Russell profile picture



About Me

Living in Birmingham England. Mundane existence paying off mortgage , working in a boring job , Can't wait to get home to my Rabbit , 2 hamsters and 2 dogs. Used to play Football to a decent standard , enjoy playing Cricket these days and have run a marathon or 2 in the past.

My Interests

Downloading music watching Football (West Bromwich Albion), Cricket (Warwickshire), Rugby union (Moseley) and American Football ( Cincinnati Bengals)

I'd like to meet:

I think i had better leave that one as the reality would certainly be less interesting than the mystique. Happy to talk about any of the interests listed. Can bore for England on the subject of Punk 76-79.


There are loads that i like some tracks of but the ones that i like all (or most) of) are as follows: Jackie Leven, Doll by Doll, Ian McNabb, The Clash, The Tubes, Johnny Moped, Wire, Manic Street Preachers, REM,


JFK, Malcolm X, Control; 24 Hour Party People, Times Square, The Green Mile, Shawshank Redemption, Forrest Gump, The Frighteners, Back to the Future III, man on the moon


Yep , def a fave. the guitar interplay between Richard Lloyd and Tom Verlaine is wonderful. I quite like the 2nd LP also which is widely slated by most.


Currently reading Bowie , Penguins stopped play , Photographs of the first world war.


Nelson Mandela

My Blog


Some ............. amoeba like git has hacked my account and sent out stuff.Apologies to those that thought it was me , esp Dan's memorial site....what were they thinking of ?Password has been change...
Posted by Russell on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 11:24:00 PST