Ashleigh profile picture


To truely live you have to grab a hold of life

About Me

I work hard. I love to hang out with friends and enjoy every moment that life can hand me. I dont believe in playing games. It is just a waste of time. Life is to short as it is. I like to think that everyone has alittle bit of evil in them and maybe you should step out of the box and look around, you may really like what you see. And who knows you might just want to stay!

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My Interests

I find the female form is beautiful, powerful amd breath taking...I like b/w photos they hold the most detail and tell the hugest story. Art is life, and life is powerful!

I'd like to meet:

There are so many different people that I would like to meet. Alot of them being free thinkers. Some are artist, working with paint while others work by taking the photo's of people and places that capture the human spirt, while still others make a statement in words that scream for those who can not be heard. These men and women speak volumes without saying one word. I think that anyone that expands your mind and your beingis someone that you should want to meet.


I am pretty open it anything as far as my taste. But I am sad to say..I just cant do country...too sad and sappy for me. :(


I like the kind that grabs a hold of you and keeps you guessing at the same time. But I also love to have a really good laugh, you know the kind...where you almost wet yourself and have to go running for the bathroom...


I hate to admit it but I am a huge American Idol fan. (and yes I have been known to vote) I like CSI (Miami and Vegas) But you have to love Sopranos, Big Love, Deadwood, Rome and The L Word. (hey what can I say, got to stretch the mind even if it is for a short time)


I read Dennis Miller, George Carlin and Lewis Black. Very funny to read but it also makes you think.


My parents! Sappy I know but hell they made it through me. That was a huge undertaking in itself. If they survived that they could and have survived

My Blog

Your Choice

..>   In life you have to choose which you are and which you want to become...are you the sand waiting for the waves to love you or are you the waves grabing all that love has to give you....
Posted by Ashleigh on Mon, 21 May 2007 04:21:00 PST

Looking into a Glass

Each person has many different things in life that molds them into the people that they become. Each of us had morphed from one thing to another. Some were the star football player in high s...
Posted by Ashleigh on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 04:12:00 PST

My Pain

Why is life so twisted? You can feel that you have it all in the palm of your hand loving each day because it is new and gives you hope. But fate has a very crule way of fucking with you. (and yes I s...
Posted by Ashleigh on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 11:27:00 PST

Age & Life

I sit here tonight and think about life. All the roads a person can travel. Now by looking at a persons age you think that you can read them. You may say that~oh they are not old enough to know hearta...
Posted by Ashleigh on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 05:41:00 PST

Just thoughts about life.

Thoughts about someone...about life: Shy, quiet, soft, funny, unsure, lonely, guarded, and somewhat afraid. In time you has become: light, bright, joy, excited, happy, full, and even hopful. In ...
Posted by Ashleigh on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 11:15:00 PST

The morning

The sun rises and with it bring the hope of a new day. A day that will not have a negitive effect on your life. The coffee is on and the shower is running with the hum of peacefulness that calls you i...
Posted by Ashleigh on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 05:10:00 PST

One of those days

Here is a question I am posting towards anyone that reads....Why is it when you have a wonderful day planed it all falls to shit in the matter of minutes? My case in point....I had a busines...
Posted by Ashleigh on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 04:09:00 PST

The Event

In the dark a small light shines, this is the event. A rise, a fall, a sihouette moving in rhythmic motions. Time stands still, no words, only breathing the sounds are small and simple. It m...
Posted by Ashleigh on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 11:50:00 PST

A True Friend!

I met someone, ok well we have known each other for about 9 months (give or take) I didnt know if I would like her at first. She seemed so, well, hummmmm~ Well shit "not me". And before anyone gets th...
Posted by Ashleigh on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 12:01:00 PST


This week I had to make some hard choices in my life or should I say my family.  I have had this one little man in my life that has made me smile, yell and cry. He would cuddle with me when I did...
Posted by Ashleigh on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 07:20:00 PST