Whats good.. My name is Rob... I'm from the east coast born and raised in Boston Massachusetts... When I was 9 years old my family and I moved to California... We bounced around from city to city when we first got here but now we reside in San Pablo CA... Graduated from Pinole Valley High School in 2005 then went to the community college near by... In college I took a couple business classes and some other classes... I am no longer in school because I believe that it is not the right time for me to be in school... I would like to go back and eventually I plan on doin so... I'm just a young man trying to make ends meat... I am also an entropenuer as well as the people around me... Our goal is to be young and rich lol but get it in a different way... no rappers or d boys here... we're working hard at it and soon enough it will pull through for us... if you would like to find out more about that go to the LYME LITE BY D&D page on my top friends list... If there is anything else you would like to know you can send me a message or a comment.. You can also hit me on aim LYMELITEBOYZ or on yahoo YOUNG_ROBB_510