munching on brains, eating flesh, gnawing on bones, biting people, fucking with the living, hanging with my undead hommies (and not those fag ass vampires), avoiding snipers, spreading panic, decomposing, moaning...
Well anyone with a heartbeat. I would really like to chew on ole Emeril, I bet his gray matter is spicy goodness. BAM!
This brain is tender, juicy, and full of all the neurotransmitters a young, growing, bloodthirsty zombie needs. The Frontal and Occipital lobes are particularly tender, making for an excellent roast, or diced for a quick snack. The cortical mantle is highly convoluted; the crest of a single convolution is known as a gyrus, while the fissure between two gyri is known as a sulcus. And you know how good that sulcus can be... Isn't your mouth watering already? The frontal lobe, largest of all the lobes of the brain (and great for when you have guests over for dinner), lies rostral to the central sulcus (that is, toward the nose from the sulcus). The precentral gyrus, located rostral to the central sulcus, constitutes the primary motor region of the brain, which, as we all know, makes for a great party dip when blended with a superior parietal lobule.
Must have brains! AGHahghaghAGHGHAGHhgahgAH! Brains are good. Eat Brains! AGHGAHGAHGAHGA argh huh.
I suppose really brooding classical is nice but we really don't have much time for jamming out since we're always so damn hungry. Oh and the fact that our ear canals are putrefying doesn't help either...
But Rob Zombie rocks major ass and is pretty fucking cool to boot.
So here's Rob Zombies Living Dead Girl
Micheal Jackson is ok with us too since he let us show off our dance moves. Not to mention none of us want to eat his weird ass. Come on... even we have standards.
Check out our mad skills in Micheal Jackson's Thriller
Oh and we REALLY hate that crappy techno ass clown of a song Zombie Nation.
Oh boy, oh boy... horror of course.
We get a lot of parts in hollywood, hence the plethora of zombie movies. We really like the ones where we win and this poopie plant is ours to stumble across.
Oh and we even have our own porn... you know you wanna watch it you sick bastards!
TV shows are usually gay unless there are the living dead in it. We thought Grey's Anatomy would be a yummy thing to watch but boy were we wrong. Lame!
Boring... We have no idea why the living read. You lay there like the're dead which sucks butt. Take it from those that really are dead, it's better to be wandering around. Trust us, we know.
Yo momma! Well at least her brains...