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I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The Cure:Don't deny that sick feeling in your stomach you can't run from it. let it guide you into high view and move beyond the summit. from peeks to valleys speed through alleys if it's done quick, you'll have time to find the caves where the days are never sunlit.find the scriptures made by a society of blind men, who suggest the best direction's where you most likely will find them... dead set on checkmates embracing a chess set. when bedspreads get wet they're left with the scent of death 7 seconds I'll become undone, I'm breaking through. if you're around by the time I reach number one I'm taking you. You're not the traveling type? Then hide your baggage better, before you die a normal death and write the average letterabout your internal furnace, and how life's a sexually transmitted disease that you contracted from her kiss. when a boy writes off the world it's done with sloppy misspelled words if a girl writes off the world it's done in cursive.I'm searching for the cure this is a sickness can you hear me, love?i kick dirt for what it's worth listening to the birds chirp the same cryptic speech that the breeze speaks and sea repeats. recognizing the cycles with every passing day. writing full demands in the sand with my toe til crashing waves washed it awayi watch what i say now but I hate it. trying to make my mark, afraid of the dark nature of vague statements that plague vacant parking lots where shopping carts go uncollected. that sick feeling in my stomach start to leave my heart and soul infected.I won't accept it. I do my best to reject patterns til it hurts, every second making bad turns for the worse. she's getting further away I can feel it in the way my bones ache. The ocean sealed it's lips, now the waves won't break.The secrets it won't say has got us trying to break codes in churches and lately I've been hating its soul purpose. when a boy writes off the world it's done with sloppy misspelled words if a girl writes off the world it's done in cursive.I'm searching for the cure this is a sickness. can you hear me, love?Now I look for air pockets to pick, walk with a stick, start picking locks with it. opening up heart-shaped lockets with little arguments. the tawdry trinkets start to split and contradict those who say one thing but think the opposite.I bit the dust tongue kissing documents in a smoke stack. faith is harder to swallow than pride it, turns our throats black. I want my home back. i know that's not an available option. it's the way that I'm walking in between a cradle and coffinthat makes me pace myself. if half the battle is done right, the other half won't take my health while jacking my shadow's sunlight to crack it open and find the space between my breaths are desolate life is just a lie with an "f" in it and death is definite.But after I scratched the surface I never saw the calm before the storm act so nervous. when a boy writes off the world it's done with sloppy misspelled words if a girl writes off the world it's done in cursive.I'm searching for her Can you hear me, love?-Saaaaaaaage Francis


Bob Marley and the Wailers, KRS-ONE, Typical Cats, Atmosphere, Mos Def, Kweli, Pharoah, Common, Qwel, Tonedeff, Cunninlynguists, Sage Francis, Wordsworth, Crown City Rockers, K-os, Green Day, Postal Service, Blink 182, Sum 41, Brother Ali, Madlib, MF Doom, Erykah Badu, Lauryn Hill, John Legend, The Beatles, Marvin Gaye, Al Green, The Roots, Locksmith(Anthroplitics Holla Back), Classical Nerds Crew, Murs, Wu-Tang Clan(AINT NOTHIN TO FUCK WITH!!!), Johnny Cash, Eyedea and Abilities


My Sassy Girl, Dead Poets Society, Vanilla Sky, Battle Royale series, When Harry Met Sally, Kill Bill, Ghost in the Shell 1 & 2, Akira, Brown Sugar, Pi, Last Samurai, Matrix Series, Hannible Lektor flicks, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Dumb and Dumber, Farelly Bros Films, Old School, Anchorman, Dodgeball, Stanley Kubrick joints, The End of Evangelion, STAR WARS!!!!, Garden State


Iron Chef....the original(FUCK THE NEW SHIT!!!)


The Bible, Dogeaters, Eating Fire and Drinking Water, The Communist Manifesto, The Republic, Blade of the Immortal, Jurassic Park 1&2, Fleep, Blankets, Same Difference and Other Stories, Flight Anthologies, Paper Biscuit, I's, Battle Royale, Angels and Demons(Dan Brown novels kill), Yotsuba, Walking Dead, Samurai Champloo


Corky from "Life Goes On" and Steven Seagal.

My Blog

you sure are smarter...child

Ok a short blog but also just kinda cool and funny. Many of you know of aim robots made to simulate talking to a real person. The one i usually use and have used for a long time goes by the name smart...
Posted by Lawrence on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 01:36:00 PST

so far

Yeah its been one of those hectic and hardboiled semesters. It has definately had its ups and downs but this is only the third week and usually i should be partying my ass off. Instead i feel overwhel...
Posted by Lawrence on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 09:01:00 PST

in the end

disclaimer: my appologies for not writing lately but i have been contemplating and experiencing a lot. i am sure it will happen again sometime so just hold tight for my next sabatical. also sorry for ...
Posted by Lawrence on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 02:24:00 PST

so much on my mind that i cant recline

Thats how its been for me today. Recap? Sure. I wake up this morning to find myself in an argument with my dad. Now i know its almost natural that fathers and sons will fight but the relationship we h...
Posted by Lawrence on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 12:24:00 PST


Ok so me and the guys have once again raised the bar when it comes to our fun and made the ultimate game. Or should i say "gaym". But serious this shit is fun and seriously gay at the same time. The s...
Posted by Lawrence on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 10:33:00 PST

a break from the gay shit

Ok if you notice what time it is while im posting this you would see that i am awake just after 4 am and i am still not sleepy. This has been my regular sleeping pattern for some time now and its star...
Posted by Lawrence on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 05:03:00 PST

letter to random person .4 and something else

Dear ________, Thanks for smiling at me in class last semester. You have no idea how it changed my day. Also you are hot and incredibly smart. If only you didnt have a boyfriend. He seems like a reall...
Posted by Lawrence on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 12:50:00 PST

letter to random person .3

Dear ______, You are by far one of the most memorable people i will ever have the honor of knowing in my life. You will always have some kind of lasting impression on me despite all time and dist...
Posted by Lawrence on Fri, 14 Jul 2006 10:24:00 PST

letter to random person .2 and something else

Dear ________, I thought i liked you but i dont. You are not nearly dope enough to garner that kind of attention from me. I was probably just lonely because i havent had any girls give me attention i...
Posted by Lawrence on Sat, 08 Jul 2006 04:36:00 PST

letter to random person .1

(To the readers of these letters: I am writing these simply for entertainment and myself. In no way do i intend for any malice to be spawned from these letters. Although they are my real thoughts towa...
Posted by Lawrence on Mon, 03 Jul 2006 07:38:00 PST