finding truth, having fun, riding fixed gear, long boarding, Drama (Acting, Directing, Writting...all of it)! Doing Stuff, Coffee House!
Why am I here? I enter this shallow reality in hopes to reconnect, stay connected, and connect with people. I'd like to find the lost. I'd like to be light in Darkness. Why am I here? I am here because I'm not dead. A guy in the Bible named Paul said to die is gain but to live is Christ. To live is to be a light in a darkened world. I'd like to meet everyone. I'd like to show them truth and light. I'd like to show them Jesus Christ!
Hiking Lassen with the youth leaders from Valley Church
Flatfoot56! I like all different kinds of music some christian and some not. I think it sounds wierd to say some music is christian. What I mean is I use music in two ways - for worship and entertainment. I listen to music, some of which I morally agree with and some that exemplifies how things are in this dark world. (If you have questions just write me a message.)
Viva los Bio Dome! I like movies in the same way I like music and the other arts. People are creative and I love to take part in it. If you don't like this and you have questions ask. I have to say that any of the Nooma videos by Rob Bell are awesome.I just like movies.
This changes like I change my socks and that being said, Friends for life! the office, House, Scrubs, Grey's Anatomy, Freaks and geeks, Garfield and friends, Saturday Night Live, The Three Stooges, Arrested Development, Sponge Bob Square Pants, The Simpsons,
Bible, Da Jesus Book, What's so amazing about grace, Velvet Elvis! Blue like Jazz, Do not Disturb, The Unusual Suspect.
Yeshua, Bruce Fuller, JJ Zettle, my wife Diana for marrying me :) George Gunn, Doug Fields,