general people who have nothing to say for themselves

I'd like to meet:

My World Visitor Map!

someone who can hold my short attention span

My Friend Space
I have friends.

Crappy Patty


Darling Cuz

In the disabled

Penis Hands


Ancient Worlds

Kung Fu Bowie

Pink Embryo Ranger



Lights, Action!

View All of My Friends


No Doubt Letters to Cleo, Billy Talent destiny's child 36Crazyfists, regina spektor Brand New, LinkinPark, Mudvayne, Coheed, Rasputina Lamb of God


Le Fabuleux destin d'Amelie Poulain, the buffy movie Drop Dead Fred, LoTR, Cruel Intentions, .. Donnie Darko , Snatch, The Craft, The Crow, American Beauty


It's aaaaallllll about Buffy Wesley: Buffy, you will go to the Gleave's family crypt tonight and fetch the amulet. Buffy: I will? Wesley: Are you not used to being given orders? Buffy: Whenever Giles sends me on a mission, he always says "please." And afterwards I get a cookie.Dark Angel(Jessica Alba-phwoooaarrr), CSI(:miami), Heroes Supernatural


The Secret History Vodka Pompeii Atonement, Harry Potter, Carol-Anne Duffy The Aeneid, Tempus erat quo prima quies mortalibus aegris incipit et dono diuum gratissima serpit. in somnis, ecce, ante oculos maestissimus Hector uisus adesse mihi largosque effundere fletus, raptatus bigis ut quondam, aterque cruento puluere perque pedes traiectus lora tumentis. ei mihi, qualis erat, quantum mutatus ab illo Hectore qui redit exuuias indutus Achilli uel Danaum Phrygios iaculatus puppibus ignis! squalentem barbam et concretos sanguine crinis uulneraque illa gerens, quae circum plurima muros accepit patrios. ultro flens ipse uidebar compellare uirum et maestas expromere uoces: 'o lux Dardaniae, spes o fidissima Teucrum, quae tantae tenuere morae? quibus Hector ab oris exspectate uenis? ut te post multa tuorum funera, post uarios hominumque urbisque labores defessi aspicimus! quae causa indigna serenos foedauit uultus? aut cur haec uulnera cerno?' I'm a massive latin gimp, deal with it. LoTR, Bottersnikes and Gumbles American Psycho Artemis Fowl and the Alex Rider books, i fancy both main characters even though i think they're meant to be about 14..but Alex Rider is an MI6 agent and Artemis Fowl is a criminal genious..nuff said.

My Blog

California and Truck

Summary: Cali was fab, the californians totally bummed us because "ohmygod you have the cutest accent". Being over 21 and drunk occasionally would have helped though.. Also being 25 would be great cos...
Posted by bryspace on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 10:39:00 PST

Old old old photos

I just realised that i have a load of old photos i tea leaved out of zanny's album..we're so little !!Latest addition:wow we were 12, infact, they were 12, i was probably still 11.i think this is the ...
Posted by bryspace on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 02:30:00 PST

Quotes from Russia

"Thats what you get when you shag your cousins" "Are Russian sailors celibate?" "A Sex Shop!" "There's something nefarious going on in the purple ones tights" One of the most entertaining things about...
Posted by bryspace on Thu, 27 Oct 2005 02:19:00 PST


urghh, homework.. i have biology coursework, (on the abundance of yarrow on a recieving or freedraining slope dontcha know), an impending literary analysis on the Aeneid book 10, a russian e...
Posted by bryspace on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 01:21:00 PST

Reading Festival

So i've tried and  failed over all of my 17 years to date to keep a diary, because frankly if i have things i don't ever want to share with people, i dont want to write them down either, because ...
Posted by bryspace on Wed, 31 Aug 2005 04:15:00 PST

Feeding time at the private school...

This is the best window into my life i can offer, written last year by my best buddy Mandy before she went off to boarding school, (keep an eye out for her, one day she will be an award winning journa...
Posted by bryspace on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST