well hello, there. i'm fiona and supposedly i've to type stuff in here about me? ok.
i have been on this earth for the grand total of 21 years which makes me feel rather old. i mean, think about it. TWENTY ONE years of fannying about on a planet and what have i got to show for it? the following:
*crawled about, dribbled, drooled, spoke words*improved on the above things and ended up in primary school where i was quite the budding wee writer
*finished off primary with a writing award and a demand that my first cheque for a million be sent to the school
*went to high school where i managed to gather a few highers and standard grades yet failed to figure out what to do with them
*went through a year of being lost then finally found a job
*had a couple of jobs that i didn't like
*but i was soon employed in a muchos massive music store where i have managed to stay for the past year and a half.
i think that's about it really. any questions? no? that's alright then.