OK, I'm back to normal now. Seeing as how I've found
some good cheer, I figured I'd reflect it by promoting a game that makes using my old COMPAQ tolerable. That game is Last Chaos, a free (that's right, FREE!), downloadable MMORPG (for those that may not be familiar with that, it means Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) for the
Granted, my COMPAQ isn't exactly top of the line, so naturally I get slowdown quite a bit. But nonetheless I have got it to run, and when there's no slowdown, it plays beautifully. If I can get it looking halfway decent on my computer, if you have a real top of the line computer you can imagine how beautiful it would look on your machine. Again, it looks good enough on mine, but on a real machine...I can't imagine how good it would look.
If you have a good PC, looking for something to play and don't have the money to buy one of the "big boys" off the shelves, Last Chaos is an excellent, well-made game that will be more than able to help you scratch that itch. Oh, and did I forget to mention it's FREE to download?
Hometown: The Dark Recesses of The Abyss
Height: 6'0"
Weight: ??? (LOL LOL)
Why I'm Here:
1. To meet new people (duh! LOL LOL)
2. To spread good cheer
3. To have fun
My Mantra:
"While we all make mistakes we must not let
ourselves be defined by them. Doing so only
stunts inner growth, which renders true progress
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