I am a human being. I exist. I thrive, I live. The end.You shouldn't be interested.
- Life
- My wonderful girlfreind Loocy
- My few select freinds
- Music, sounds, noise
- Athiesm
- Surrealism / dadaism / obscure artforms / anti-art
- The human mind
- Supernaturalism / the superunkown
- Fetish / torture
- Photography
- Misanthropia
Met her.
I hate music.
HOWEVER I am interested in anything along the lines of:
Abstract Sound Art / Ambient / Anti-Music / Atmospheric / Avant Garde / Cut-Ups / Doom Metal / Downtempo / Drones / Eccentric / Electroacoustic / Experimental / Extreme / Field Recordings / Harsh / Illbient / Industrial / Improvisational / Martial / Minimal / Musique Concrete / Noise / No-Wave / Power Electronics / Rhythmic / Sound Collage / Soundscrapes / Surreal / Textural / Tonal