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About Me

My Interests

i may talk if Im online. but even if Im offline, this button dosenot switch to offline . XD gomennasai

I'd like to meet:

いらっしゃいましーいらっしゃいましー。こ んちは!T-shirtãƒ‡ã‚¶ã‚¤ãƒ³ã—ã¦å£²ã£ã¦ã¾ã™ã€‚æ—¥æœ ¬ã‹ã‚‰ã‚‚簡単に購入できるのでよろちく!あだ¨ã€éŠã³ã§ãƒ¢ãƒ‡ãƒ«ã—たい方もよろしく!このだ¾ã¾ã ã¨è‡ªåˆ†ã§ãƒ¢ãƒ‡ãƒ«ã™ã‚‹ã¯ã‚ã«ã€‚。someoneこ㠁®ãƒ†ãƒ¼ã‚·ãƒ£ãƒ„ã‚’å£²ã£ã¦ãŠãã‚Šãƒ¼ã€‚ãŒãƒ¼ã‚“æ—¥æœ¬è ªžã§æ›¸ãã¨é¦¬é¹¿ãŒã°ã‚Œã‚‹ãƒ¼ã€‚おういいキャッ㠃ãƒ•ãƒ¬ãƒ¼ã‚ºãŒã†ã‹ã‚“だ。外国のお友達へ友情㠁®ã‚かしとして一枚のプレゼントにいかがで㠁™ã‹ãƒ¼ï¼Ÿï¼ã‹ã£ã“いいよー


C'est un magasin japonais.Il y a approximativement 600 articles dans mon magasin.J'ai conçu toutes les choses.Si vous habitez a` U.S.A. ou UE ou Japon, vous pouvez acheter facilement l'article.S'il vous plaît choisissez la langue de votre pays. Vous pourrez acheter facilement l'article dont vous avez besoin.


.Esto es una tienda japonesa. Hay aproximadamente 600 arti'culos en mi tienda.Si usted vive en U.S.A. o EU o Japo'n,usted puede comprar el arti'culo que disen~e' fa'cilmente.Por favor, escoge tu idioma o país y podrás comprar fácilmente.



Es sind über 600 Artikel in meinem Shop. Ich habe alles selbst designt. Wenn ihr in der USA, Europa oder Japan lebt, könnt ihr meine selbstentworfenen Artikel ganz leicht erwerben. Bitte gebt euer Land und eure Sprache im Shop an!


Mijn winkel bevat ongeveer 600 artikelen. Ik heb alles zelf ontworpen.Als je in de USA, EU of Japan woont kan je heel gemakkelijk de artikelen verkijgen die ik ontworpen heb. Nadat je ingelogd bent in mijn winkel,gelieve je taal en land te kiezen.


There are about 600 articles in my shop.I designed all stuff.If you live in U.S.A. or EU or Japan, you can easily purchase the article which I designed.After enter my shop,please chose your country and language.

Who I'd like to meet

Who I'd like to meet??well maybe I wanna meet people who give me a opportunity to experience,feel,think and fun something new. and I wanna trip with them..ohh,,maybe I need a vocalist too.ummm bit hard question..oh I forgot important stuff.I have to find out cute girl LOL.. and I wanna be a friend with the person speaking French Spanish English.and I wanna learn more.but on the other hand Im so lazy so i dont wanna learn.just wanna speak other some other language with out effort.and to tell the trues I already made a friends too much,so I don't have enought time to talk well with each person.but almost of them who I can talk with is living in foreign country or distant place .so I tend to be on PC.maybe I need a friend who can speak French Spanish English who live in neighborhood now.

Estudio ingles y espanol y frances por la identidad - la educacion.Me gustan la composicion y un diseno.Disene la ropa que usted podia mirar en esta pagina.Por favor venga a mi tienda.

J'etudie par moi-même l'Anglais, l'Espagnol et le Francais. J'aime la composition et le dessin. J'ai concu les vetements que vous pouvez regarder dans cette page. S'il vous plait, venez a mon magasin.

Io studio inglese e lo spagnolo e francese da stesso-istruzione. Mi piace composizione ed un disegno. Io disegnai i vestiti che Lei potrebbe guardare in questa pagina. Per favore venga al mio negozio.

Ich studiere Englisch und Spanish und Franzosisch durch Selbst-Ausbildung. Ich mag die Zusammenstellung und ein Design. Ich entwarf die Kleidung, die Sie sich in dieser Seite ansehen konnten. Bitte kommen zu meinem Geschaft.
Ik studeer zelfstandig Engels, Spaans en Frans voor mijn zelfontwikkeling. Ik heb kleren ontworpen die je kan bekijken op deze site. Als ze je aanstaan spring dan gewoon eens binnen in mijn winkel.

↑This is my other My Space Link↑

Behind the Great Wave at Kanagawa

This design is based on Japanes tradittional Pic "Behind the Great Wave at Kanagawa" (神奈川沖波裏) from Thirty six views of Mount Fuji(富嶽三十六景 Fugoku Sanjuurokkei).You can see Mount Fuji Center of this pic.
and I drew traditional Sunrise Symbol too. However, in fact, it is very difficult to use this symbol for a design.Cuz This mark reminds almost of Japanese of war or extreme right-winger.Cuz of history of war.So this Symbol have a potentiality to make Japanese feel offended or make Japanese think as if you like war.The feeling might be the same with the feeling that person see a symbol of the Nazi. I took care about those problem and I designed it . From My view as a Japanese , I can just feel good meaning from this design.NOT sad history and bad impression.I just feel something like a great feeling of surfing and power of great nature and bit humor and The Japanese tradition that we can be proud of.If I see the person who wear it ,I can understand that they respect our culture.so I will also respect they .If you are the person who like surfing, you should get it soon. SO COOL!!

I drew a kind of maple and kanji楓 in this design.Maple is calle momiji(紅葉) or kaede(楓) in Japan.紅葉means red leaf.and 楓 is constructed from part of tree and part of breeze.I thought in this design, I should select kanji of kaede.maybe you know sakura well. but kaede is also very very important tree in japan to express japanese culture and atmosphere.a lot of Japanese ppl go to see this tree every year. and this tree remainds us to one important things. Everything that is existed have a end and always stay changing.leaf,breez,mind,life.. to attain enlightenment it is really important matter to understand the Japanese culture,mind and beauty. I serched word how to explain. then I found "Sense of the vanity of life" but i don't know how to feel when ppl hear this sentence. so I'll explain in my word. when ppl see the moment when something fade away,ppl understand the end of life and fleeting life of all things from bottom of heart. and in fact ppl might feel bit sad. but at the same time,We can feel real beauty and greatness that is exist in the true.so Japanese ppl often have tryed to express this moment. for example not only full bloom but also falling sakura petal .and this my design is also ..

It's very simple design.I drew a eclips shape that suggest 666 and I wrote 666 in Kanji letter by black color.cuz I thought it should be hide. It's so simple but I have never seen such a design

I really recommend this design to a martial artist.I wrote zen.you may think that I just typed one letter.
But I didn't use font that is able to buy or download.I designed this latter from first by myself.
In japan, ppl often think shape of kanji express the character of the person who write it.and Kanji is kind of hieroglyph too.So its shape and balance is really important matter.
It's really hard to explain about this kanji. cuz it is so abstractive meanings.
but I think lot of japanese martial art is based on this mind.like a heroes of karate and star wars say"don't look at enemy.just feel by mind's eye"haha .....and I think martial art should not be violent .

KIKYOU(Chinese bellflower,Platycodon grandiflorum)and Six square.and I wrote kikyou in Hiragana letter.This Six square is called kikkou. and It is from tortoise-shell.
Kikkou is often used as a symbol of longevity in Japan.
and as you know, kikyou and sakura is often used as a name of character in anime.

Kanji Uzumaki and symbol of Tomoe.Uzumaki means whirlpool.
yeah , as you know...NARUTO's family name is also UZUMAKI.XD
I ll explain about it more later .

I draw symbol af martial arts and kanji.I wrote "budou" in the center of this design.Budou measn Martial Arts.But Purpose of Budou is not to became a cruel, heartless and violence.Most important Purpose is to learn about life through the training.I should have selected other expression. but I was not able to write it by my poor english XD I have to learn and , I ll write again.

I wrote "AIUCHI"upon the picture.It means simultaneously striking each other.

About My Design

The one reason why i make this site is that I want to explain about my design.When I was child i wanted to become tatoo artist .but when I was child ,It was still a symbol of a yakuza in Japan.so to become tatoo artist is thought as if become yakuza.and of course I couldn't get a infomation aout tatoo like a how to become, what i need ,what I should do, in japan. I guess I was the only grade school student who wanted to become tatoo artist at that time.recently I began to design as a one of my new hobby.so I can't design as i want yet.But I know that I'm particular about real Japanese tradition design compare with other weird Japanese style stuff.. I really dont like to criticise something.Even if a character of a drama "heroes "speaks strange Japanese, I don't mind.I like him include his choppy japanese.But I just wannna write how Japanese people feel when we see the strange Japanese style stuffs. people are polite too much. and even if the designe sucks, as long as We can feel that foreigner is interested in Japan , finally we are happy.so even if Japanese ppl are thinking you wear strange T-shirt,You will never know what they think .XD so I ll write .
anyway From Japanese view, we often see that foreigners wear the weird and imitation Japanese style design T-shirt. It might be the same with that the Westerners feel weird when they see the asian ppl wear the strange english T-shirt .
and we often see the uncool stuff ..Japanes souvenir T-shirt??I dont know how to call it. the stuff when foreigner visit japan, they buy it as a memory..I think its good stuff as a memory of japan.Im the person who dont like do criticize.. But as a fashion ......maybe it sucks LOL ohh sorry Plz forget latest sentence XD I just recommend you to not take it on when you date with Japanese person or When you want to let a Japanese think you to be cool.For example, the Pic of your band .
and what I dont like is kanji T-shirt that is made only to earn money. We can guess it from shape of kanji and its meanings and relationship of it .It looks like the fraud that lacked morals.
anyway ,I wanna explain about my design in this page when i have a time .I m also making stupid stuff like a weired underwear .so plz dont care it so much

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Copy and paste the HTML below to embed this banner onto a web page.

Copy and paste the HTML below to embed this banner onto a web page.

hi! This is link to my other online store. I don't design on this store yet.maybe soon I'll start. anyway I'm looking for the band or group or person who want introduce yourself to Japanese ppl through this store.I'm supposed to sell some products mainly for Japanese ppl through this online store.then I would like to write some cool information too.and I wanna put music player on this site.


shipping and handling costs


Don't forget to write your Myspace address
I have a really bad memory so I decided to use this map for making my trip plan.Please mark the place where you live in. Don't forget to write your Myspace address. Because even if I would like to talk with you , it is impossible to find out your site by name or pic from my friend list
If possible Please paste your Pic.When I make a trip plan, I'm supposed to contact you based on those information.
At first I'm gonna go to Australia!!



Behind the Great Wave at Kanagawa









My Blog


hoho. I got a old audio amplifier of Technics and speaker on the internet auction.I have been using some famous Speaker so far.example YAMAHA NS10M,BOSS,EVENT 20/20.but I wanted to get one that is che...
Posted by Yuhki on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 11:10:00 PST

Racial discrimination

I have often heard some news about  enlargement of   racial discrimination recently.especially europian news.and i have heard from friend too.according news some ppl discriminate colored pp ...
Posted by Yuhki on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:27:00 PST

dont know why my blog's size is too wide

dont know why my blog's size is too wide.help moi!!
Posted by Yuhki on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:15:00 PST

billy's boot camp

I'm absorbed in billy's boot camp recently.that's why I was away from myspace.I like watching exerciser that is broadcasted late at night.whenever I watch those stuff,I want to get them.I kn...
Posted by Yuhki on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 08:05:00 PST

nice place for me

I came back from honolulu hawaii few days ago.when i arrived to hawaii,I was disappointed to see so many tourist on the waikiki beach.but I already immagined that there is a so many tourist cuz waikik...
Posted by Yuhki on Tue, 22 May 2007 12:01:00 PST


http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1322.htm l
Posted by Yuhki on Tue, 22 May 2007 09:44:00 PST

curly curly hair .mojamoja atama

I had my hair permed yesterday.as I thought,my I became so weird LOLI am often bored with my hair style and think changing it.but almost always i became so weird.I can not help laughing whenener I see...
Posted by Yuhki on Thu, 10 May 2007 01:41:00 PST

My Myspace advertisement

This is what I can see on my space.every advertisement looks like a joke for me....
Posted by Yuhki on Wed, 09 May 2007 12:13:00 PST

Le président français

I am little sad to hear that sarukoji kun became a president of Francecause I had been thinking definitely this mignonne girl become a president.and I had been supporting her long time.her cute face a...
Posted by Yuhki on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:26:00 PST


Posted by Yuhki on Wed, 09 May 2007 06:10:00 PST