Xyle Records’ Official Myspace profile picture

Xyle Records’ Official Myspace


About Me

THE GIFT ALBUM IS NOW IN STORES, Click on the logos below!!!
Click here for the "Top 20 Reggae Singles & Albums Charts"
Paul 'XYLE' Yarrau is the Ceo/Procucer/Composer of Xyle Records and has disciplined himself through the years ,and made some great decisions along the way. He was constantly reminding himself of WHO he wants to become and not where he was. And this has lead him to where he is at now, STILL TRYING HARD TO BREAK IN THE BIZ FULLY!!! And will always keep trying and growing cuz "Mr. Give-up dead and a watch me a Live-up"
It all started a the tender age of 14 just playing and enjoying music in general. By the age of 18 he was taking a stab at becoming a DJ. At twenty years he lost interest in becoming a DJ, but being in that environment planted the seed for what was to ultimately become his career. In May 2005, after college, he got involved in the producing aspect of the business. He really felt like he had found his true calling because he had a natural talent for it. He had always have been in love with producing music but had no idea how to go about it. Finally, in January 2006, he started producing and recording songs and released the first SIngles on the Xyle Records Label off the album ' The Gift Rhythm' from Sizzla & Natty King. The Full album was officially released mainly in Japan & Europe in 2007, and can be found on all major online music stores.
The foundations that Xyle Records is built on can be simple put as such, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference (a Robert Frost poem). At Xyle Records Music has become a labor of love. Staying fully committed to our missions and goals no matter how long it takes or what sacrifices must be made to acheive it.
Developing and impacting generations to come with music and knowing that Xyle Records is making a positive contribution in the industry.

My Interests


Member Since: 5/11/2006
Band Website: betarecords.com/xylerecordz


Sounds Like: THE GIFT ALBUM IS NOW IN STORES, Click on the logos below!!!Click here for the "Top 20 Reggae Singles & Albums Charts"Heart of Gold - Sheldon Senior - The GIft Rhythm - Xyle Records is now 14 on the Top 20 Reggae Singles Charts, View the Chrts here: Click here for the "Top 20 Reggae Singles & Albums Charts"
Record Label: Xyle Recordz
Type of Label: Indie