Aircraft/flying, bowhunting, antique farm tractors, law, theoretical physics, Cal Poly sports teams, ancient languages and cultures, mathematics, astronomy, cosmology, stargazing, blacksmithing and reading about all of the above. I'd like to study Kendo someday.
Ash Rai, Sandra Day Oconner, Rabbi Yonah Bookstein, Jim Cramer, a yeti.
Stevie Ray Vaughn, Stephen Stills, Billy Gibbons, Gordon Lightfoot, Mike Bloomfield, Al Kooper, Taj Mahal, Paul Butterfield, really, any good guitar music. When I was younger I used to say that I liked any music that made me want to get up and kick the shit out of somebody. Thinking about it now, I guess that's still true.
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Kingdom of Heaven, The 13th Warrior, Contact, The Dish, Good Ole Boys, The Abyss, Good Will Hunting, Proof, Brazil, any John Wayne or Clint Eastwood western.
I don't watch T.V. It's not that I don't want to, it's just that we only get one channel and I've pretty much forgotten about it.
Neuromancer by William Gibson, Galileo's Revenge by Peter Huber, Prime Obsession by John Derbyshire, Liar's Poker by Michael Lewis, The Mystery of the Aleph by Amir Aczel, Writing to Win by Steven Stark, Thinking Physics by Lewis Carroll Epstein, Space-Time and Beyond by Bob Toben and Fred Alan Wolf.
My Mom.