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Celibacy in a World Saturated with Sex

About Me

All Virgins, saving themselves for Marriage, promoting Celibacy. This is not a religious group of any kind. It is just a idea I believe in. I'm not here you preach anything just informing and expressing my thoughts.

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Celibacy in a World Saturated with Sex
A lot of teens and adults find it very hard to maintain celibacy in a culture where they feel pressured to have sex, or feel that sex is at every corner they turn. For starters, on some level, sex is. As I said before, you can't shut your sexuality off, and no one should expect you to. It's part of being human. However, choosing not to have a sexual partner doesn't make you a eunuch or a nonsexual person; it simply makes you a person who purposefully doesn't have a partner right now.
Like any choice we make, we can't expect the whole world to make it, too, as it may be the right choice for one person, but not right for another. Instead of blaming others, or feeling attacked, it is more productive and empowering to work with ourselves and be proud of our own choices, not because of what choice -- like abstinence, or abortion, or getting married -- we made, but because we chose what was best for ourselves.
A choice is never right or wrong outside of who we are; it can only be right or wrong for us as individuals.
Many people who really should choose celibacy for a while often do not because they perceive that those preaching abstinence are putting down those who do not, and sadly, that happens all too often.
Make sure your choice empowers you, but doesn't disempower others at the same time.People around you, like friends, family or romantic partners, should support the choices you are making, even if they don't agree with them, or wouldn't make that choice for themselves. That is what it truly is to be someone's friend or partner. If you're choosing to abstain from sex with a partner because it is what is best for you, you are making a powerful choice that shows you care about yourself and are doing what feels the most right.
Anyone who uses that choice to mock you, or tease you, is ultimately someone who is intimidated because you have the strength to empower yourself despite what others think. Even when it isn't about sex, a lot of people are intimidated by strong people, and can't admit it, so they react by trying to make you feel small. Let it go, and remind yourself why you're doing what you are, and remember that the only person who have to really live with is yourself.
While doing things to please others or gain acceptance may work in the short-term, ultimately, the consequences of what choices you make will always lie with you, and you're the one you have to own up to forever.