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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."- Buddha

My Interests

Music, Art, Literature, Physical Fitness, and Nutrition

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interesting and unique.


I love it all!!! whatever u got, I'll take a listen...


"V for Vendetta", "Trainspotting", "A Clockwork Orange", "Dances with Wolves", "Easy Rider", "Goodfellas", "Caligula", "The Doors", "The Yellow Submarine", "Born on the Fourth of July"


T.V. decomposes the brain


"The Ordeal of Change" by Eric Hoffer (definately a mind blower), "Les Fleurs Du Mal" by Charles Baudelaire, "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, "The Fish in the Sea is not Thirsty" by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, "Drugs Masquerading as Foods" by Suzar, "Nature's First Law" by Wolfe, Arlin, and Dini, "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko, "The Book of Secrets" by Osho, "The Book of Questions" by Pablo Neruda, "Siddharta" and "Steppenwolf" by Hermann Hesse, "The Electric Kool-Aide Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe, "Sacred Mirrors" by Alex Grey, "Food of the Gods" by Terrence McKenna, "The Sprouting Book" by Ann Wigmore, and the list goes on...

My Blog

The Illuminati Always Win the "Election"

The Illuminati AlwaysWin The 'Election'By Michael ShoreTel Aviv11-8-4The U.S. Presidential election was rigged even before the first ballot was cast.The whole voting system is rigged by the Illuminati...
Posted by Josh on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 01:39:00 PST

"The New Rules of Imperialism: Economic Warfare, Consumer Products, and Disease Exports"

History tells us that imperialist nations quite predictably invade weaker nations on a regular basis... especially when those weaker nations happen to be standing on valuable natural resources like oi...
Posted by Josh on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 12:55:00 PST

The Human Rights Declaration: Hypocrisy of a Barbarous Society ( An Osho Discourse)

Beloved Osho, It feels strange when the establishment, worldwide, which is ever busy with all its efforts and resources to make sure in every possible way that man cannot remain man, asks us to cel...
Posted by Josh on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 07:47:00 PST

These are some great words of advice...

      Some people think they can find satisfaction in good food, fine clothes, lively music, and sexual pleasure.  However, when they have all of these things, they are n...
Posted by Josh on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 01:38:00 PST

The fish in the sea is not thirsty...

    The fish in the sea is not thirsty - but man is. Man lives in God, and is absolutely unaware of it.  Man is born in God, breathes in God, and one day will disolve in God. ...
Posted by Josh on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 01:09:00 PST