Almost everything interests me. I have a useless shit file stored in my brain that is always wanting more.
Friends and anyone who loves life and can live it on its terms!! Be true to yourself and the rest will follow.
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Billy Holiday, Chet Baker, Louis Armstong, classical, rock, hip hop, country, musical scores, electronic lounge, celtic music, eastern indians, asian, ALL OF IT.
Thrillers, action, feel good and true life. Usual Suspects, Devil's Rejects, Snatch, State of Grace, Big Fish, The Professional, Lock Stock and two smokin' barrels and the list goes on.... and on...
Law and Order, morning news, UFC, The Young Ones, Kids in the Hall
The way of the peaceful warrior, A hundred years of solitude, Mary Stewart's trilogy, The day the universe changed.
My Dad and Mom. No One comes close. Also Aurdrey and anyone who can be true to themselves at all times (that's hard to do)