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what it was...

About Me

1 of 2 things is me, an old bitter man, or a checker eating dip shit... I do things to excess, and scare most people when i first meet them... I complain a lot, rant and rave, but sometimes, almost seem human... For the most part, i am whatever you think i am, and that is about it. I dont have a clue what i am supposed to be, so you decide, it will probably work out in the end anyways! I like cutting onions and smelling saurkraut so i probably smell. I was raised by dinosaurs so i am an omnivore...

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

people to join me in my attempt at convincing the world, we truly didnt start the fire....


all i need is Oingo Boingo...


pi/ fight club/ leaving las vegas/ dancer in the dark/ amelia/ dawn of the dead/ dead alive/ army of darkness/ city of lost children/ a clockwork orange/ donnie darko/ the og house of 13 ghosts fuck color movies/ e.t./ gummo/ slc punk/ 28 days later/ memento/ identity/ tmnt the first/ being john malkovich/ natural born killers/ creepshow/ full metal jacket/ eraserhead/ mullholand drive/ the meaning of life/ boondock saints/ falling down/ magnolia/ battle royal/kill bill/ resivoir dogs/ the thing/ brazil/ kids/ twilight zone/ fist of the north star/ bottle rocket/ very bad things/ bad taste/ red hot american summer/ usual suspect/ in the mouth of madness/ pulp fiction/ichi the killer/ suicide club/ time bandits/ anchorman/ vampire hunter d bloodlines/ blood/ akira/ once upon a time in mexico/ bill and ted/ das experiment/ naked lunch/ 11:14/ broken flowers/ return to oz/ sin city/ shaolin soccer/ shaun of the dead/ land of the dead/ time bandits/ the stuff/ kentucky fried chicken movie/ battle royale/ gremlins/ one hour photo/ red dawn/ alf saves christmas t.v. special/ old boy/ contender series 7/ 7 samuri/ i heart huckabees/ life aquatic/ last man on earth/ devils rejects/ sin city/ v for vendetta/ sympathy for mr. vengance/ sympathy for lady vengance/ delicatesen/ blue velvet/ cemetary man/ princess mononoke/ save the green planet/ straight story/ the prestige/ crank/ lone wolf and cub series


Twin Peaks wins tv favorite... its the only show with an ongoing story i think i have enjoyed in life...always like vacant lot/ kids in the hall/ rod serlings twilight zone/ alf/ pee wees playhouse/ ren and stimpy/ upright citizens brigade/ space ghost/ invader zim/ and if i can ever catch em, the brak show/ robot chicken/ and harvey birdman attorney at law.... i think i hate everything else on t.v., and usally end up watching cnn... but i have now found that Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert do a much better job at the news...


confederacy of dunces/ mark twain and kurt voneguet short stories/catcher in the rye/ slaughterhouse 5/ slapstick/cats cradle/any thing evan dorkin i.e. milk and cheese, hectic planet, fisher price mystery theater, dork/ preacher/ to kill a mocking bird/ sandman/ most of frank millers work/ sam and max/ johen vasquez i.e. jthm and squee/ bone/ the goon/ transmetropolitan/ maus/ sorrow of war/ rum diaries


harry s. truman/ guatama siddhartha/ shannon hoon/ my granfather/ dan gable/ serpico/ Hunter S. Thompson/ Mitch Hedburg

My Blog

if you dont like bad langauge then dont click

fuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccckkkkkkkkkthere its out there, if you and bad langauge dont mix dont fucking read any-godamned pooping longer aight?!?!?!?so its been a while, a large part of my heart and soul ...
Posted by mack on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 01:01:00 PST

when was it?

so i have become very old of now i am also very drunk...problems with spelling and grammar are iiment, fuck you if thats a problem....right now, driving a car no!walking straight no!pretty...
Posted by mack on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 02:38:00 PST

green, brown and yellow

green, brown and yellow the colours of my snot and spit!  AWESOME!What is this strange conspiracy?  I worked on Christmas eve day, the minute I got off, I got a super shitty cold and spent C...
Posted by mack on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 12:17:00 PST


The left over unidentifiable substance that isnt bad, isnt good, but is something you try to just consume without questioning...Gray matter?  Is that on a brown scale some kind of a sepia tone?I ...
Posted by mack on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:49:00 PST

been a bit i guess

I dont really check on myspace too much these days kinda a hermit in ways.  But my oh my life has altered as of late.Working on buying a house which should be cool when i finish up, for once i ca...
Posted by mack on Sat, 10 Nov 2007 01:38:00 PST

just links

If you know what goatse is this is funny, if you don't, make sure you are not at work or around kids. remember these
Posted by mack on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 04:46:00 PST

the passing of Stanley John Reed

Its been a weird time since i have come back to washington, but it was the right choice.  The things in life i need to be there for are happening more then ever, and had i waited, i would have mi...
Posted by mack on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 06:58:00 PST

rinse, lather, repeat makes Jack go insane

An awesome week, totally awesomework gave me an awesome offerthey wanted to give me fewer hours, the same wage, to work twice as hard, not get a day off except for sunday, and work at 3 am, so of cour...
Posted by mack on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 04:18:00 PST

the responsibility to our feet

little do most realize how difficult this really is, but our feet deserve more from us....I poop often, then again I eat daily and poop comes from eating...when I indulge my self in a good poop I like...
Posted by mack on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 06:05:00 PST

kinda something maybe yeah

Alright so much of crazy different has been as of late.Went to Hawaii, Maui was the Island, Lahaina was the place.A wonderful time was had, i dont know how to really fully explain.Saw dolphins, crazy ...
Posted by mack on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 03:29:00 PST