Less is more when you play the role of the whore.... Wearing nothing but makeup that's never run so dry..... With one less action there could've been so much more....
Life would be so much better... IF YOU DID NOT EXIST!!!!
Cast as the role of "The Lover". And I feel slightly misplaced in a world of "Fuck or Be Fucked".
Take a bow.... you deserve it.
You can't shake it; the fear, the vice, the tremble. The bittersweet melody is deafening, so hide your broken halo from me
The paragraph has never been so empty.
The composer just went deaf. The singer lost his breath.The dancer's on a crutch. The writer drank too much. The director lost his touch. In the glow of the crowd.Can you resist the urge to burn the script we wrote? bring on the flood before we choke.