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I am here for Friends and Networking

My Interests


hip-hop, rnb, drum and bass, opera arias, trance


Wall St., Shawshank Redemption, Joy Luck Club, Lord of the Rings, The Last Emperor, American Beauty, The Clash of the Titans, The Ten Commandments, Virgin Suicides, Kung Fu Hustle, 2046


Animal Rescue on Animal Planet, Dave Chappelle Show, MTV addict, some reality TV shows, Oprah, Globe Trekker, TAIWANESE DRAMA (so addictive!)


East of Eden, Lord of the Rings, The Good Earth, Angela's Ashes, Lady Chatterley's Lover, Uncle Tom's Cabin. I am a prolific reader and have read pretty much every best-selling novel in the last 10 years but I always go back to classic literature.


Hugh Hefner, John D. Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, Machiavelli, Donald Trump, Oprah