Lord Kitchener ("Kitch"), the Grandmaster, was born April 18, 1922, as Aldwyn Robertsin Arima, Trinidad and Tobago ("T&T;"), into a family of six. His father was a successful blacksmith in Arima. Kitch attended the Arima Boys Gov't School between the ages of 5 and 14, when he was forced to leave school following the death of his parents. He started composing calypsoes at the tender age of 10, and also learnt to play the guitar. His first job as a singer was in 1936, when he was hired to serenade the employees of the Water Works. He got his first break in 1937 while he was performing in an old time bamboo calypso tent in Arima. In 1938, he ventured into the realm of big time calypso, and in 1939 he produced a hit called "Shops Close Too Early". In 1942, he joined the Roving Brigade, a traveling group of young calypsonians who appeared at cinema houses in different districts in T&T. In 1938, Kitch won the first prize in a calypso competition organized by the Arima Borough Council. He held the title until 1942. In 1946 that he had his first big success. He had a hat trick consisting of "Tie Tongue Mopsy," "Chinese Never Had a VJ Day," and "Jump In the Line." He lived in England for many years and performed regularly in clubs in the area. He returned to Trinidad in the early 70's and began performing and compsoing for pan, his compostions won many Panorama titles such 1974's Jericho. After death in 2000, right before the Carnival was to begin, the entire nation of Trinidad and the artists he had inspired payed tribute to Lord Kitchener.
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