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From: "just me" [email protected] To: mina Subject: Your car ... Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 20:50:11 -0800Today, I read the e-mail about your missing car. While I cannot imagine what it must feel like to lose your car, I may can give you some insight into why the thief stole your car. I do not know you, nor do I know anything about the person who took it, but perhaps if you weren't such a negative, cynical, corrosive, and strange person, you may not have been targeted in that crime. I read some of the bumper stickers on your car, and in my personal opinion (which doesn't mean much), I think it is disgusting. I do understand that each person has a right to his preferences, but I do not give license to someone to put down our President and insult him. Just because you do not agree with his policies, that does not give you the right to insult him. He is a Godly man, and he is only trying to do what's best for the country. I don't agree with everything he does, either, and I get upset with him about some of his stands (e.g. stem cells) ... BUT, I do not insult him for it. If you think about it ... he's not the greatest President we've had, but he sure is someone of character and morality. I only have to think back to our last President, Mr. Clinton, when memories of embarrassment, shame, and utter disgust come flying back to me. He was only the second President to be impeached, and he should have never held that office. He didn't deserve such a noble responsibility. Some role model he was, eh? He can look in our eyes and lie to the American people on television and he can cheat on his wife, but you want to put Bush down and compare him to Satan?! Get real. Obviously, you are a loser, and I think you got exactly what was coming to you. Maybe in the next car you get, you won't have such pathetic forms of political expression. I hope that this note will give you pause to think about your actions and what consequences they may bring.Sincerely,An alum of the UAB SOPHClick Here to sign the Darfur Petition!