The evolution of the machine species know as the Cylons can be traced back to the earliest robotic mechanisms created by the Twelve Colonies.In those early times, these machines were built to destroy bassbins and dance floors acorss the galaxy, then as avanced articial workers that could perform hazardous tasks.The progenitors of the Cylon Alliance served the Colonials in bars,dance clubs and then the arena's of space.Eventually,they be came soldiers,fighting in wars and border conflicts between the colonial peoples and it was here that they first gained true sentience.The Cylons were the most perfect of man's war machines,intelligent and deadly,capable of logic,reason,and learning.In the cruible of the battlefield,the Cylons decided that their servitude to humans was at it's end.They rose up in a night of blood and fire to lay waste to their masters.With the Twelve Colonies united against them the Cylons began an assault on humankind with one purpose in mind-THE TOTAL AND ABSOLUTE EXTERMINATION OF THEIR CREATORS!
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