If my name was PHILIP, I would be PHILIP PINO.
Certain loved ones before 2/2/98 so I could save their lives. And, of course, me in the past so that I could give myself some winning lottery numbers of the future...hmmm.
EVERYTHING. Even random sounds of life: Airport sounds, traffic noISe in foreign countries, roosters and chickens in the day, the hum of lights outside of a 7-Eleven 3:30 in the A.M., bedsprings in a cheap motel and quiet storms at night on the Estero Island coast are just some of the things that's MUSIC to my ears.
STAR WARS Trilogy, Boogie Nights, Shaving Ryan's Privates...I mean Saving Private Ryan, Big Fish, Lost In Translation, Anchorman-The Legend Of Ron Burgundy, Mars Attacks, The Chronicles Of Narnia, Blade Runner, Vanilla Sky, Young Frankenstein, ET, History Of The World Part 1, Carlito's Way, Scarface, Poltergeist, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Stripes, Porky's, Big, 1941, The Exorcist, Secretary, 9 Songs, True Lies, True Romance, Any Given Sunday, The Fog, Something About Mary, The Ring, Dawn Of The Dead, Live And Let Die, Sailor Beware, You're Never Too Young and pretty much all Martin and Lewis comedy, The Toxic Avenger, In Like Flint, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Cell, Pirates of The Caribbean, Bully, Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Hocus Pocus and many, many more.
BACK TO THE FUTURE reruns on AMC, a couple of gingerbread lattes from our Fretalian buddy, Alexis and me...priceless.
The 11th Hour
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Mon Familia und mio Amigos.