Rare Groove, Sunblushed Tomatoes, Cheese, Latin America, Staffordshire Bull Terriers, The X-Men, Madge, Plastacine and its formless dexterity, Fake wounds, Monsters and Aliens, Angels & Demons, Rough Love, mi familia, Co-ordination, NYC vs. LDN, Electro, Kate Moss, Guillermo del Toro, Dungeons and Dragons, Olympics, Mermaids, The environment...everything interests me today.
Anyone who has eleven fingers...and aliens (both illegal and extra terrestrial). I aint picky...unless Im made picky!
As a great man once said, "As long as it makes my soul move, Im cool..."
As a great woman once said, "Through film I see life, and I love life..."
As a Great Dane once said, "WOOF WOOF WOOF...WOOF WOOF...WOOF"
Reading the Historian by Elizabeth Kostova at the mo-its....ok! Watch this space MO FO's.
King Creole and the Coconuts