arches, strange rocks, senor C, spicy mustard, hot sauce, vegetarianism, big boots, NYC, metalsmithing, making jewelry, painting, blowing glass, squishy kitties, avoiding the "art scene", quitting my job, finding the secret recipe of efudgerone, hating the government, avoiding lame compliments, gardening, going to Utah, being untrusting of weird changes in my life, modeling for friends on rooftops, drinking Delirium Tremens on draught in a pink elephant glass at the Belgian Beer Bar on 4th St with friends & lovers.
If we haven't already met, it probably wasn't meant to happen.
Go away and leave me alone.
This is just a small amount of what my already taxed mind can remember: Mazzy Star, Ladytron, Sublime, Lamb, Portishead, the Velvet Underground, The Final Countdown (j/k), the Pixies, the Beastie Boys, Love and Rockets, Bob Dylan (even though he is a warmonger now), Bif Naked (before she went all Avril Lavigne on us), Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Ice Cube, Freezepop, Lords of Acid, Manu Chao, Erykah Badu, Smashing Pumpkins (old school), the Clash, the Mouldy Peaches, Spinal Tap, Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, Hunter Valentine, Bell Hollow, Jane's Addiction, the majority of cheesy 80's dance, new wave, and old school rap, Rob Bass, Tribe Called Quest, NWA, Sonic Youth, Depeche Mode, The White Stripes, Syd Barrett, Imogene Heap, Janis Joplin, Blondie
Come the fuck on.
television rots yer brain
(except if it's British)
If you read nothing else, at least read "The Secret Life of Plants" by Christopher Bird (i think).
Vapor by Amanda Filipacchi, Low Life by Luc Sante, Be Here Now, Be Now Here by Ram Das, the Decameron, anything by Anais Nin, Charles Bukowski, or Terry Pratchett, The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, the Dark Tower series by Steven King(though i've not finished it yet booo!), travel guides with lovely maps & pictures, the atlas, books that teach you things (kinda like school textbooks...who'd have ever thought?), and the guilty pleasure of Lord of the Rings (shut up, I love it!)
Anyone who fights the system and refuses to conform to the majority while still respecting all life.
Yes, I realize how cheesy this sounds, but that's all you get.