Elle*Que profile picture


non-violence is for the strong only

About Me

I am saving for a sunny day.
Don't add me to your friends list if you have nothing in common with me, want sex, want money, want drugs, want a discount, are "famous", a drama queen, named Brad, are a nazi, a fascist, a Bush lover, a photographer of your own penis (no I really don't want to see your pics), pro-murder, a corporate CEO, someone who owns "multiple properties", a sketchy dude, a dirty old man, a dirty young man, someone with 100,000 friends on their f.l. who wants to win the never-ending popularity contest, a DKD owner, a bad driver who disregards the turn signal, people who get pissed off when they get a much-deserved blast from Sr. C's horn, a person who refers to themself as "a vegetarian who eats poultry and fish", an "artist" who puts up naked photos of themself around their office, someone who needs a straw in order to enjoy their free water, a lover of McDonalds who gets upset upon the occurance of food poisoning, a less than 15% tipper, someone who insists on waking me up at the ass-crack of Don while I'm still in my pajamas to enter my disgustingly messy apartment to survey damage done to my heater by some former methed-out tenant, a coke-head raver, a non-bather, one of those people who takes you to an event where you are forced to hold hands with strangers, someone who thinks a successful painting involves fruit, or for any other reason.
We won't get along, I promise.

My Interests

arches, strange rocks, senor C, spicy mustard, hot sauce, vegetarianism, big boots, NYC, metalsmithing, making jewelry, painting, blowing glass, squishy kitties, avoiding the "art scene", quitting my job, finding the secret recipe of efudgerone, hating the government, avoiding lame compliments, gardening, going to Utah, being untrusting of weird changes in my life, modeling for friends on rooftops, drinking Delirium Tremens on draught in a pink elephant glass at the Belgian Beer Bar on 4th St with friends &amp lovers.

I'd like to meet:

If we haven't already met, it probably wasn't meant to happen.

Go away and leave me alone.


This is just a small amount of what my already taxed mind can remember: Mazzy Star, Ladytron, Sublime, Lamb, Portishead, the Velvet Underground, The Final Countdown (j/k), the Pixies, the Beastie Boys, Love and Rockets, Bob Dylan (even though he is a warmonger now), Bif Naked (before she went all Avril Lavigne on us), Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Ice Cube, Freezepop, Lords of Acid, Manu Chao, Erykah Badu, Smashing Pumpkins (old school), the Clash, the Mouldy Peaches, Spinal Tap, Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, Hunter Valentine, Bell Hollow, Jane's Addiction, the majority of cheesy 80's dance, new wave, and old school rap, Rob Bass, Tribe Called Quest, NWA, Sonic Youth, Depeche Mode, The White Stripes, Syd Barrett, Imogene Heap, Janis Joplin, Blondie


Come the fuck on.


television rots yer brain

(except if it's British)


If you read nothing else, at least read "The Secret Life of Plants" by Christopher Bird (i think).

Vapor by Amanda Filipacchi, Low Life by Luc Sante, Be Here Now, Be Now Here by Ram Das, the Decameron, anything by Anais Nin, Charles Bukowski, or Terry Pratchett, The Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, the Dark Tower series by Steven King(though i've not finished it yet booo!), travel guides with lovely maps & pictures, the atlas, books that teach you things (kinda like school textbooks...who'd have ever thought?), and the guilty pleasure of Lord of the Rings (shut up, I love it!)


Anyone who fights the system and refuses to conform to the majority while still respecting all life.
Yes, I realize how cheesy this sounds, but that's all you get.

My Blog

Exciting Colossal Squid Action!

It's happened again!  Some fisherman found the largest and most intact colossal squid ever near New Zealand.  Colossal squid are even larger than the giant squid and they have large&nbs...
Posted by Elle*Que on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 04:35:00 PST

The Mayor of Crazyland's Opinion

It took all I had not to laugh my ass off when the mayor of Albuquerque came up to me today and said, "I REALLY LIKE YOUR HAIR." HAHAHAHA!!!
Posted by Elle*Que on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 06:05:00 PST

Best Boyfriend Ever

After a successful day at work (1 employee walk-out, 1 disciplinary action, 1 incident report, 1 verbal warning, and 1 "stop your fucking whining"), I come home to a muddy UPS package o...
Posted by Elle*Que on Thu, 15 Feb 2007 06:04:00 PST

Taxes = Blue Mountain Cock Flavoured Spicy Soup Mix

OMG.  The New Mexico state tax e-file website is one big effing wankfest.  And I don't mean that in an even remotely good way.  I think I mean it in more of an unexpected B.A.B.S. ...
Posted by Elle*Que on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 05:44:00 PST


On Thursday, Joshua & I took Sr. C west to the Pueblo of Acoma.  The actual city was built on top of a sacred mesa, surrounded by huge stone monoliths, many stories tall.  All my descrip...
Posted by Elle*Que on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:42:00 PST

Song for Albuquerque

I knew I couldn't stay all mopey & pissy for long.  Even though I have to stay here for a little while longer I will Make The Best Of It. I decided to write a song about Albuquerque: Crazy pe...
Posted by Elle*Que on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 08:40:00 PST

Crazyland - where non-violence is for the strong only

I am going to try to keep this entry semi-clean, just because I know some of you reading this don't need to see my foul mouth & bitter moods.  So here we go! Albuquerque is trying its best to...
Posted by Elle*Que on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 11:03:00 PST

Giant squid, videos and cocaine smuggling options

If you know me, you'll realize that this is one of my favorite subjects.  I love octopi, squid and other many legged cephalopods though I don't agree with arm severing in the name of science or a...
Posted by Elle*Que on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 02:01:00 PST

i have no hands

So last night at work someone turned out the lights while i was cleaning the bar, causing me to trip over the mat & pull a "I've fallen & I can't get up". They informed me today after 4 hours ...
Posted by Elle*Que on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 06:34:00 PST

First Hawaiian Offer

So today a very good thing happened. We received our first offer to come work on an organic farm in Hawaii (via the WWOOF program) next spring.  We had been worrying all day about if it would wor...
Posted by Elle*Que on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 02:31:00 PST