long conversations with no curfew. good people. comfortable jeans. being comfortable in general. collared shirts. things that are made to last. cartoons. potatoes of almost any kind, but mostly mashed. cold weather. girls that aren't dudes. dudes that aren't girls. vanilla. going to the beach when it's closed. fireplaces. respect. friends. showing good people good movies. steak. photoshop. girls that rock bandannas. avatar. cheesecake. back rubs. inside jokes. self-improvement. respect. again.
there isn't a girl alive who doesn't drink. i settle.
i like westerns. good ones. and funny movies. and ones that make you think. i think how the grinch stole christmas tastefully combines all three.
is not good for you.
you'd figure with kids brought up on stories of super-heroes there'd be more good people in the world