Why do they call me "Bree"?? profile picture

Why do they call me "Bree"??

Because you never know how life is gonna change and you can't change where you've been. But everyday

About Me

I'm an ARTIST. I love art, music, life and love. LOVE to travel, experience new things, meet new people, hang out with friends & family, shop. I don't like drama, unecessary banter, show offs, liars, and users......Why do they call me Bree?-- A certain group of people....(ya'll know who you are)think my behaviour is similar to that of a certain "desperate housewife".....Naturally I beg to differ.
You Are Most Like Charlotte!
You are the ultimate romantic idealist
You've been hurt before, but that hasn't caused you to give up on love.
If anything, your resolve to fall in love is stronger than ever.
And it's this feminine optimism that men find most appealing about you.
Romantic prediction: That guy you are seeing (or crushing on)?
Could be very serious - if you play your cards right! Which Sex and the City Vixen Are You?..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Questions you've probably NEVER been asked!
Have you ever seen an alligator in person?: Yes
Have you ever lent pantyhose to anyone?: Yes
Who do you think is more attractive: your mom or your dad?: They are both gorgeous! They created me!
Does your doctor freak you out?: No. I only deal with doctors I like.
What kind of gum do you absolutely hate?: WATERMELON!! YUCK
What does the inside of your shower look like?: Simple...Wash cloth, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, soap, razor, shaving gel...
What kind of dictionary do you use?: Websters
What celebrity's hairstyle do you envy?: Gabrielle Union
Are you good at ping pong?: Not really
Does it annoy you when people's eyebrows are a differentcolor than hair?: Yes! Just use the extra dye, and finish the process you know..
Has your grandma ever cussed in front of you before?: She may have in chichewa and I didn't know
What primary color is your Christmas tree?: Christmas trees are not red, yellow or blue. So, none of the above
Have you dated someone with some serious halitosis?: hell no. I wouldn't wanna be near them
Do you like Jerry Springer?: I don't care for him much.
Which would u rather have as a brother: Beavis or Butthead?: Clarence
What is the stupidest thing you've done to a friend's pet?: Pretended to like it
What is the second letter of the name of your street?: M
Is there someone in your town that looks a lot like you?: Not that I know of
What color do you think your heart really is?: Pink
What does your umbrella look like?: It's black
Does your cell phone die frequently?: Nope
What's the most important thing you've ever broke?: it's Broken.....I've broken my own heart, by associating with idiots and assholes
What is your favorite keychain?: My Malawi keychain
Have u ever seen a snake in the road?: No....that's a bad omen
Is there a china cabinet in your house?: No
Have you ever mentally pictured your teachers having sex?: Eeew. no
If you don't meet your soulmate while on earth, will u meet them in heaven?: I've met my soulmate already
Have you ever been to the Kentucky Derby?: i'd love to go so I can wear a pretty hat
What state has the most interesting shape?: Florida
Have u ever heard a wolf howl?: Yes. Woooooooooooooooooooooooo
What's the best camera brand?: Panasonic
Have u jumped on a trampoline for more than 3 hours straight?: Eeeesh, no.
When in a race, do you usually win?: Not really.
What color is the inside of your shower?: White
Do you get sleepy when you ride in the car?: No. I like to see where we are headed.
Is your ring size little or big?: average
Where do you go fishing at?: The grocery store
Have u ever thought about joining a nunnery/monastary?: Yes. But only while watching The Sound of Music
Do you think Bill Clinton's face will ever be on our money?: I hope so....He's handsome
What about George W. Bush?: They can put animal pictures on money?......
Have u ever wanted to tap dance?: Yes
If you could change the color of hippopotamuses would you?: No....nature is beautiful
When someone tells you to tell them when, do you actually say "when"?: Yes
Do you curse when you run a light?: Only if the camera flashes
How many cowboy hats do you own?: Zero
Are you scared when you walk with scissors?: No.
What does your best friend want to do when they grow up?: Be a mommy
Have you been in a flood?: No, thank God
Have u ever worn wooden shoes?: Yes.
How is your credit rating?: Very good
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My Interests

I love to travel, and experience new things......I am proud of my Malawian heritage, and I'm interested in promoting the arts in Malawi. I'm from a place where becoming a doctor, lawyer, accountant and the like is the "right way to go", but I'm proud to have been the only student in my A-level art class :).....I love to paint, and design. I can definitely say I am in a profession that I truly love. I also LOVE music. If I was not a designer, I'd have been a Broadway performer. I also think about starting a women's magazine....

I'd like to meet:

Nelson Mandela, India. Arie, Mary J. Blige, Janet Jackson, Tyra Banks


R&B, Reggae, Dancehall, Rock, Classical, African, Soul/Neo-Soul, Pop, Jazz (some of it-- I'm just now getting into it), Country, Gospel........in no particular order


I'm not much of a movie person, but two of my all time favorites are: Beaches, and The Sound of Music.... OK, My most recent addition:-LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE (FUNNY FUNNY FUNNY)


Soul Food ( I still don't know why they cancelled it!!-that was a SAD SAD DAY ), Six Feet Under, Sex & The City, America's Next Top Model, Desperate Housewives, The OC, The Real World....


Jane Eyre, The Remains of the Day, Little Women, A Day Late and a Dollar Short


My parents. Lugged 6 kids around the world for 15 or so years