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Dietrich Blitzer

the spikeyest in all the land!

About Me

sex, sex, sex...

My Interests

beautiful women, cruiser motorcycles, drumming

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Attack on Iran George Bush is gearing up to attack Iran and has refused to rule out using nuclear weapons. Condoleeza Rice wants a resolution under Chapter 7 of the UN charter – the same move that lead to the bombing and invasion of Iraq. Just like in Iraq the US case for war is built on lies.

Lie 1: Weapons of mass destruction - Iran is a nuclear threat

The International Atomic Energy Agency said this April that there is no proof that Iran has a nuclear weapons programme. Even the US Pentagon says Iran is 10 years away from making a nuclear bomb. Iran’s pursuit of nuclear technology is a direct result of US belligerence. The US is building massive permanent military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan – on Iran’s borders, and has stated they want regime change in Iran. Given this it is only logical that Iran would attempt to acquire nuclear technology to defend itself. The way to avoid a nuclear Middle East is for the US to withdraw its troops and bases from the region.

Lie 2: Breaking UN resolutions - Iran has broken the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
The US and the media claim Iran have broken the nuclear NPT by enriching uranium and are demanding UN resolutions authorising force against Iran. But any country can develop nuclear technology for power generation if they wish without braking any treaties. Iran has not broken or pulled out of the NPT. Meanwhile Israel, the US’s key ally in the region, refuses to sign up to the treaty and has over 200 warheads threatening Arab states including Iran.

Lie 3: The US is a force for disarmament and global stability

The countries that are breaking the NPT are the US and its ally Britain. They are building a new generation of nuclear missiles – Trident D-II. The US has over 10,000 nuclear warheads, 5000 ready to launch. The US has withdrawn from the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties designed to reduce the number of nuclear warheads in the world. The US has re-launched its ‘Star-Wars’ programme to militarise space – including with nuclear weapons. US aggression has initiated a new global arms race, especially in nuclear weapons – the only deterrent the US listens to.

Lie 4: Spreading freedom and democracy
The US wants to paint Iran as a fascist state with Ahnadinejad as the new Hitler (just like Saddam before him). Iran is a modern country with over 90% literacy level and a young educated population. It is one of the more democratic states in the Middle East. Iran has democratic elections and a powerful reform movement, unlike Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Qatar – all US allies. It is the US and its allies that are undemocratic. When Hamas won the election in Palestine the US and Europe condemned the result. In Iraq the US are trying to rig the parliament and refuse to work with the current prime minister Al’Jaffari who they don’t like. A war with Iran will suppress the democracy movement, not help it.

Lie 5: Islam is the enemy of civilisation
The western media have launched a racist campaign against Muslims and Islam. This Islamaphobia is the same old colonial superiority in new language. The modern world and the enlightenment could not have happened without the influence of Arab culture. Islam is no more fundamentalist than Christianity as a religion. In fact it is George Bush who claims he is on a mission from God to wage war in the Middle East.

Lie 6: US Military use of Shannon Airport is not important
Over 160,000 US troops have passed through Shannon Airport in the first quarter of 2006 alone – a 100% increase on last year. Ireland is now the key staging post for US troops on their way to the Middle East. Bertie Ahern has made Irish neutrality a joke. Ahern is supporting George Bush and his war drive against Iran by continuing to offer Shannon to the US Military. Given the record of lies about Iraq, he should immediately withdraw the use of Shannon from the US Military.

Lie 7: Demonstrating about it will change nothing 150,000 marched against the war in Iraq and it still happened. The government didn’t listen.
WRONG. The mass demonstrations brought a political crisis. Bush has the lowest opinion poll rating of any president, ever. Blair is known as a lickspittle and a liar. Shannon has been a permanent feature of politics in Ireland – FF lost 10% support due to it. The recent demonstrations in France shows that protest work – we need to stay on the streets this time to make sure the government listens to us, just like they did in France.

I'd like to meet:

beautiful women that are calm, cool and sane!



anything original. no cheesy shit like soul r&b and country.


anything with an unpredictable story (not hollywood braindead formula puke).


comedy and documentary. hate soaps and sports.


occult self empowering works. mature graphic novels.


anybody that is strong in spirit and true to themselves without victimising others. those who expose the truth for the sake of truth and not personal gain. !

My Blog

irish roads will kill you update... 69.htm   Last Updated: 23/05/2007  17:11 Poor roads causing crashes - Garda Poor road conditions rather than driver error is chi...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 07:47:00 PST

U.S. invasion responsible deaths of over 250,000 civilians in Iraq

..> U.S. invasion responsible deaths of over 250,000 civilians in Iraq Original address by John Stokes ..>   ..> New studies make the Bush...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 06:28:00 PST

Homelessness - the hidden Ireland&

  Homelessness - the hidden Ireland& Returning emigrants, enticed back to the old country with the promise of cashing in on the tiger economy, may have noticed a feature on the streets of Dublin ...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 05:01:00 PST

Scandal of the MRSA cover-up in ireland

by MAEVE SHEEHAN THE number of people contracting the deadly MRSA infection in Irish hospitals - up to 2,500 patients a year - is five times greater than official records have been showing, a new st...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 04:41:00 PST

businesses poisoning our water, irish government letting it happen

The European Commission last week expressed its concern at the continued presence of E.coli in some Irish drinking water supplies despite substantial Government investment. The commission said on Thu...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 04:36:00 PST

Irelands catholic child molesting clergy!!!

Irelands catholic child molesting clergy!!!   Ireland, as most people must know by now, was and still is, plagued by sexually perverse priests and brothers. These child molesters are a danger to ...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:34:00 PST

The Irish government has failed its own people! PROTEST!!!

The Irish government has failed its own people! PROTEST!!!   Successive Irish governments have failed (especially in the last 40 years) to listen to and obey the wishes of the majority of the Iri...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:32:00 PST

Tourists! Irish roads will kill you!!!

Tourists! Irish roads will kill you!!!   Anybody that has read or heard the Irish news must already know the carnage and large numbers of lives lost involving vehicles on the roads in the Republi...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 10:30:00 PST

neutrality? ireland is nothing but a prostitute for u.s.a. business!!!

u.s.a. president george w. bush this week (1/3/06) visited shannon airport, ireland, unannounced to the public, for a photo shoot with 200 american marines, one assumes to promote the invasion of...
Posted by Dietrich Blitzer on Sat, 18 Mar 2006 09:51:00 PST