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" I don't like...Singers..." Patrick Bateman

About Me

I am Neill Wylie. Powered by

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My Interests

I love MMA. It's a sport that I started in the year 2000. I've had many ups and downs on the path, losing time through illness, gaining skill through periods where I would train 2 or 3 hours every day. I fell by the wayside through over a year of constant illness and through ongoing financial hardship. Fighting is my love and one day I'll come back to it. I owe my life to it.

I'd like to meet:

I like meeting people who bring my game up and inspire me, who can guide me on the right path.


My more formal musical experience was under the wing of The Bumnotes, notably Gordon McRae (R.I.P.) who throughout my early years, let me flourish and learn to play, and who gave me the oppertunity to play live be it in the Neilson Bowling club or the Queens Concert Hall. I'm into various forms of metal,though mainly tech and death. I also like classical music and Jazz. I am a member of "Lesbos Dextros" and look to one day, play again.


American Psycho, Alfie, Akira, Dog Soldiers. Horror and Manga are my thing.


I don't watch television.


American Psycho, Gates of rome, Death of Kings, Anything factual and anything of the occult.


Hiro Nakamura, Patrick Bateman. Bruce Wayne, Frank Castle

My Blog

A one weekend journey.

I've done a fair bit in the last week.Last Friday, the G man and I headed out on Friday night to travel up north to Fort William to climb ben nevis on the Saturday. Almost all of the way up there it s...
Posted by Neill on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 11:54:00 PST

6 Paragraphs

I'm working pretty hard these days. I'm trying to play catchup with the boys who have been playing the game for longer than my parents have been alive. I've had a good couple of days though. My budget...
Posted by Neill on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 01:42:00 PST

My Juicer

Around Christmas time I believe it was, Stuart and Lauren bought me a juicer for making drinks with.My juicer is ace. It doesn't give you Mulch, paste, grime, lumps, puree, gunge, slop or slime. What ...
Posted by Neill on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 09:07:00 PST

Cheesecake burlesque night

..TR> Last night at the "Capitol" in Glasgow, Cheesecake took place. In the basement below the main bar and two floors below the kareoke booths, hot women ripped off their corsets and peeled off the...
Posted by Neill on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 06:19:00 PST


I mentioned in my other blog that I was going to do some gardening that day. I did do gardening. I chopped up a lot of dead Ivy into managable pieces and stacked them in a linear fashion for managabil...
Posted by Neill on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 05:13:00 PST

Shit hot day.

Yesterday and so far of today have been trippy.I was in a good mood yesterday because I knew I was gonna be off for four days. Last night I went round to stus and had some cheap beer. I actually went ...
Posted by Neill on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 02:42:00 PST


All day, I've had this strange feeling of deja vu and like i'm in an aftermath of something apocalyptic where society is just about working towards making the country livable again. All day, it has be...
Posted by Neill on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 03:12:00 PST

The final "What now?"

What do you do when you've always done the proper thing and you find out that none of it works like you were told from birth that it would?What do you do when you've done everything that has been aske...
Posted by Neill on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 12:30:00 PST

Fuck me! I got a cold!?

Last week I took a couple of days off work, reason being that Rebecca was heading to Australia for rather a long time.We went to the airport and the crazy woman ended up buying me a lunch before she w...
Posted by Neill on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 11:43:00 PST

Decisions decisions.

So I'm gonna have some time freed up in the winter.I don't have to hunt bitch and I don't really have to do anything besides work and still attempt to pay off my debts which never shrink.I believe the...
Posted by Neill on Thu, 28 Aug 2008 03:02:00 PST