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Contact Box Generated from http://www.myspaceeditor.it
From 17 years, Angie Vhelena devotes the most transgressive dimension of his life to the music. Starts like guitarist in projects that space from punk-hc to crossover and dark- goth , trying to keep alive, also in a small village of province, the " Alternative-Destroyer Spirit " that live in everyone . Afterwards, helped above all by that he defines " Post-Modern Metropolitan Evilness" , he grieves himself to sonority more and more electronic , preferring those endowed of that " intrinsic obscurity "that fill also his works and his way to create and to compose music. This is in force also for his remix and his musical rearrangement, in "Vhelena's key", of songs from famous artists or brand new ones. All is concretized through band and projects like " Knoch About Production ", " K.M.M.N. ", " Imod.Inc. ",â€Fase Beta Del Progetto Bâ€, " Kinder Toten Lieder ", "Nothing Inc. ", " Nerve Nailer ", " Black Latex Motel "..." Vhelena Projekt." Angie Vhelena is also the "Slut Garden" guitarist, appreciated tribute band of Marylin Manson from Bari.
For other info: [email protected]