what is under there?bike bassbanjo baike baike bike bas bike bassbajno biuke basisk baio !bike!
christ is my bestfriend bitch nigga what?
MC5,oye vey.. alooha, at the drive-in, de facto, the mars volta, pg.99, hot cross, torche, hendrix, zepplin, sublime, modest mouse, ratm, fordirelifesake, strikeanywhere, 208, gwar, evergreen terrace, ugly cassonova, zao, buju, barinngton levy, marley, lovs looss but not forgotten, orhid, psycho78,majority rule this ship will sink, you and i , the pax cecilia nouveau, old man glood, cave-in planes, seatia,converege, Pig destroyer, oasis
four rooms, man on the moon, romeo n juliet, the doors, pirates of caribean, higher learing, resevoir dogs
scooby-doo .
"said the shotgun to the head"-SAUL WILLIAMS
X-MEN. are cool heroes, superman as well, batman had all the gangsta gadgets tho...