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About Me

viva la vidamy first stones album was Black and Blue, my fave stones album is Metamorphosis
my fave stones songs are Sweet Black Angel and Jivin Sister Fanny
my first record bought w/my own money - 7" King Rocker by Generation X on white vinyl and Babylon's Burning by The Ruts
my fave Bob Dylan songs are Hard Rain, From a Buick 6 and She Belongs to Me, and....
my fave Bobby Bare jr songs are Mehan and I'll be Around
my fave Wilco song is I am the Man who Loves you
my first concert was Ted Nugent at Hammersmith Odeon, i was 11, my first concert of someone i loved was Gary Numan, i was also 11 and i cried
best shows i've been to: Cub & the Muffs at Electric Lounge; Imperial Teen at the Troubadour; Stones at Wembley 1982; Ricky Martin at the grammy's, i'm not kidding, Supergrass at Electric Lounge; Guns n Roses at Marquee; and of course any Bobby Bare Jr show

My Interests

music is my fave thing
Ikea because the novelty still hasn't worn off
i am currently obsessed with bento box
sparkly make-up
mexican folk art - like this one by josefina aguilar, i love mermaids

my kids
yoga, especially hot room yoga
collecting archies welches jelly glasses, remember them?
yummy food with no meat in it.
manicures & pedicures
mexico, brazil, costa rica, i want to live in costa rica. nicaragua i love central america
wish to visit dominican republic.
reading trashy magazines and novels.
reading good magazines and mind blowing books
hair, i love hair, well i mean i love getting my hair cut and looking at cool hair cuts on girls.
Toast, toast is yummy.
houses, i'm kind of obsessed with houses. it's a good thing really
crossword puzzles and coffee, how could i live a day without those to start out.
This is one of my fave artists - his name is Kevin Scalzo (no relation)
This is my FAVE Peter Blake piece...

I also love art by Lamar Sorrento, check it out at Yard Dog if you live in Austin.

I'd like to meet:




Imperial Teen
trachtenberg family slideshow players

The Fuzztones
Spacemen 3
White Stripes
Bow Wow Wow
Spongebob Soundtrack
The Muffs
Los Lobos
Iris de Ment
Willie Nelson
Grey DeLisle she's amazing and makes me cry
Dave Alvin
Fleetwood Mac
Nardo Ranks Super Cat, he's amazing
Tubeway Army
Jon Dee Graham
Tony Scalzo
Flamin Groovies
Woody Guthrie
Holly Golightly
Frank Zappa
Louvin Brothers
Grateful Dead
Kings of Leon
Gruff Rhys
what else...Lil Cap'n Travis
that shins song from Garden State
i'm aslo strangely into Bright Eyes, something about the voice and the pairing with Emmylou



Gas Food Lodging
Mi Vida Loca
School of Rock - cello - you have a bass
Little Miss Sunshine
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Party Girl - i really love Parker Posey
Cool Hand Luke
To Kill a Mockingbird
Dracula has Risen from the Grave - hammer horror in general - so 70s, so scary
Napoleon Dynamite
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Alice's Restaurant
The Wizard of Oz
Edward Sissorhands
Nightmare Before Christmas
Sleepy Hollow
Spinal Tap
Kung Fu Hustle

The movie i HATE most of all is Moulin Rouge.


I love little britain, in fact i may invest in digital cable just so i can have bbc america because i really don't like returning the dvds. plus i could watch other stuff.
DALLAS - currently watching first season. too brilliant, i know why i loved it so much back then. it's amazing.
Ren and Stimpy - John K episodes, on dvd
The Simpsons
Pee Wee's Playhouse - R.I.P.
Law and Order
i got some cable, i love tv.


Still Life with Woodpecker
Jitterbug Perfume - these are the kinda books that make you feel like
you miss a friend when they are done
Isabelle Allende
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Love in the Time of Cholera
most latin american literature
Maira Kalman for her art and hilarity
Francesca Lia Block
Weetzie Bat rocks
Life of Pi
A Fine Balance - incredible
Time Travelers Wife - wow
vegetarian cookbooks, tho i never cook.


myself for putting up with a ton of shit and still being so groovy. my kids are great how they go with the flow. people think single mom's are heroic, i think kids of single parents deserve that status also

My Blog


omg you missed a fab night if you didn't go see king khan and bbq show at mohawk - kk's little fringe mini dress almost topped his puking at emo's last year.. ">and the band before - stran...
Posted by evangeline on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 12:38:00 PST


i love condiments a lot - namely:Ketchup (with tabasco sprinkled in it)tabasco - duh, on everythingHP fruity sauce from england that you can get a MGM indian foods heresirracha sauce, OMG this stuff i...
Posted by evangeline on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 05:50:00 PST

rotting pumpkins...

...as metaphorstoday we went to the pumpkin patch. we chose ours, got too many, and some weird ugly gourds. Then Beth and Johnny showed up to stock up for the carving shindig. my daughter palled up wi...
Posted by evangeline on Sat, 20 Oct 2007 01:49:00 PST

happy ending

to a shitty day....why was it a shitty day, blame the lunar cycle, blame the struggle of wills with the girlchild, blame the badhairday due to broken hair dryer, blame lack of sleep due to my fabulous...
Posted by evangeline on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:48:00 PST


1. lacking or having lost life, sharpness, or flavor; insipid; flat: vapid tea.2. without liveliness or spirit; dull or tedious: a vapid party; vapid conversation.friday night had some definite entrie...
Posted by evangeline on Tue, 16 Oct 2007 09:02:00 PST


so today i went to whole foods to do a big shopping for HAAM benefit day. feeling extra extravagant i allowed the nut guy to lure me into his realm with an invitation to "go nutty" with him. have you ...
Posted by evangeline on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 04:22:00 PST

loud laugher redux

omg - so my loyal vintage readers will remember my blogs about loud laugher and my two encounters. Tonight i had another, and it was the creme of the crop. i discovered he is renowned and i am justifi...
Posted by evangeline on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 12:15:00 PST

trail to bliss

no - not that trail....but, there's not much like 4 miles, ipod on shuffle, early morning semi-coolness and lovely ladybird lake - to get new perspectives and a new dayi don't really want the other th...
Posted by evangeline on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 07:35:00 PST


i had a conversation with my fab friends about unicorns, lisa frank, and irony...yesterday, museum day, at AMOA they had an edible art activity for the kidz, toasted white bread and food coloring mark...
Posted by evangeline on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 08:08:00 PST


i love it when my horoscopes match my fantasies and mix with my realities, queen of make believe indeed"there's a return to your 3 year old mind-set. Your reality might include imaginary friends, tall...
Posted by evangeline on Sat, 22 Sep 2007 06:54:00 PST