Metallspürhunde profile picture


Huldigt Eurem neuen Gott!

About Me

Metallspürhunde from Switzerland have a backbone of electro-metal encased in flesh of pummelling industrial, and EBM courses through the band's arteries. Their heart holds a love of 80s new wave and synth-pop that shines through in their music. The electronics breathe out a mix of expansive melodies and deep, gut-thumping bass, tempered by clever effects and topped off with distorted guitar riffs and pumping beats: a mongrel that is playful and trusting one moment, gnashing ferociously the next.The vocals lean towards a monotonous, dry barking. The lyrics tell tales of disgrace, digging into the smouldering embers of the fire to uncover the seducer and the seduced. The words achieve depth and strength through inventive use of metaphor - the poetry of battle. Being sung in German gives them that extra hard edge.The new album AMOKMENSCH of Metallspürhunde features stories about running wild and the edges of humanity. The dense and atmospheric production was done at the Danse Macabre studio and prooves the uprising of this young and impressive band. The album also features a videoclip to the song "obszöne neue welt" (obscene new world).
Current album "AMOKMENSCH"
Extracts from our upcoming video "Was hat Dich bloss so ruiniert"
Live at Pratteln 27.04.07 (plus interview)
Click to zoom in on my visitor map!

My Interests


Member Since: 5/10/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:
Michel Frasse
vocals, music

Thomas Baumgartner
keys, music

Patrick Sayer
guitar, music

Marion Altwegg
keys, lyrics

Record Label: Danse Macabre
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Live pics WGT 2008

Some nice pics from our show at WGT are now online!
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 01:48:00 PST

WGT: Schickt uns Eure MSH-Fotos!

Wir haben uns riesig gefreut, dass Ihr am Montag so zahlreich an der Parkbühne erschienen seid und so toll mit uns gefeiert habt! Trotz Mörderhitze und leider gar kurzer Spielzeit wars mal wieder ries...
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Sat, 17 May 2008 12:19:00 PST

Wave Gotik Treffen 2008

We proudly announce that we’ll take part at WGT 2008 in Leipzig. Join our show on Monday 12th May, it’s gonna be our first show with brandnew songs from the upcoming album! See you there!...
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 05:01:00 PST

Calendar girl Marion...get the calendar!

Our band photographer Annie Bertram has just released her new wonderful DARKVIEW CALENDAR 2008 with twelve dark beauties, featuring Marion as april girl. If you like to order it (19 ¬ +...
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 06:23:00 PST


Dear all, it's almost done! Our new single will be released on december 7th, but we're offering you an exlcusive glance at the video clip. Find the extracts from our new clip on the main site! For ma...
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 01:29:00 PST

MSH unplugged: Download our new Web EP "Nackt" now!

Our web ep "Nackt" is now available: We recorded 5 songs of ours in acoustic versions and you can download it for free! Click this link to download the songs and the cover sheet:
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 07:06:00 PST

Exclusive Myspace-Interview on Deutschmusikland

Mikki from Deutschmusikland did an exclusive interview with us (in English), check it out! ->
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 12:55:00 PST

MSH on Vampirefreaks

We're also on Vampirefreaks, check it out...
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 03:27:00 PST

Video now online!

The video clip to our single "Obszöne Neue Welt" is now online. Have a look!
Posted by Metallspürhunde on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 03:11:00 PST