Hanging out with my friends, having fun, Auburn sports, writing music, occasionally camping and being outdoors, going to the lake, going to the beach, being with my family, and that just may be about it.Auburn vs. Georgia 2005
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I'll keep this short. Jesus, but Iknow I'll meet Him. Some of my great heroes who I have not met. A good President, a great musisian I have not met yet, and some great Auburn players and coaches.Auburn 2
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Classic rock, soft rock, country, a little alternative, various stuff in between. My favorite band might be Lynyrd Skynyrd, but I also like stuff like The Eagles, Charlie Daniels, Jonny Cash, The Allman Brothers, Nickelback, etc.Freebird -- Lynyrd Skynyrd
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The Naked Gun, Christmas Vacation, European Vacation, Vacaition, Vegas Vacation (The whole Vacation series lol), Elf, A Christmas Story, National Treasure, Cast Away, and basically anyting that can make me laugh even if I'd seen it several times, and a few action movies are fine too. CLICK HERE TO Tell me what you really think of me!
Football, Andy Griffeth (I know it's old but o well), Everybody Loves Raymond, 20/20, The Way of the Master, The Zone, Some news if I'm bored.
Auburn Football 2004
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Myths, Lies, and Downright Stupidity written by John Stossel, The Holy Bible written by God, Every Thought Captive written by Richard L. Pratt Jr., my school books written by whoever they were written by, and anything that interests me but I'm not a complete book nerd.
Jesus, my parents, my grandparents, Betty Douglas, George Washington, Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, the great Protestant Reformers, and those who have died for this country or for the Confederacy out of humility and bravery.
You Are 44% Open Minded
You aren't exactly open minded, but you have been known to occasionally change your mind.
You're tolerant enough to get along with others who are very different...
But you may be quietly judgmental of things or people you think are wrong.
You take your own values pretty seriously, and it would take a lot to change them.
How Open Minded Are You?
You Are 80% American
You're as American as red meat and shooting ranges.
Tough and independent, you think big.
You love everything about the US, wrong or right.
And anyone who criticizes your home better not do it in front of you!
How American Are You?