"Before reading I'll have you know band bios are Fucking Bullshit. Do you really know what music sounds like by reading or even listening to a mix? Your ears are mush and you're spoiled by media bla bla bla.
I'm not sitting around one more day pretending this is the best band you've ever heard.
This is the best band I've ever been in and it keeps getting better.
It Rocks your ass and is out of fucking control.
Rock is not about you're T-Shirt art or your friends who have a band. That is the smallest part of it. It's also not about how fucking well known your shit is. Rock is about sweat, excess, sound, and hard work. It's about kicking ass and feeling shit. If you feel the same you'll stop being a whiny bitch and going where your friends go to listen to some shitty idea of music handed safely down to you by your parents and the media. We owe these parents a great debt for justifying our rebellion but we have our own damn ears.
People should respect your ears and stop trying to brainwash you.
Quite bluntly, if it's too aggressive, thought provoking, fun, sexual, dirty, or loud...YOUR TOO OLD to come to the show.
Even if you're twelve".
Love and Hand Hearts
Mercury Mad
MERCURY MAD started performing on stage at age fifteen playing lead roles in Highschool musicals such as FAME , GODSPELL , and The Plant in Little Shop of Horrors . He had started his first Rock band in 1989 as a Misfits/DK style punk group.
After a few short years of heavy practice on guitar he had played and fronted several local metal & alternative groups around the Midwest.
The complete thrilling nature of responsibility, adulthood, and consumerism eventually would push him into college as a graphic arts major. This would soon be changed to Music Composition/Vocal Performance Opera for several years, and then Theatre & Film. Theatre just seemed to be where all of the arts came together for him.
During his college stay he performed characters such as Jack In Sondheim's Into The Woods , Henrik in A little Night Music , David in To Gillian on her 37th Birth Day , Beauty Smith in a Musical adaptation of Jack London's Call of the Wild. He had also played guitar for shows such as Hair , Bye Bye Birdie , & the KU touring version of Schoolhouse Rock Live .
In the summer of 2001 MERCURY started and fronted the group Vibralux, Mercury Mad & The Plastic Bitches .
MERC composed the first half of the Trans-Mission album over a hot homeless summer in Lawrence, KS. The music was composed in honor of 1974 era glam style similar to that of The New York Dolls, Lou Reed, T-Rex, & Bowie. MAD auditioned members and drew out ideas for outfits and makeup in typical theatrical style. MERCURY remained four years as the leader, composer, promoter and makeup artist for the group. For a short time MERC's friend FRANK acted as fashion director and also makeup artist to the group. The look was based on Kabuki Theatre, Scenester Girl Fashion, J-Pop, and also drag cult movies such as Vegas in Space , and Pink Flamingos .
In 2003 Vibralux won Kansas City's Pitch Weekly, Best Drag Show. In 2004 the group was nominated for The Pitch Best live Performance. In the spring of 2006 MERCURY MAD accepted the NYC Fresh Fruits award for best live performance on behalf of Vibralux .
2006 NEWS:
MERCURY started the GENERIC X DJ project with famed Lawrence "DJ Art Fag" GUNTER KALLMAN . During the time MERCURY is not touring or being the DJ/Host he is composing music for a new Mercury Mad & The Plastic Bitches Rock Album as well as a dance album with famed synth player ATOM SMASHING.
MERCURY MAD will also be touring off and on as guitar/vocal back up for Glam/Goth group Apocalypse Theatre on the U-35 Recon 3 tour as well as performing a bit of his own solo project.
Mercury Mad has continued as a solo artist, composer, and DJ as an outlet for his prolific writing and desire to entertain. In December of 2006 he rejoined with Vibralux members Asmo and ATOM Smashing and is currently recording two solo projects as well as planning his next project Mercury Mad & The Plastic Bitches.This new project will include the rough dirty Glam Rock ass kicking of some of the first Vibralux EP's and will include more of the Electronic influence the original fan base knows and loves.In the mean time Mercury Mad hosts her own GLAM CLUB-LAND, fabulous, theme night. CLUB PLUSH @ KORRPUTION and plans to release three albums and tour relentlessly with "her" Plastic Bitches.
You can help Mercury Mad & The Plastic Bitches out by downloading the album below!
Mercury Mad in The Pitch
Vibralux & The Bitches in The Pitch
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Join Vibralux, Mercury Mad & The Cult of the Dolls
Vibralux, Mercury Mad & U-35
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[email protected] for the footage.
Thank you to Plan B: the pride devours &
Contranaturam for the clip!