Derick profile picture


I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

i totaly break the cliche, "what u see is what u get"..
You Are From the Moon

You can vibe with the steady rhythms of the Moon. You're in touch with your emotions and intuition. You possess a great, unmatched imagination - and an infinite memory. Ultra-sensitive, you feel at home anywhere (or with anyone). A total healer, you light the way in the dark for many. What Planet Are You From?
Your Element Is Fire
Your passion and emotion are as obvious as the brightest flame. You make sparks fly, and your passion always has the potential to burst out.You are exciting and creative - and completely unpredictable. You sometimes exercise control, and sometimes you let yourself go.Friends describe you as sensitive, spirited, and compulsive. Bright and blazing with intensity, you seem mysterious and moody to many. What's Your Element?

My Interests

2 meter band radio, outdoors, lots of nature, water, sun or sunset.. hiking, surfing, a good game of darts and a hot mug of cofee

I'd like to meet:

marius de romano




not much of a movie fan..


the vampire chronicles, specifically, Memnoch the Devil, The Count of Montecristo.

My Blog

Saddest Poem by: Pablo Neruda

Saddest Poem I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. Write, for instance: "The night is full of stars, and the stars, blue, shiver in the distance." The night wind whirls in the...
Posted by Derick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


body{background-color:black}BODY{scrollbar-face-color:red; scrollbar-shadow-color:black; scrollbar-highlight-color:black; scrollbar-3dlight-color:red;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:black ; scrollbar-track-...
Posted by Derick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

be strong.... hehehe!!!

A prisoner escapes from his prison where he had been kept for 15 years. As he runs away, he finds a house and breaks into it looking for money and guns, but he finds a young couple in bed. ...
Posted by Derick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


in my solitude i wander in my deepest fantasy i linger. to where you are i wish to be where i am no longer alone. to hold you, touch you, feel you so close to me... to feel you breathe against my...
Posted by Derick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

surf and poetry

this one was borrowed from one poetic surfer dude... enjoy..Ü We are the surf pirates Riding the purple waves of love The glow of vanilla moonlight bring us together The flow of smooth Bom...
Posted by Derick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

some poetry.. a piece by Karen Jessie

To you my love I vow... Be my strength, and i will be the same for you. Like a mirror I will reflect the love you so freely give. Like the infinite circles that ripple forth in the water pi...
Posted by Derick on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST